Well-Known Member
Staff member
This modification show an elegant forum description when moving mouse over the forum title. Look at the screenshots for more! This is the upgrade of my template modification SCANU - Forum description on title mouseover [as Xenforo]. Live Demo
If you want to see how great looks the jquery effect go here for the online demo.Installation
Upload the product via admincp and go in Settings->SCANU's Forum description on tilte mouseover for customize the style.For 2.2 version: go in "Settings->SCANU's Forum description on tilte mouseover", set lesscode to yes and put the id of your last forum to perform the script.
For the update just redownload and reupload the file, make sure that overwriting is set to Yes.
Please post your translation in a reply so everyone can uses it. Restrictions
In the description your " will replaced with ' for example if you write "errare humanum est" you will see 'errare humanum est'.PLEASE VOTE THIS MOD FOR MOTM CLICK HERE, AND CLICK MARK AS INSTALLED
To get support:
- Mark this mod as Installed
- Copy/Pasted errors or screenshots
- URL/link to site

SCANU's Elegant Forum Description on mouseover 2.3.6.xml