Windows Shine Edition V2 - Windows 7 64bit siêu đẹp

Author : Prince NRVL
Code Name : Windows Shine Edition V2
Windows : Windows 7 ULTIMATE, SP1
Architecture : x64 (64 Bit OS)
License : 30-Day, Evaluation Copy
Shrine :
Dedicated : Shines

*OS Perks*

- Boots up in less than 10 seconds
- Installs in less than 10 minutes
- 3 New eye catching themes
- High resolution theme resources
- No issues with update on themes or boot
- Fixed delay time and also bug on updates
- Fixed bug on language stuffs
- New sound schemes
- New cursors
- New start up ORB
- EOA applications for faster resource changes
- New Brilliant wallpapers and
- More..


- Added RUN on start menu
- Add change theme
- Add change wallpaper
- Add desktop icon settings
- Add MSCONFIG to right of my computer
- Advanced user accounting
- Cleartype view
- Copy to Move to on right click
- Disabled windows defender at startup
- Disable hibernate
- Disable UAC
- Disable windows media player autoupdate
- Disable Tool Tips
- Don't mark new applications
- Enable AVALON effects
- Enable ClearType Tuning
- Enable DVD in media player
- Enable Glass Effect(DWM) without graphics card
- Enable MP3 Encoding on right click
- Enable slow motion windows effects
- Enable status bar in notepad
- Flip 3D effect (Same as windows switcher)
- Get rid of windows mail splash
- Give your self permission to modify all
- Grant full admin control
- Neo Reconia Sys Site direct link from right click (Firefox needed)
- Removed Action center Icon
- Windows speed tweakings (Prince NRVL Registry)
- Wait to kill service - 2000
- Low leve hooks time out - 1000
- Hung application time out - 1000
- Menu show delay - 0
- No low disk space warning

*Windows Programs Removed*





- Adobe flash player 10 Active x64
- Adobe flash plater 10 Plugin x64
- Adobe reader 9.4.0 Lite
- Adobe shock player 11.5
- Android SDK Tools
- Aurora 11.0a2 (New Firefox)
- Ccleaner
- Easy BCD 2.0
- Game Booster
- Imageshack uploader 2.2.0
- Java 6 Update 26 x64
- Java 7 Update 2 x64
- Java SE Development Kit 7
- K Lite Codec pack 5.6.7 x64
- K Lite Mega Codec pack 8.1.7 (Updated)
- Media player classic - Home cinema
- Microangelo On Display x64
- Microsoft.Net Framework 4 Client Profile
- Microsoft.Net Framework 4 Extended
- Microsoft C++ 2005 Redistributable
- Microsoft C++ 2005 Redistributable x64
- Microsoft C++ 2008 Redistributable 9.0.2 - 9.0.3 x64 & x86
- Microsoft C++ 2010 Redistributable 10.0.2
- My Phone Explorer (For SE Mobile Users)
- Rainmeter x64
- Theme resource changer x64 1.0
- UxStyle Core Beta
- VLC Media Player 1.1.11
- Windows Shine Boot Screen From Prince NRVL
- Windows 7 Start Button changer 1.0.0
- WinRAR 4.01 x64
- Yahoo messenger 11.5 (new)

*Prince NRVL's Ease of Access Applications* (Can be seen in Documents folder)

- Glass Gadgets
- Remove water mark x64 (Thanks to Michelle)
- Se7en Logon Changer 1.1
- Universal Theme Patcher
- UxStyle Core
- Windows 7 Boot Updater (Thanks to Jeff, Coder4Life)
- Windows Se7en Replacer (Thanks to XpTSP)


1) How do I install your windows?

Just burn the ISO image on to a disc using NERO or ULTRA ISO or DVD burner software at very slow speed. Note this if you burn at high speed u may end up in issues!
You can also chose to insall this windows via UFD ( USB Flash Drive ).

2) How do I install this on a UFD?

Open the image in Ultra ISO > Select Bootable menu > Select Write Disk Image option. Chose your UFD and start writing.

3) What is the difference between your windows and normal OS from Microsoft Corporation?

My Windows is a modified version of Microsoft's. You'll have all the settings preset by me and also you'll have good performance of the OS compared to the native MS'. If you wanna see what tweaks i've made so far, please go throu above section for more details.

4) After installation can I update my windows?

After installation you'll have 30 days time to activate your windows. Windows can be activated by online through Microsoft site by paying the amount they charge. This windows is Ultimate version of windows from Microsoft.

5) I cannot update windows, is this due to your modding?

Modding has nothing to do with the updates. I haven't removed any dll files other than MCT themes from Microsoft!! So the diagnose is either you are not running a genuine OS or you've disabled it.

6) You say that you have installed a new boot screen, can I change it?

Ofcourse you can change your boot screen as many times you want. I have provided a folder by name Prince NRVL EOA applications in Documents Folder. You can see a app called win7bootupdater.exe
Run the app and restore the files to normal, then try out your own screens you want.

7) How do i know that you've not installed or programmed a hacking stuff or bugged into this OS of yours!!

All my windows are genuine and have not at all bugged with any trojans. My windows are clean and promising performance. There are literally a lot of ppl who are using my windows and been happy with it.
NOTE: I have scanned my windows with Mc Afee Total Protection!!

8) Thanks for your products, how can I show my gratitude to you!!?

You can pay some money if you want to my paypal account ->
Any money sent by you is much appreciated, as u might know this product is a hard work of sleepless nights, energy and many more sacrifices.. So any money sent to my account is much appreciated.

9) How can I help u other than donating or sending you money (Since i dont have paypal account)

Well if you don't have a paypal account u can send me money throu some wire transfers or other things. If you don't wanna help me via sending money, you can aid me with sharing the knowledge of yours, may be, GFX or others. You can get me access to seedboxes or servers which eva you can so that I can benefit outta it.

10) Is the fresh installation always necessary?

Yes, fresh installation allows the OS to install it properly. All files will be copied on to your HDD unlike upgrade!!
And other since the OS' are modded you've to choose this option to install this beauty flawlesly!





















Well credit the OS properly and share it with your pals. This is my last OS to my members and my luv "Shine".
Thanks to every one who have been in interest to try out my OS'. I know it may disappoint a few, but I've no choice to be on track at the moment.

If I resume, I shall inform you all before I do. But I need to rest for a while lol. thanks to all my dearest members, users, well-wishers and my enemies..


- Thanks to original creator of AWOKEN ICON set
- Thanks to Panda24 for getting me Awoken Set
- Thanks to Arhie Smith for his phenomenal work on tron and clu themes
- Thanks to Darknez and Sharp Suter for their server support
- Thanks to all who have helped me and encouraged me
- Thanks to my LUV "Shines" for her eternal love and support


- New script to optimize WIMs
- New batch analyser script for the screens
- New WIM compression (Z-Compression)
- New Boot Screen
- Fast menu response
- Fast boot up dll enhancement
- Faster shell responses
- Fast registry cleaning
- and many more Prince NRVL Techniques!!

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