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Mod truy vấn google john


Well-Known Member
Open pages/mainmenu.ph
chen vao noi muon ht
$sql = " AND `engine` LIKE '%google%'";
$sql = str_replace('AND', 'WHERE', $sql);
         $total = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(* ) FROM `stat_robots` ".$sql.""), 0);
         if($total > 0)
         $req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `stat_robots` ".$sql." ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 50");
if($total > 0){
	echo '<div class="menu"><div class="mainblok">Tags Search:';
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($req)){
    echo '<a href="http://www.google.com/m?q=' . str_replace(' ','+',$arr['query']) . '&client=ms-opera-mini&channel=new">$arr['query'].'</a>, ';
echo '</div></div>';

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