Hỏi Hướng dẫn mình soi css

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New Member
Hd em soi css yourwap vs! Em soi rùi nhưng em ko thấy! Em soi ở wapma.mobi ai hd em soi vs!
Đưa link mình lấy css cho
Hd em đi a! Em mún biết mà

----------> Bổ sung bài viết lúc 02:08 PM <----------> Bài viết trước lúc 02:05 PM <----------

Hd em đi a! Em mún biết mà!
Vào site đó ctrl +u tìm đoạn
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://tuoitreit.vn/mobile_vbb4.css" type="text/css" />
css là đoạn url
tra loi

Vào site đó ctrl +u tìm đoạn
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://tuoitreit.vn/mobile_vbb4.css" type="text/css" />
css là đoạn url

nhưng mà làm thế nào để nhìn rõ css ấy á! Chứ cái đấy em biết rùi a ạ
:)) :)) :))
1 năm gắn bó yourwap đây thì không hỏi
cứ đi hỏi đâu đâu
về nhà đi cu
Em nt cho a nhưng k đc

:)) :)) :))
1 năm gắn bó yourwap đây thì không hỏi
cứ đi hỏi đâu đâu
về nhà đi cu

em nhắn tin cho a nhưng ko đc! Anh hd em lấy css yourwap đi a

----------> Bổ sung bài viết lúc 02:26 PM <----------> Bài viết trước lúc 02:19 PM <----------

Thank mấy anh nha! Haha em đã bít cách rùi! H ko lo nưã dùng xtgem lấy css hêhêhê
Đây là 1 phần:
[COLOR=#000000]@charset "UTF-8";[/COLOR]
/* CSS Document */#forums {	clear:both;}.forumhead_r {background: url(vbbdesign/svbd/catebg_r.png) no-repeat right center;float: right;width: 40px;height: 80px;}.forumhead_l {float: left;width: auto;height: 80px;}.forumhead2 {    background: url(vbbdesign/svbd/catebg.png) repeat-x;    padding: 0;    font:  bold 12px Arial, Tahoma,Calibri,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;    color:#ffffff;    clear:both;    margin-top: 8px;    margin-bottom: 15px;    float: left;    border: 0;    width: 100%;    height: 80px;}.forumhead {	background: transparent url(vbbdesign/svbd/colorg.png) repeat-x  ;	_background-image: none;	padding: 0;	font:  bold 12px Arial, Tahoma,Calibri,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;	color:#ffffff;	clear:both;	margin-top: 8px;        padding-top:15px;	float: left;	border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204);	width: 100%;	-moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;}#forums .L1 .forumhead a {	font:   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url(images/gradients/grey-up.png) repeat-x left bottom;	_background-image: none;        border:1px solid #C4C4C4;}.forumbit_nopost .forumbit_nopost .forumrow, .forumbit_post .forumrow {	background: rgb(255, 255, 255) url(images/gradients/grey-up.png) repeat-x left bottom;	_background-image: none;	display:block;	width: 100%;	float: left;	min-height: 90px; /* 48px is the icon size */	position:relative;	border-bottom: 1px solid #c4c4c4;	border-left: 1px solid #c4c4c4;	border-right: 1px solid #c4c4c4;        border:1px solid #C4C4C4;}.forumbit_nopost .forumbit_nopost .forumrow .forumicon {	position: absolute;	left: 10px;	top: 5px;	width: 80px;}.forumbit_nopost .forumbit_nopost .forumrow .forumdata {	display: inline-block;	width:100%;}.forumbit_nopost .forumbit_nopost .forumrow .forumdata .datacontainer {	margin-left: 100px;}.forumbit_nopost .forumbit_post .forumrow .forumdata .datacontainer {	margin-left: 0;}/* forumbit nopost *//* forumbit nopost -> forumhead */.forumbit_nopost .forumhead .forumtitle, .forumbit_nopost .forumhead span, .forumbit_nopost .forumhead .collapse, .forumbit_post .forumhead h2 span {	display:block;	float: left;	clear: right;	font:   bold 12px Arial, Tahoma,Calibri,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;	padding: 4px 0;	color: #ffffff;}.forumbit_nopost .forumhead h2, .forumbit_post .forumhead h2 {	/*border-top: 1px solid rgb(255, 255, 255);*/	margin-left: 3px;	margin-right: 3px;}.forumbit_nopost {	clear:left;}.forumbit_nopost .forumrowdata {	clear:both;	display:block;	width: 100%;}.forumbit_nopost .subforumdescription {	padding: 5px 10px;	font-weight: normal;	color: #3e3e3e;	background: #e9e9e9 none repeat-x  ;               }.forumbit_post .foruminfo .forumdata {	padding: 4px 0;	font-size: 12px;}.forumbit_nopost .forumhead .forumtitle {	font-size: 13;	min-width: 76%;}.forumbit_nopost .forumhead .forumtitle a {	color: #ffffff;	margin-left: 10px;}.forumbit_nopost .forumhead span, .forumbit_post .forumhead span {	font-size: 12px;}.forumbit_nopost .forumhead span.forumlastpost, .forumbit_post .forumhead span.forumlastpost {	width: 21%;}.forumbit_nopost .forumhead a.collapse img {/* values are based on the image */	position:absolute;	top: -15px;	right: -6px;	display:block;	width:13px;	height:13px;	overflow:hidden;	background:transparent url(images/buttons/collapse_collapsed_40b.png) no-repeat;	float: right;	clear: left;}.forumbit_nopost:hover .forumhead  a.collapsegadget {	visibility:visible;}.forumbit_nopost .forumbit_nopost .forumrow .forumdata, .forumbit_post .forumrow .forumdata  {	padding: 5px 10px;	padding-left: 0;	font-size: 11px;}.forumbit_nopost .forumbit_nopost .foruminfo .subforums {	margin-left: 10px;	position: relative;	top: -10px;}/* forumbit post */.forumbit_post {	float: left;	position:relative;	width: 100%;	display:block;}.forumbit_post .forumhead span {	padding: 0;}.forumbit_post .forumhead .forumlastpost {	top: 0;	margin-top: 0;}.forumbit_post .foruminfo, .forumbit_post .forumlastpost, .forumbit_post .forumactionlinks, .forumbit_post .forumstats, .forumbit_post .forumstats_2{	padding: 5px 0;}/* commenting this out for the time being as it is included for test.forumbit_post .forumstats {	background: #f2f6f8;margin: 0;padding-bottom: 15px;overflow:hidden;}*/.forumbit_post .forumhead .forumtitle {	width: 76%;}.forumbit_post .forumhead .forumtitle span {padding: 0;padding-left: 10px;}.forumbit_post .foruminfo {	width: 57%;	min-width: 30%;	float: left;	clear: right;	min-height: 80px; }.forumbit_post .foruminfo .forumicon{	position: absolute;	left: 10px;	width: 80px;}.forumbit_post .foruminfo .forumdata, .forumbit_post .foruminfo .forumtitle, .forumbit_post .foruminfo .viewing {	float: left;	clear: right;	color: #4e4e4e;}.forumbit_post .foruminfo .viewing {        white-space:nowrap;}.forumbit_post .foruminfo .forumdata {	padding: 0;	width: 100%;	_width: 99%;}.forumbit_post .foruminfo .forumdata .datacontainer {	float: left;	width: 88%;	padding-left: 100px;}.forumbit_post .foruminfo .forumdata .forumtitle, .forumbit_nopost .forumbit_nopost .forumrow .forumtitle {font-size: 13px;	margin-right: 10px;}.forumbit_post .foruminfo .forumdata .forumtitle a, .forumbit_nopost .forumbit_nopost .forumrow .forumtitle a {/*	color: #01910d; */	font-weight:bold;}.childsubforum .forumbit_post .foruminfo .forumdata .datacontainer .forumtitle a {        padding-left:1.8em;        background:url('images/misc/child_forum.png') top left no-repeat;}.forumbit_post .foruminfo .forumdata .viewing {	font-style: italic;	margin-right:10px;	margin-top: 3px;	font-size: 11px;}.forumbit_post .forumactionlinks {	width: 5%;	display:block;	float:left;	clear:right;}.forumbit_post .forumactionlinks li {	display: inline;}.forumbit_post .forumactionlink {/* values based on icon size */	display:block;	width:18px;	height:12px;	overflow:hidden;	float: right;	clear: left;	background:transparent none no-repeat;	position: relative;	margin: 3px 10px 0 0;}.forumactionlink a {/* values based on icon size */	display:block;	padding-left:18px;}.forumactionlinks .rsslink {	background-image:url(images/misc/rss_40b.png);}.forumactionlinks .subslink {	background-image:url(images/misc/subscribed_40b.png);}.forumactionlinks .unsubslink {	background-image:url(images/misc/unsubscribed_40b.png);}.forumbit_post .forumdescription {	display:block;	clear:both;	padding-right: 10px;}.forumbit_post .unsubscribe {	display:block;	right: 0;	top: 2px;}.forumbit_post .forumstats, .forumbit_post .forumstats_2 {	display: block;	float: left;	clear: right;	width: 12%;	margin-right: 2%;}.forumbit_post .forumstats li, .forumbit_post .forumstats_2 li{	font-size: 12pxpx;	text-align: right;	padding-right: 20px;	display:block;}.forumbit_post .forumlastpost {	display:block;	float: left;	clear: right;}.forumbit_post .forumrow .forumlastpost {	width: 22%;	font-size: 12px;	padding-top: 5px;}.forumbit_post .forumlastpost .lastpostdate {	font-size: 11px;}.forumbit_post .forumlastpost .lastposttitle a, .forumbit_post .forumlastpost .lastpostby a {/*	color: #01910d; */}.lastpostlabel { 	display: none; }.moderators, .subforums {	display: block;	clear:both;}.moderators h4, .subforums h4 {	font-weight: bold;	padding-right: 5px;}.moderators h4, .moderators .commalist, .subforums h4, .subforums .commalist {	float:left;	clear:right;}/* Project Tools Forum Display */.forumstats dt {	display: inline;	margin-right: 0;}.forumstats dl {	color: #3e3e3e;	font-size: 12px;	display: block;	text-align: right;}.forumstats dd {	display: inline-block;	padding-left: 10px;	padding-right: 20px;}.forumstats dt:after {	content:":";} /* CSS Document */#forums {width: 100%;}#welcomemessage {	color:#3e3e3e;	font-size:100%;}/* wgo */.wgo_block {	display:block;	clear:both;	width: 100%;	margin-top: 15px;	-moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;	-moz-box-shadow: -2px 2px 2px transparent;	-webkit-box-shadow: -2px 2px 2px transparent;	margin-bottom: 10px;}.wgo_block h2 {	font:   bold 12px Tahoma,Calibri,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;	color: #ffffff;	background: transparent url(vbbdesign/svbd/catebg.png) repeat-x  center;	_background-image: none;	border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204);	width: 100%;	-moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;}.wgo_block .time {	color: #3e3e3e;}.wgo_block h2 span {	display:block;	padding: 4px 0;	padding-left: 10px;	/*border-top: 1px solid rgb(255, 255, 255);*/	-moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;	-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;	-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;}.wgo_block div.floatcontainer {	background: rgb(255, 255, 255) url(images/gradients/gradient-greytowhite.png) repeat-x  ;	_background-image: none;	/*border-top: 1px solid rgb(255, 255, 255);*/}.wgo_block .wgo_subblock {	display:block;	padding: 4px 0;	border-bottom: 1px solid #c4c4c4;	border-right: 1px solid #c4c4c4;	border-left: 1px solid #c4c4c4;	font-size: 12px;	clear:both;	width: 100%;}.wgo_subblock h3 {	padding-left: 10px;	font:   bold 13px Tahoma,Calibri,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;	color: #3e3e3e;	padding-bottom: 5px;}.wgo_subblock h3 img {	padding-right: 5px;}.wgo_subblock div, .wgo_subblock ol {	padding-left: 20px;}.wgo_subblock div p {	padding-bottom: 5px;}.wgo_subblock div ol {	padding-left: 0;}.wgo_subblock dl dt {	display:inline;}.wgo_subblock dl dt:after {	content:":";}.wgo_subblock dl dd {	display: inline;	margin-right:5px;}.wgo_subblock dl.icon_legends dt {	float: left;	clear: right;	margin-right: 5px;}.wgo_subblock dl.icon_legends dt:after {	content: "";}.wgo_subblock dl.icon_legends dd {	margin-bottom: 5px;	display:block;}#wgo_onlineusers .commalist li { display: inline-block; margin-left: 1px; }/****************************//* Don't use left and right stylevar here */#content_container {	width:100%;	float:left;	margin-right: -250px;	padding: 10px 0;}#content_container.contentright {	float:right;	margin-right:0;	margin-left:-250px;}#content_container #content {	margin-right:250px;}#content_container.contentright #content {	margin-right:0;	margin-left:250px;}/*-----------------------------------*//* SIDEBAR *//* Don't use left and right stylevar here */#sidebar_container {	float:right;	width:230px;	padding:17px 0;	margin-bottom:3em;}#sidebar_container.sidebarleft {	float:left;}#sidebar_container a {color: #417394;}#sidebar_container a:hover {color: #417394;}#sidebar_container .time {color: #3e3e3e;}#sidebar_button {	display:block;	margin-top: 40px;	float:right;	margin-right:-28px;	_margin: 40px 0 0 0;	_display: inline-block;}#sidebar_button {	_display: inline;}#sidebar_container.sidebarleft #sidebar_button {	float:left;	margin-left:-28px;}#sidebar_container .block {	margin-bottom:4px;	padding:6px;	background:transparent url(vbbdesign/svbd/bg_nav_ahover.gif) repeat-x left 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{	background-color:transparent;	border:1px solid #c1c1c1;	-moz-border-radius:5px;	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;	-moz-box-shadow:-2px 2px 2px #c8c8c8;	float:left;	width:100%;}.avatarcontent, .noavatarcontent {	padding-top:10px;}.avatarcontent:first-child, .noavatarcontent:first-child {	padding-top:0;}.smallavatar {	height:30px;	width:30px;	overflow:hidden;	float:left;}div.smallavatartext {	margin-left: 40px;	margin-top: -30px;	float:right;	width:162px;	word-wrap:break-word;}.noavatarcontent .smallavatartext {	margin: 0;	float: none;	clear:both;	width:202px;}#sidebar_container a.collapse {	position:static;}#sidebar_container a.title {	font-weight:bold;}.forumbit_post .forumstats, .forumbit_post .forumstats_2{display:none;}.forumbit_post .forumrow .forumlastpost {	width: 30%;	font-size: 12px;	padding-top: 5px;} a.tagcloudlink:link, a.tagcloudlink:visited {	text-decoration:none;}a.tagcloudlink:hover,a.tagcloudlink:active {	text-decoration:underline;}a.level1 {	font-size: xx-small;}a.level2 {	font-size: small;}a.level3 {	font-size: medium;}a.level4 {	font-size: large;}a.level5 {	font-size: xx-large;}#tag_searchbox {	text-align: center; padding: 6px;}#tag_search {	margin-top:10px;}  /* CSS Document *//*widget*/.widget_content {	color: #424242;	-moz-border-radius:5px;	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;	border-radius: 5px;	background:rgb(255, 255, 255) url(images/gradients/gradient-black-down.png) repeat-x  ;	border:1px solid #DADADA;	_background-image: none;	padding:10px 6px 10px 6px;}.widget_content a {	color: #417394;}.widget_content a:hover {	color: #417394;}.widget_content .meta {	font-size:11px;}.widget_post_bit {	border-top: 1px dotted #C9C9C9;	clear:both;	padding-bottom: 2px;}.widget_post_bit:first-child {	border-top: 0;}.widget_post_header {	font:  bold 12px Tahoma,Calibri,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;	padding: 5px 0;	margin: 0;}.widget_post_header a {	word-wrap: break-word;	width: 100%;	display: block;}.widget_post_content {	padding: 1px 0;	margin: 0;	font-size: 12px;	color: #424242;}.widget_post_userinfo {	padding: 1px 0;	margin: 0;	position: relative;}.widget_post_useravatar {	position: absolute;	top: 5px;	left:0;}.cms_widget .widget_post_useravatar img,.block .widget_post_useravatar img {	width: 30px;	max-width: 30px !important;	height: auto;}.widget_post_comment {	margin-left: 40px;	font-size: 11px;}.widget_post_comment_noavatar {	margin-left: 0;	font-size: 12px;}.widget_post_comment .widget_post_content {	overflow: hidden;}.widget_views {	padding: 1px 0;	margin: 0;	text-align: right;}/* CSS Document *//* Don't use left and right stylevar here */#content_container {	width:100%;	float:left;	margin-right: -290px;	padding: 10px 0;}#content_container.contentright {	float:right;	margin-right:0;	margin-left:-290px;}#content_container #content {	margin-right:290px;}#content_container.contentright #content {	margin-right:0;	margin-left:290px;}/*-----------------------------------*//* SIDEBAR *//* Don't use left and right stylevar here */#sidebar_container {	float:right;	width:270px;	padding: 17px 0;	margin-bottom:3em;}#sidebar_container.sidebarleft {	float:left;}#sidebar_container a {	color: #417394;}#sidebar_container a:hover {	color: #417394;}#sidebar_button {	display:block;	margin-top: 40px;	float:right;	margin-right:-28px;	_margin: 40px 0 0 0;	_display: inline-block;}#sidebar_button {	_display: inline;}#sidebar_container.sidebarleft #sidebar_button {	float:left;	margin-left:-28px;}#sidebar_container .block {	margin-bottom:4px;	padding:6px;	border-top-right: 5px;	border-top-left: 5px;	border-top-right: 5px;	border-top-left: 5px;}#sidebar_container .blockbody {	padding: 0;	color: #424242;	border:1px solid #DADADA;	-moz-border-radius:5px;	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;	border-radius: 5px;	background:rgb(255, 255, 255);}#sidebar_container .blockrow {	border-top: 1px solid rgb(255, 255, 255);	-moz-border-radius:5px;	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;	border-radius: 5px;	background:rgb(255, 255, 255) url(images/gradients/gradient-black-down.png) 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