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Thuc ra cung chang co gi chi la su dung xt chuc nang cua xtgem thui. Cac ban tao 2 file co ten la mobile va web nhe. File mobile lam giao dien wap, file web lam giao dien web. Dan code nay vao index: <meta http-equiv="Refresh"content="0; URL=http://yourdomain.com/<xt:get_device_template />"/>
ban chat cua van de la xt chuc nang nay :<xt:get_device_template /> no se hien thi mobile khi ta truy cap bang mobile va web khi ta truy cap pc. Don gian chi the thoi.
P/s: neu dung trinh duyet may se anh huong toi toc do load trang cua cac ban day

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