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Mod RSS Input - Tự động post bài về forum lấy từ rss cho phpbb3.x


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Modification Name:RSS Input
Author: PoPoutdoor

Modification Description:: Delivers rss/xml newsfeeds direct to your forums.
Note: Code based on 2.x mod FIND - Forum Integrated News Delivery - Input, ported with different features.

Modification Version:: 1.0.1RC5 , last updated [2011-04-14 03:30 +0800]
Note: Document at post #2 is partial outdated, please check mod package for updates.


Please read contrib/readme.html from download archive first!

  • This mod is not for green hand phpbb admins, you have to deal with apache/php/mysql to make this mod works.
  • php version >5.0.
  • php setting "allow_url_fopen = on" or cURL library. If you got both, cURL will be used first.
  • php setting "safe_mode = on" is not supported!
  • Tools to setup scheduled jobs for automatic import feeds into your site.
Warning: Using this mod in some part of the world may be illegel, the author (PoPoutdoor) assumed you understands and take full responsibility of the legal risk by appling this mod.

Features: Supports RSS 2.0 (xmlns not support, read rss_phaser.php for details) and limited support of atom feed.

  • ACP module to config the import source and posting forum.
  • Use Bot user as poster (select posting language as the feed source)
  • Imported text formatted with BBcode in language file(You can customized the formatting BBCodes by modify language file find_posting.php)
  • ACP option to try fixing some source issues(XML, encodings).
  • PHP scripts support scheduled feed(s) import. Returns import feed(s) errors. Native mail notification with CRON (Linux, other OSes may provide native support too).
  • ACP option to control posting properties.
  • If the feed source in CJK encoding, automatic single-width punctuation spacing fix (beta, current code only test with Chinese(all variants), should works with other CJK encodings) for the posted text.

Modification Download: http://pop-guide.ath.cx/download/file.php?id=12 (This is a dynamic DNS site, some part of the world may not be accessible. Also note that this server is not a data center grade machine, may not be available at 24/7)

MD5SUM: 8d4e3cc9248a9ad32aec074e339db3c6

Current bug

None so far

Screenshots: N/A (Haven't update yet)

This is my first mod, and I don't have the skills as most mod writers here. Please help to make this mod safe for live board and supports more news sources. Most of the ACP code copied from mods I installed and current code is working with 3.0.8.

My English is not good, please post with simple english, thanks!

Mod support

I port this mod because I need the features before I upgrade my phpbb 2.0.x. I release this mod because I think many others need this. If you think this mod is useful and like to see it get improved, you have to post every piece of needed information stated below, these help me or others to followup your issue.

  1. Before asking for support of source related issue, check your feed source with FEED Validator first!
    If feed not validate, ask support from source.
    If the feed is valid, post highlighted contents under Recommendations on the result page (if any).
  2. Please provide useful info instead of post something like "Not working".
    Meaningful info for this mod can be: the feed url, the phpBB error message or the server error log, the output of phpinfo page on ACP and the procedure to reproduce the error.
  3. Don't copy & post everything on screen!
    If you don't know much about phpBB or apache server or programing, please try your best to pick 3-4 lines which you think should be related to the error.
  4. Support priority will be based on my free time slot and the info quality you provided.
    If I don't answer your post in time, please wait.
  5. If you want additional features for this Mod, please ask

    I will consider your request and make the feature in future release.
    If I don't, I will assist anyone who is going to make the feature for you.
  6. For those doesn't bother to spend some time to provide needed info or read ALL the posts in this thread but want to have support, I can provide paid service for them.

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