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Staff member
* Product: sonnb - Xenforo Trigger Lightbox
* Version: 1.0.1
* Date: 18th Jun 2012
* Author: sonnb
* Website: www.sonnb.com - www.UnderWorldVN.com
Purpose: By default, XenForo only trigger Lightbox for attached images. By using this addon, it would tell XenForo to trigger Lightbox for all images inside the posts and show up images as gallery. In addition, it also act as an image resizer.
Change logs:
- 1.0.1: Image thumbnail creation supported. Added trigger for attach tag.
- 1.0.0: Initial release.
- Upload files/directories under `upload` to your XenForo's root
- Import addon xml
- Configure the add-on in AdminCP > Options > sonnb - Xenforo Trigger Lightbox