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This modification adds options for checking RSS feeds more frequently than every 10 minutes.
You will now have the option to set RSS feeds to be checked every 2 minutes or 5 minutes, in addition to the existing options of 10 minutes and up.
This is mostly done through minor source code edits.
First, edit includes/class_dm_rssfeed.php
Search for:
... and add IMMEDIATELY AFTER...
Next, edit admin/rssposter.php
Search for:
That's it! Now you will have the option in the RSS Feed Manager to add feeds to be checked every 2 or 5 minutes. You can also go back to your existing feeds and change them to be checked every 2 or 5 minutes.
One more thing... you will have to modify the RSS Poster Robot settings in the Scheduled Tasks, or the feeds still won't be checked more frequently than once every 10 minutes.
To do this, go to the Admin Control Panel, select Scheduled Task Manager, and then click Go under RSS Poster Robot.
Make sure Days of the Month, Days of the Week, and Hour are all set to *. Then go change the first column of Minute also to *. The result should look like the below attachment.
You will now have the option to set RSS feeds to be checked every 2 minutes or 5 minutes, in addition to the existing options of 10 minutes and up.
This is mostly done through minor source code edits.
First, edit includes/class_dm_rssfeed.php
Search for:
case 600: // every 10 minutes
... and add IMMEDIATELY AFTER...
case 300: // every 5 minutes
case 120: // every 2 minutes
Next, edit admin/rssposter.php
Search for:
600 => construct_phrase($vbphrase['x_minutes'], 10),
120 => construct_phrase($vbphrase['x_minutes'], 2),
300 => construct_phrase($vbphrase['x_minutes'], 5),
That's it! Now you will have the option in the RSS Feed Manager to add feeds to be checked every 2 or 5 minutes. You can also go back to your existing feeds and change them to be checked every 2 or 5 minutes.
One more thing... you will have to modify the RSS Poster Robot settings in the Scheduled Tasks, or the feeds still won't be checked more frequently than once every 10 minutes.
To do this, go to the Admin Control Panel, select Scheduled Task Manager, and then click Go under RSS Poster Robot.
Make sure Days of the Month, Days of the Week, and Hour are all set to *. Then go change the first column of Minute also to *. The result should look like the below attachment.