Share VPS with 24GB of ram and 4 vcores


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The well-known brand Oracle, is offering some free services that we are going to take advantage of to get this VPS.
Before we start, it is completely free but you need a credit or debit card that will receive a temporary charge of less than 1$ to verify that it is a valid card, and after verifying it you will be refounded that amount instantly, if you follow all the steps in this guide, you will not receive any charge (unless Oracle makes a policy change).

The first thing to do is to go to the following link:, and click on the "Get started for free" button. Next, you must fill in all the information requested.

In the section where you select the region where our resources will be deployed, it is important to select a server that does not alert you that they are in high demand. This is the region where our VPS will be hosted, so choose a place close to your location.

I also want to clarify, that currently they give a credit of 250€ to use the first month, so you can try all the options that Oracle has. If you use the credit, be careful because it runs out after one month or when you spend the credits and your card will start to be charged.

After adding everything (if there is no error), you will be able to login to your Cloud account. When you log into Oracle, you have to go to the instances section. If it does not appear, you can enter by opening the dropdown on the left side of the page and enter the "Compute" section, and there you will find "Instances". I recommend that you fix the instances by clicking on the thumbtack when you put the mouse over it, so it will appear directly on the home page.

Once we are in this section, in the left dropdown there is a section called "Compartment", where you will have to select what you get, which is the name of your account in the Cloud. Now you can create the server.
We click the button to create instance, and you have to put exactly the following:

In "Placement" and "Security" we do not touch anything. In "Image and shape" click on "Edit".

In the "Image" section, select the operating system you want, it is important that it is one that says "Always Free-eligible" next to it, because if you select one that does not have this, you will be charged when the initial credit runs out.

In the "Shape" section, select the following:

Free vps 1.png

Free vps 2.png

Set it up as it is here. You will never be charged with this configuration.
Click on select at the bottom left to save the changes in the section, and continue.

In the "Networking" section, click on "Edit" and click on "Create new virtual cloud network". This will create your network where the server will be deployed, it also creates by default a subnet. After that, we go to the next section.

In the "Add SSH keys" section, you will be able to download the private key to access the server. You can use any SSH server to make the connection and there are a thousand tutorials on how to connect with the private key. IMPORTANT, keep this key very well because without it you CANNOT ACCESS, if you lose it, you have to close the instance and recreate it.
To access the server, you have to use a SSH client. I use MobaXTERM, but you can use other softwares or even the OpenSSH client from Linux.

Then, in the "Boot Volume" section, we will click on the first option, "Specify a custom boot volume size".
We will specify 199GB, which is the maximum that can be added without being charged. Also in this same section, we are going to select in "VPU" the value of 20. They are not going to charge you and it improves the speed of the disk.

After all the previous steps, click on the "Create" button.

With this, you already have the VPS created. For the port forwarding, you must go to "Instances", in the server, and the "Subnet" section. There you will be able to see the inbound rules and so on. You will also find all the server information, its status, its public IP so you can connect to the server and many more options.

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