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XenForo 1.3.0 Released


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Today, we are excited to release XenForo 1.3.0, the first supported version in the XenForo 1.3 series. This release builds on previous versions of XenForo to add new features and bug fixes. We are now confident in recommending customers to upgrade their production websites to 1.3.0. Please see upgrade information below.

We would like to thank everyone that provided bug reports and feedback throughout the beta and release candidate period.

New Features
The new features in XenForo 1.3 include:
  • Custom BB Codes
  • EXIF Rotation, ACP Searching, Proxying and Change Logging
  • Editor Toolbar, Spoiler BB Code and MultiQuote
  • Welcome to XF 1.3 / Assorted Improvements
  • Google+/Twitter Registration, User Upgrade Logs, Censor Improvement
  • Various Moderation Improvements
  • Smiley Management Enhancements

Templates Changed Since 1.2
A full list will not be released as it's simply too large and the changes are significant. You should use the "Outdated Templates" system (and the new template merging option) to bring your templates up to date. Alternatively, you may wish to simply revert your customizations and redo them.

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