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Hướng dẫn fix lỗi /includes/vfchh/php/vfc_hide_core.php on line 163 mod vFCoders - Hide Hack v4


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Hôm nay mình xin hướng dẫn các bạn cách fix lỗi
PHP Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /path/includes/vfchh/php/vfc_hide_core.php on line 163
Để làm được bạn vui lòng làm theo hướng dẫn
Mở tập tin /includes/vfchh/php/vfc_hide_core.php
$message = preg_replace("/\[" . $tag . "=("|\"|'|)([0-9,\s]+)\\1\](.*)\[\/" . $tag . "\]/esiU", "\$this->tagparser->\$parser('\\3', '\\2')", $message);
Thay bằng
$tagparser = $this->tagparser;      $message = preg_replace_callback(          "/\[" . $tag . "=("|\"|'|)([0-9,\s]+)\\1\](.*)\[\/" . $tag . "\]/siU",          function($m) use ($parser, $tagparser) { return $tagparser->$parser($m[3], $m[2]); },          $message      );
Để xóa bản quyền mod này thì bạn thay tất cả thành
|| #################################################################### ||
|| #                 vFcoders - Hide Hack v4                            ||
|| #         Copyright ©2012 vFcoders.com. All Rights Reserved.         ||
|| #################################################################### ||

class VFC_HIDE {

	* The vBulletin registry object
	* @var	vB_Registry
	public $registry = null;
	* Whether html is allowed or not
	* @var	boolean
	public $dohtml = false;
	* Hide Taglist (without option)
	* @var	array
	private $taglist = array(
		'HIDE-REPLY' => 'p_bb_code_hr',
		'HIDE-THANKS' => 'p_bb_code_ht',
		'HIDE-REPLY-THANKS' => 'p_bb_code_hrt'
	* Hide Taglist (with option)
	* @var	array
	private $taglistwo = array(
		'HIDE-POSTS'   => 'p_bb_code_hp',
		'SHOWTOGROUPS' => 'p_bb_code_stg',
		'STU'          => 'p_bb_code_stu'
	private $twodefault = array();
	* Post's Details for parsing Hide Tags
	* @var	string
	public $forumid = null;
	public $postid = null;
	public $threadid = null;
	public $userid = null;
	* @var	boolean
	public $owner = false;
	public $hreply = false;
	public $hthanks = false;
    private $tagparser;

	* Constructor - checks that the registry object has been passed correctly.
	* @param	vB_Registry	Instance of the vBulletin data registry object - expected to have the database object as one of its $this->db member.
	public function __construct(&$registry) 
		global $vbphrase, $vbulletin;

		if (is_object($registry))
			$this->registry = $registry;
			trigger_error("vB_Database::Registry object is not an object", E_USER_ERROR);
		if (in_array(THIS_SCRIPT, array('ajax', 'editpost', 'misc', 'newthread', 'newreply', 'printthread', 'showpost', 'showthread')))
			$this->dohtml = true;
			$this->dohtml = false;
		$this->twodefault = array('HIDE-POSTS' => $this->registry->options['vfc_hide_hack_hr_posts'], 
		                          'SHOWTOGROUPS' => $this->registry->options['hide_hack_sett_grp'],
								  'STU'        => 0
		$hidetag = $this->registry->options['vfc_hide_hack_hide'];
		if ($this->taglist[$hidetag])
		   $this->taglist['HIDE'] = $this->taglist[$hidetag];
		   $this->taglistwo['HIDE'] = $this->taglistwo[$hidetag];
		   $this->twodefault['HIDE'] = $this->twodefault[$hidetag];
		/// Calling Parser
		require_once( DIR."/includes/vfchh/php/vfc_hide_parser.php" );
        $this->tagparser = new VFC_PARSER($this);		
	* Main Function which will be used to Parse the tags
	* @param	Message, Forumid, Threadid, Postid, Userid (of creator)
	* @return	Message (Parsed)

 function fetch_msg_to_hide ($params = array()) 
   global $vbphrase;

   $this->forumid = $forumid;
   $this->threadid = $threadid;
   $this->postid = $postid;
   $this->userid = $userid;
   $this->hthanks = false;
   // Check if this user can bypass hide tags or not
   $this->owner = $this->canbypass();

   // Hide Tags without option
   foreach ($this->taglist as $tag => $parser) 
      $message = preg_replace('/\\[' . $tag . '\\](.*)\\[\/' . $tag . '\\]/siU', $this->tagparser->$parser('\\1'), $message);
   // Hide Tags with option
   foreach ($this->taglistwo as $tag => $parser) 
      $message = preg_replace("/\[" . $tag . "\]/siU", "[".$tag."=".$this->twodefault[$tag]."]", $message);
      $tagparser = $this->tagparser;
      $message = preg_replace_callback(
          "/\[" . $tag . "=(&quot;|\"|'|)([0-9,\s]+)\\1\](.*)\[\/" . $tag . "\]/siU",
          function($m) use ($parser, $tagparser) { return $tagparser->$parser($m[3], $m[2]); },
      $message = preg_replace("/\[" . $tag . "=" . $this->twodefault[$tag] . "\]/siU", '[' . $tag . ']', $message);
   return $message;

	* Function for removing hide tags
	* @param	Message
	* @return	Message (Stripped)
  function strip_hide_bbcodes($message, $for = '') 
     global $vbphrase;
     $replace = '';
     $replace2 = '';
     switch ($for)
        case 'preview':
             $replace = '\\1';
             $replace2 = '\\3';
	    case 'quote':
	         $replace2 = $replace = $vbphrase['vfc_hide_hack_noquote'];
	    case 'email':
             $replace2 = $replace = $vbphrase['vfc_hide_hack_email'];
	         $replace2 = $replace = '';

     foreach ($this->taglist as $tag => $parser) 
        $message = preg_replace('/\\[' . $tag . '\\](.*)\\[\/' . $tag . '\\]/siU', $replace, $message);
     foreach ($this->taglistwo as $tag => $parser) 
        $message = preg_replace('/\\[' . $tag . '\\](.*)\\[\/' . $tag . '\\]/siU', $replace, $message);
        $message = preg_replace("/\[" . $tag . "=(&quot;|\"|'|)([0-9,\s]+)\\1\](.*)\[\/" . $tag . "\]/siU", $replace2, $message);
     return $message;
	* Permission for tags
	* @param	Foruminfo
	* @return	Permission
   function check_permission ($foruminfo) 
      $output = array();

      $output['stg'] = ($this->registry->options['vfc_hide_hack_stg'] && ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['vfc_hide_hack_perm'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp['vfc_hide_hack_perm']['vfc_can_hide_stg'])
	  && $foruminfo['vfchh_stg']);
	  $output['stu'] = ($this->registry->options['vfc_hide_hack_stu'] && ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['vfc_hide_hack_perm'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp['vfc_hide_hack_perm']['vfc_can_hide_stu'])
	  && $foruminfo['vfchh_stu']);
      $output['hide'] = ($this->registry->options['vfc_hide_hack_hide'] && ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['vfc_hide_hack_perm'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp['vfc_hide_hack_perm']['vfc_can_hide'])
	  && $foruminfo['vfchh_hide']);	
	  $output['hreply'] = ($this->registry->options['vfc_hide_hack_hr'] && ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['vfc_hide_hack_perm'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp['vfc_hide_hack_perm']['vfc_can_hide_reply'])
	  && $foruminfo['vfchh_hreply']);

	  $output['hthanks'] = ($this->registry->options['vfc_hide_hack_ht'] && ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['vfc_hide_hack_perm'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp['vfc_hide_hack_perm']['vfc_can_hide_thanks'])
	  && $foruminfo['vfchh_hthanks'] && ($this->registry->products['post_thanks'] || $this->registry->products['crawlability_vbseo']));

	  $output['hrt'] = ($this->registry->options['vfc_hide_hack_hrt'] && ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['vfc_hide_hack_perm'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp['vfc_hide_hack_perm']['vfc_can_hide_rt'])
	  && $foruminfo['vfchh_hrt'] && ($this->registry->products['post_thanks'] || $this->registry->products['crawlability_vbseo']));

	  $output['hposts'] = ($this->registry->options['vfc_hide_hack_hp'] && ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['vfc_hide_hack_perm'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp['vfc_hide_hack_perm']['vfc_can_hide_posts'])
	  && $foruminfo['vfchh_hposts']);
      return $output;

	* Tags which user can use
	* @param	Foruminfo
	* @return	Permission
   function fetch_tags ($foruminfo) 
       $permission = $this->check_permission($foruminfo);
       $tags = array();
       if ($permission['hide']) 
          $tags[] = 'Hide';
	   if ($permission['hide'] AND $permission['hreply']) 
	      $tags[] = '-';
       if ($permission['hreply']) 
          $tags[] = 'HReply';
       if ($permission['hthanks']) 
          $tags[] = 'Hthanks';
       if ($permission['hrt']) 
          $tags[] = 'HReplyThanks';
          $tags[] = '-'; 
       if ($permission['hposts']) 
          $tags[] = 'HPosts';
       if ($permission['stg']) 
          $tags[] = 'Showtogroups';
       if ($permission['stu']) 
          $tags[] = 'STU';	   	  
       return $tags;
	* Function for checking if user can bypass HIDE Tags
	* @param	Foruminfo
	* @return	Permission
	function canbypass () 
	   if (($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['vfc_hide_hack_perm'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp['vfc_hide_hack_perm']['vfc_can_hide_allow']))
	        return true;
       if ($this->registry->userinfo['userid'] == $this->userid) 
            return true;
	   if (can_moderate($this->forumid, 'caneditposts'))
	       return true;
	       return false;

	* Don't Edit This Function else this MOD will stop working
	function copyright ($output)
       $output = preg_replace('#All rights reserved.#i', 'All rights reserved.<div style="text-align: center">Hide Hack By 
	   <a href="http://vfcoders.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">vFCoders</a>.</div>', $output, 1, $match);
	   if (empty($match)) 
	   $output = preg_replace('#<div id="footer_copyright"#i', '<div style="text-align: center" class="shade footer_copyright">Hide Hack By 
	   <a href="http://vfcoders.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">vFCoders</a></div><div id="footer_copyright"', $output, 1, $match);
	   if (empty($match))
	   $output = preg_replace('#</body>#i', '<div style="text-align: center" class="shade footer_copyright">Hide Hack By 
	   <a href="http://vfcoders.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">vFCoders</a>.</div></body>', $output);
	   return $output;

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Nguồn: tuoitreit.vn

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