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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Code này chắc chưa wap nào có hôm nay tớ xin mạo muội share .có gì sai xót ae lượng thứ
Hướng dẫn :
B1 : Import data này vào phpadmin : Tải xuống pets.zip (0.7 KB)
Mở file profile.php trong users ra.
$total_photo = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cms_album_files` WHERE `user_id` = '" . $user['id'] . "'"), 0);
    echo '<div class="list2"><p>' .
        '<div><img src="../images/contacts.png" width="16" height="16"/>*<a href="profile.php?act=info&amp;user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng['information'] . '</a></div>' .
        '<div><img src="../images/activity.gif" width="16" height="16"/>*<a href="profile.php?act=activity&amp;user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng_profile['activity'] . '</a></div>' .
        '<div><img src="../images/rate.gif" width="16" height="16"/>*<a href="profile.php?act=stat&amp;user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng['statistics'] . '</a></div>';
    $bancount = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cms_ban_users` WHERE `user_id` = '" . $user['id'] . "'"), 0);
    if ($bancount)
        echo '<div><img src="../images/block.gif" width="16" height="16"/>*<a href="profile.php?act=ban&amp;user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng['infringements'] . '</a> (' . $bancount . ')</div>';
    echo '<br />' .
        '<div><img src="../images/photo.gif" width="16" height="16"/>*<a href="album.php?act=list&amp;user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng['photo_album'] . '</a>*(' . $total_photo . ')</div>' .
        '<div><img src="../images/guestbook.gif" width="16" height="16"/>*<a href="profile.php?act=guestbook&amp;user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng['guestbook'] . '</a>*(' . $user['comm_count'] . ')</div>';
    //echo '<div><img src="../images/pt.gif" width="16" height="16"/>*<a href="">' . $lng['blog'] . '</a>*(0)</div>';
    if ($user['id'] != $user_id) {
        echo '<br /><div><img src="../images/users.png" width="16" height="16"/>*<a href="">' . $lng['contacts_in'] . '</a></div>';
        if (!isset($ban['1']) && !isset($ban['3']))
            echo '<div><img src="../images/write.gif" width="16" height="16"/>*<a href="pradd.php?act=write&amp;adr=' . $user['id'] . '"><b>' . $lng['write'] . '</b></a></div>';
Dán đoạn code này vào sau đoạn vừa tìm được
echo '</p></div>';
    echo '<div class="phdr"><a href="index.php">' . $lng['users'] . '</a>'; 
$amarelle = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pets` WHERE `user_id` = '".$user['id']."'"));
if (isset($amarelle['user_id']) AND $amarelle['pet_id'] >= 1) {
$ost = $realtime - $amarelle['time'];
if ($ost > 604800) mysql_query("UPDATE `pets` SET `pet_id` = '0', `time` = '0' WHERE `user_id` = '".$user['id']."'");
echo '<span style="float : right;"><a href="/shop/pet.php"><img src="/images/pet/' . $amarelle['pet_id'] . '.png" alt="" border="0"/></a></span>';
    echo '</p></div>';
    echo '<div class="phdr"><a href="index.php">' . $lng['users'] . '</a></div>';
Xong lưu lại và up lên host .Muốn hiện thu nuôi bạn vào shop để mua nhé


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