Well-Known Member
Staff member
The main code of this mod was developed by kh99 and I made it into an installable mod with options at his request.
Options include:
Turn mod on or off
Allow thread starter to reply without voting
Immune Usergroups - Usergroups who don't need to vote before posting.
Enable in All Forums - Yes/No (New in V 1.5)
Enable in Specific Forums Only (New in V 1.5)
Testing and working on VB 3.8.6 and 4.0.8 and am sure it will work on all 3.8.x - 4.0/4.1.x. It will probably work on 3.7 and maybe earlier as well.
If a user hasn't voted they will be given a message to vote before posting, see the screen shots.
Includes 2 plugins, 1 phrase, 0 templates, and 0 files to upload. Just install the xml product file and set your options.
Full instructions in .txt file in zip file.
Note- New version 1.5 - Fixes an incorrectly worded setting and adds new options.
Update v2.0
Enable in Specific Forums Only (Updated in V 2.0)
Hide posts until vote (New in V 2.0)
Hide View Results link until vote (New in V 2.0)
Live Demo: http://www.qapla.com/mods/showthread...Vote-Poll-Test
Testing and working on VB 3.8.7 and 4.1.12 and am sure it will work on all 3.8.x - 4.0/4.x.x. It will probably work on 3.7 and maybe earlier as well.
If a user hasn't voted they will be given a message to vote before posting, see the screen shots.
The message displayed in hidden posts is the Postbit phrase: bop5_mustvote_hidden_message
The message a user gets if they try to post before voting is the GLOBAL phrase: mustvote2post
Full instructions in .txt file in zip file.
If you used the VB4 version you must uninstall the old 1.x mod before upgrading to 2.0

Download Now
Must Vote to Post BOP5 v21.zip