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Share filelist mcamxuc


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là filelist truyện nhé :D

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index post

<!DOCTYPE html><html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
    <title>Truyện Hay - Mcamxuc.Wap.Sh</title>
include /xt/truyen.xt
call @filelist $tm=data;$xem=xem;$tm1=truyen;$tit=Update Truyện;$fol=/data/
<xt:include file="/truyen/the-loai" />

rồi tạo
/ma chẳng hạn

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
    <title>Truyện Ma - Mcamxuc.Wap.SH</title>
include /xt/truyen1.xt
call @filelist $tm=data;$xem=xem;$tm1=truyen;$tit=Truyện Ma;$tl=1;
<xt:include file="/truyen/the-loai" /></div>

rồi tạo thư mục /xt
trong /xt tạo
function filelist $tm=;$xem=;$tm1=;$fol=;
var $list = <xt:filelist sort_type="updated" sort_dir="desc" per_page="8" folder="/$tm1/$tm" template="&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class='list2'&gt;› &lt;a href=&quot;/$tm1/$xem?game=.file_name.&quot; title=&quot; Tải Game .file_name. &quot;&gt;~dau~.file_name.&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;~cuoi~"/>
assign $end=call strrpos $haystack=$list;$needle=~cuoi~; $offset=0
assign $start=call strrpos $haystack=$list;$needle=~dau~; $offset=0
var $getname = call substr $val=$list;$start=($start+5);$length=($end-$start-15);
var $noidung = call source $file=/$fol/$getname
#Lấy Thể Loại
var $sub2 = call substr $val=$getname;$start=-1;$length=2
assign $tl = $sub2
assign $ltl = $sub2
assign $tl = call str_ireplace $subject=$tl; $search=0;$replace=Hành động
assign $ltl = call str_ireplace $subject=$ltl; $search=0;$replace=hanh-dong
assign $tl = call str_ireplace $subject=$tl; $search=1;$replace=Vui Nhộn
assign $ltl = call str_ireplace $subject=$ltl; $search=1;$replace=vui-nhon
assign $tl = call str_ireplace $subject=$tl; $search=2;$replace=Chiến Thuật
assign $ltl = call str_ireplace $subject=$ltl; $search=2;$replace=chien-thuat
assign $tl = call str_ireplace $subject=$tl; $search=3;$replace=Online
assign $ltl = call str_ireplace $subject=$ltl; $search=3;$replace=online
assign $tl = call str_ireplace $subject=$tl; $search=4;$replace=****** Việt Hóa
assign $ltl = call str_ireplace $subject=$ltl; $search=4;$replace=crack
assign $tl = call str_ireplace $subject=$tl; $search=5;$replace=Trí Tuệ
assign $ltl = call str_ireplace $subject=$ltl; $search=5;$replace=tri-tue
assign $tl = call str_ireplace $subject=$tl; $search=6;$replace=Phần Mềm Mobile
assign $ltl = call str_ireplace $subject=$ltl; $search=6;$replace=soft
assign $tl = call str_ireplace $subject=$tl; $search=7;$replace=Symbian
assign $ltl = call str_ireplace $subject=$ltl; $search=7;$replace=s60
assign $tl = call str_ireplace $subject=$tl; $search=8;$replace=Cảm Ứng
assign $ltl = call str_ireplace $subject=$ltl; $search=8;$replace=cam-ung
assign $tl = call str_ireplace $subject=$tl; $search=9;$replace=Thể Thao
assign $ltl = call str_ireplace $subject=$ltl; $search=9;$replace=the-thao
#Lấy Thông Tin
assign $infoa=call strstr $haystack=$noidung; $needle=[/info]; $before_needle=1;
assign $infob=call strstr $haystack=$infoa; $needle=[info]; $before_needle=0;
assign $info=call str_replace $subject=$infob;$search=[info];$replace=;
assign $sinfoa=call str_replace $subject=$info;$search=<br />;$replace=.;
assign $sinfo=call substr $val=$sinfoa; $start=0 ; $length=80
#Lấy Tên
assign $tena=call strstr $haystack=$noidung; $needle=[/ten]; $before_needle=1;
assign $tenb=call strstr $haystack=$tena; $needle=[ten]; $before_needle=0;
assign $ten=call str_replace $subject=$tenb;$search=[ten];$replace=;
#Lấy Icon
assign $infoa=call strstr $haystack=$noidung; $needle=[/info]; $before_needle=1;
assign $infob=call strstr $haystack=$infoa; $needle=[info]; $before_needle=0;
assign $info=call str_replace $subject=$infob;$search=[info];$replace=;
assign $bda = call strripos $haystack=$info;$needle=http://
if $bda >0
assign $kta = call strripos $haystack=$info;$needle="/>
var $anh = call substr $val=$info;$start=$bda;$length=($kta-$bda)
var $anh=/nophoto.png
#In dữ liệu
var $list = <table><tr><td width="40" align="center" class="game"><img src="$anh" width="50" height="60" alt="icon" />
var $list = call str_replace $subject=$list;$search=~dau~$getname</a></div>~cuoi~;</a>$replace=$ten</div></td><td width="auto" valign="top" class="game">• <font color="aqua">Thể Loại:</font><a href="/$tm1/$ltl"> Game $tl</a><br>• <font color="aqua">Mô tả: </font>$sinfo ...</td></tr></table>;
if $start > 25
goto @batdau
print <div class="hdr">Update Game!</div>$list

tạo tong.xt
print  <font color='red'>
function dem $folder=/;$filter=-index;$dauhieu=;$tm=data;$tit=;$div=
assign $count = <xt:filelist folder="$folder" template="$dauhieu" filter="$filter" />
call strlen $val=$count
print  </font> $tit
ae nòa hiểu cách làm thì swea ài hộ tui phát đang vội về không kịp sửa :D

ai ths thì thank

à hd nè

tạo /data
rùi tạo 1 tệp dạng text
post truyện vào đó
[ten]tên truyện[tên]
[tg]tên tác giả[tg]
[info]nội dung truyện[/info]

code cùi thui hì mong ae
đừng chém hì :D

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