This template has so many features and designed to improve your blog search engine rank by using the techniques of search engine friendliness and on site SEO optimization. So that ,After the installation of the this template in your blog, whenever your blog will be crawled by search engine and it will get indexed easily without any difficulties
This blogspot template developed for the niche blogs like newspaper blogs, sports blogs and tech blogs. So this template could be used for most type of the blogs. Let see some of the key features of our news magazine blogger template.
‘SpiceMag’ News Template Key Features:
- Featured posts in Slideshow(Automatic Update)
- Small thumbnails with grabs the image automatically
- Cool page navigation like Word press.
- Related post box at the end of every post (To improve Page Views)
- Stylish Mashable like social Widget added
- Cool Social bookmarking Icons Included
- Blogger Threaded comment form included with improved styles
- 3 columns template
- Magazine Style
- Tabber tabs content blogger widget
- Thumbnail images with posts
- Horizontal Category Navigation
- Adsense supported
- And,Two Stylish Carousel Content sliders blogger widgets included.
- Footer has two category widgets.
This template comes with setup file for easy to install and setup and so that you don’t need to editing the code.
1. First open the file in your text editor like Notepad++ and edit the template before installation.
2. Just see the below code and do the instructions,
/* SpiceMag SETUP */ /*This block for category nice names */ featured_slider = 'Relationships'; trending_slider = 'Relationships'; footer_slider = 'Relationships'; footer_cat1 = 'Relationships'; footer_cat2 ='Relationships'; /*This block for category Widget Titles */ footer_slider_title = 'Footer Slider'; footer_cat1_title = 'Technology'; footer_cat2_title = 'Movies'; /*This block for Social Account names */ facebook = 'spicytricks'; twitter = 'spicytricks'; feedburner = 'welcometospicytricks'; google_plus = '108090600653180771302'; linkedIn = 'http://YOUR-URL-HERE'; youtube = 'spicytricks'; pinterest = 'http://YOUR-PINTEREST-URL'; /* SETUP_END */ /* Here Relationships is category nice name with Case sensitive*/ /* Here Footer Slider is category widget Title*/ 3. Search the “SETUP” Word using Ctrl+ f in the Notepad++ and enter the details like featured_slider category name and trending slider category name and so on. I think Remaining setup codes are self-explanatory. So do follow instructions and save file
4. Then, In your blogger dashboard, Go to Template and click Backup/Restore button then upload the SpiceMag- Magazine template XML file.
Download tuoitreit.vn_spice-mag1.zip (31.09 KB)