
  1. khanhsak3r

    Hỏi Căn lề 2 bên khi post bài trên johncms

    Thay vì việc phải sử dụng code căn lề 2 bên mỗi khi viết bài, mình muốn căn lề tự động thì phải chèn code căn lề 2 bên tại file nào trong thư mujc forum.
  2. A

    [XenMax] - Limit Post Link 2.0.0

    Description: This add-on could reduce spam, ads when only active members could post links. Features: Permission for user group to require X posts to post URLs. Permission for user group max URLs per post. White List manager Installation: Download...
  3. cuongpro9x

    Help Lỗi Link khi custom post type

    Đây là đoạn code custom của mình // Register Custom Post Type function custom_post_type() { $labels = array( 'name' => _x( 'Viết Blogs', 'Post Type General Name', 'text_domain' ), 'singular_name' => _x( 'Viết Blog', 'Post Type Singular Name'...
  4. Lee_Jin

    Share filelist post bằng 2 file tránh timeout

    demo: giới thiệu: filelist này post = 2 file, 1 file text(hiện thị tên ra index) 1 file html(bài giới thiệu game, truyện...) b1. tạo folder text bên trong các files đều phải là định dạng text vd là: avatar.js và điền code sau document.write("Tên bài viết"); b2. tạo...
  5. P

    Hỏi PHP Post ID cần thêm chức năng limit time

    Em đang có 1 đoạn code Post 1 id đến 1 file rồi xử lý Hiện tại e muôn nó có chức năng LIMIT Time với id đã post <form method="post" action="file.php"> <p><input class="twitterFollowButton" placeholder="Điền ID LIKE" value="" type="text" id="page_id" name="pd" style="width:400px;" /></p>...
  6. K

    Hỏi Curl Cách Post nội dung

    Mình có 1 curl đăng nhập thành công giờ mình muốn post bài ở trang đã đăng nhập thì làm thế nào ạ ai biết hd mình với
  7. A

    Display Postid (post count)

    I searched for Template Modifications to display the PostId (post count) number in the node control of postbit legacy, but could not find one here for 4.x series of vb. So, I wanted to do it on my own in a Trial & Error basis, finally succeeded, hence want to share it. I am not a...
  8. A

    Post Quote Length Limit (vB5)

    Another mod brought to you by, As some of you know, when someone quotes a post, sometimes they are long posts. This can make the post hard to read, and IMO, not look as good as it can. Sure you could limit the characters of the quote one way or another, but this is not the best approach...
  9. A

    Advanced Report Post Management System

    This Addon brought to you by www.vBulletin-TR.Com This is a Port from Distance"s Advanced Report Post Management System for vBulletin 3.7.x and 3.8.x working fine. THIS PRODUCT IS COMPATIBLE WITH vBulletin 3.7.x and 3.8.x What does it do? This is better for forums which...
  10. A

    Can't download other attachments Before x post

    Hello!! What does this product do ? Can't any one download Other Attachments Before x posts. All user can download for all Thumbnail and Image Attachments. But Can't any one download Other Attachments Before x posts. options hack : 1. On / OF 2. How Many Post To Can Download Other...
  11. A

    [OzzModz] Hide Quote Buttons In Last Post

    Another mod brought to you by, Here is a small modification you can use to hide the quote and multi quote buttons in the last post of a thread.. It is a simple installation, just import the product XML, product-ozzmodz_hide_quote You can edit the options under the settings, [OzzModz]...
  12. A

    [OzzModz] First Post On All Pages Per Thread/Forum

    Another mod brought to you by, Here is a small modification you can use to the first post on all pages, per forum or by thread id. It is a simple installation, just import the product XML, ozzmodz_firstpost_display You can edit the options under the settings, [OzzModz] First Post...
  13. A

    [OzzModz] Welcome Thread / Post For New Users

    Another mod brought to you by, This is a simple mod, that will post a new thread or post, when a new user joins your site. It can be set to post as soon as the member completes the registration process, or when they confirm their email, should you have that option set in your vBulletin...
  14. A

    Hướng dẫn thu gọn ajax post thank you hack

    Vào Admincp > Search in Templates chọn chỉ tìm trong tiêu đề, nhập post_thanks_postbit Tìm <a href="post_thanks.php?do=post_thanks_remove_user&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}"<vb:if condition="$vboptions['disable_ajax'] != 2"> onclick="return post_thanks_remove_user({vb:raw post.postid}, <vb:if...