Well-Known Member
Staff member
* Product: sonnb - Prevent double post
* Version: 1.0.0
* Date: 18th Jun 2012
* Author: sonnb
* Website: www.sonnb.com - www.UnderWorldVN.com
Purpose: In case of server slow, database slow or error or network problem, user posts and threads might be duplicated due to in-completed verification between server and client. This addon would tell XenForo to check each time user submit new thread or post and throw an error to user if that content was posted earlier.
You are able to change the time duration for this checking in addon's option.
Change logs:
- 1.0.0: Initial release.
- Upload files/directories under `upload` to your XenForo's root
- Import addon xml
- Configure the add-on in AdminCP > Options > sonnb - Prevent double post