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Automatic Thread Tagger for vB4.x
Mod này dùng tốt cho các bản 4.1.x trở lên
1. Upload all files from "upload" to your server, take care of the directory structure
2. Import "product-auto_thread_tagger110.xml" as a product, overwrite if it's already installed
3. Check settings
4. Run maintenance / Auto Tag Threads to tag existing threads (needed if you want to use the cron)
autotagging.zip (19.18 kb)
Mod này dùng tốt cho các bản 4.1.x trở lên
1. Upload all files from "upload" to your server, take care of the directory structure
2. Import "product-auto_thread_tagger110.xml" as a product, overwrite if it's already installed
3. Check settings
4. Run maintenance / Auto Tag Threads to tag existing threads (needed if you want to use the cron)
autotagging.zip (19.18 kb)