Giới thiệu các bạn các DVD.Chỉ cần các bạn luyện đủ nhiêu đây là đủ chơi rồi
Chúc các bạn thành công nhé.
30 Premium Plugin của CodeCanion
30 Days to learn HTML and CSS
30 Days to Learn jQuery
Cleaner Code With CoffeeScript
CodeIgniter Essentials
CSS Terminology Decoded
CSS3 Animations
Design & Build Coming Soon Page
Design Creative Portfolio Theme
Effective Landing Page Design in Photoshop
HTML5 Fundamentals
JavaScript Fundamentals 101
jQuery UI 201
LESS is more
Creating a Responsive Web Design
HTML and HTML5 Basics (3 courses)
SEO Fundamentals
WordPress 3.0 Essential Training
WordPress 3 – Develop a Secure Site
Maintainable CSS With Sass and Compass
Mastering Corporate Design
Parallax Scrolling for Web Design
Perfect Netbean Workflow
Perfect Workflow with Sublime Text 2
PSD to HTML5PSD2Wordpress – Minimal Theme
Responsive Web Design for Beginners
Responsive Web Design with Foundation
The Magic of Custom Post Type WordPress
Using Grids in Web Design
Using WordPress Setting API
Web Application Design
Hướng dẫn Woocommerce tại Lynda
WordPress 3.2 Theme Design Beginner’s Guide
WordPress Widget – Front to Back
WordPress Plugin Development Essentials
WP Plugin Development Full
nguồn: sưu tầm
Chúc các bạn thành công nhé.
30 Premium Plugin của CodeCanion
30 Days to learn HTML and CSS
30 Days to Learn jQuery
Cleaner Code With CoffeeScript
CodeIgniter Essentials
CSS Terminology Decoded
CSS3 Animations
Design & Build Coming Soon Page
Design Creative Portfolio Theme
Effective Landing Page Design in Photoshop
HTML5 Fundamentals
JavaScript Fundamentals 101
jQuery UI 201
LESS is more
Creating a Responsive Web Design
HTML and HTML5 Basics (3 courses)
SEO Fundamentals
WordPress 3.0 Essential Training
WordPress 3 – Develop a Secure Site
Maintainable CSS With Sass and Compass
Mastering Corporate Design
Parallax Scrolling for Web Design
Perfect Netbean Workflow
Perfect Workflow with Sublime Text 2
PSD to HTML5PSD2Wordpress – Minimal Theme
Responsive Web Design for Beginners
Responsive Web Design with Foundation
The Magic of Custom Post Type WordPress
Using Grids in Web Design
Using WordPress Setting API
Web Application Design
Hướng dẫn Woocommerce tại Lynda
WordPress 3.2 Theme Design Beginner’s Guide
WordPress Widget – Front to Back
WordPress Plugin Development Essentials
WP Plugin Development Full
nguồn: sưu tầm