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    Dont forget read our Rules! Also anyone caught Sharing this content will be banned. By using this site you are agreeing to our rules so read them. Saying I did not know is simply not an excuse! You have been warned.

Hide banned user's post


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sometimes our forum will spammed with lot of spam bots.
You have banned most of the bots, but they have created thousands of threads.
Deleting those threads takes time.
So while waiting those threads to be deleted, you can hide their content automatically so their content won't hurt you on SEO etc.

  • Zero additional query.
  • Tested on 4.1.11
  • I think it is supported too on previous version (4.1.x). (confirmed working on 4.1.3)

  1. Go to admincp
  2. Go to Plugins & Products >> Add New Plugin
    • Product : Vbulletin
    • Hook location : postbit_display_complete
    • Title : enter anything here, "Hide banned content", etc :)
    • Execution Order : leave at default (5)
    • PHP code :
      $my_banned_ids = array(8);/* Banned usergroup ids */if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread') {	if (isset($post['usergroupid']) && in_array($post['usergroupid'], $my_banned_ids)) {		$post['title'] = 'User is banned';		$post['message'] = '<span style="color:#FF0000;font-weight:900">User is banned, content is deleted automatically.</span>';	}}
  3. Click "Save" button and you're done.

To disable the plugin :

  1. Go to admincp
  2. Go to Plugins & Products >> Plugin Manager
  3. Edit the plugin
  4. Set "Plugin is Active" as "No".
  5. Click "Save" button.

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