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Chào các bạn, hôm nay tuoitreit.vn xin hướng dẫn các bạn fix các bug trên, bug ảnh hưởng khi diễn đàn sử dụng thanh toán bằng Paypal
Để fix bug bạn truy cập theo đường dẫn src/XF/Payment/PayPal.php
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Để fix bug bạn truy cập theo đường dẫn src/XF/Payment/PayPal.php
Với Xenforo 2.1.9 trở xuống
Xóa hết đi và thay bằng
namespace XF\Payment;
use XF\Entity\PaymentProfile;
use XF\Entity\PurchaseRequest;
use XF\Mvc\Controller;
use XF\Purchasable\Purchase;
use XF\Util\Arr;
class PayPal extends AbstractProvider
public function getTitle()
return 'PayPal';
public function getApiEndpoint()
if (\XF::config('enableLivePayments'))
return 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
return 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
public function verifyConfig(array &$options, &$errors = [])
if (empty($options['primary_account']))
$errors[] = \XF::phrase('you_must_provide_primary_paypal_account_email_to_set_up_this_payment');
return false;
$emails = [];
if (!empty($options['alternate_accounts']))
$emails = Arr::stringToArray($options['alternate_accounts'], '#\r?\n#');
$emails[] = $options['primary_account'];
$validator = \XF::app()->validator('Email');
foreach ($emails AS $email)
if (!$validator->isValid($email))
$errors[] = \XF::phrase('value_x_is_not_valid_email_address', ['email' => $email]);
if ($errors)
return false;
return true;
protected function getPaymentParams(PurchaseRequest $purchaseRequest, Purchase $purchase)
$paymentProfile = $purchase->paymentProfile;
$purchaser = $purchase->purchaser;
$params = [
'business' => $paymentProfile->options['primary_account'],
'currency_code' => $purchase->currency,
'item_name' => $purchase->title,
'quantity' => 1,
'no_note' => 1,
// 2 = required, 1 = not required, 0 = optional
'no_shipping' => !empty($paymentProfile->options['require_address']) ? 2 : 1,
'custom' => $purchaseRequest->request_key,
'charset' => 'utf8',
'email' => $purchaser->email,
'return' => $purchase->returnUrl,
'cancel_return' => $purchase->cancelUrl,
'notify_url' => $this->getCallbackUrl()
if ($purchase->recurring)
$params['cmd'] = '_xclick-subscriptions';
$params['a3'] = $purchase->cost;
$params['p3'] = $purchase->lengthAmount;
switch ($purchase->lengthUnit)
case 'day': $params['t3'] = 'D'; break;
case 'week': $params['t3'] = 'W'; break;
case 'month': $params['t3'] = 'M'; break;
case 'year': $params['t3'] = 'Y'; break;
default: $params['t3'] = ''; break;
$params['src'] = 1;
$params['sra'] = 1;
$params['cmd'] = '_xclick';
$params['amount'] = $purchase->cost;
return $params;
public function initiatePayment(Controller $controller, PurchaseRequest $purchaseRequest, Purchase $purchase)
$params = $this->getPaymentParams($purchaseRequest, $purchase);
$endpointUrl = $this->getApiEndpoint();
$endpointUrl .= '?' . http_build_query($params);
return $controller->redirect($endpointUrl, '');
public function renderCancellationTemplate(PurchaseRequest $purchaseRequest)
$data = [
'purchaseRequest' => $purchaseRequest,
'endpoint' => $this->getApiEndpoint()
return \XF::app()->templater()->renderTemplate('public:payment_cancel_recurring_paypal', $data);
* @param \XF\Http\Request $request
* @return CallbackState
public function setupCallback(\XF\Http\Request $request)
$state = new CallbackState();
$state->business = $request->filter('business', 'str');
$state->receiverEmail = $request->filter('receiver_email', 'str');
$state->transactionType = $request->filter('txn_type', 'str');
$state->parentTransactionId = $request->filter('parent_txn_id', 'str');
$state->transactionId = $request->filter('txn_id', 'str');
$state->subscriberId = $request->filter('subscr_id', 'str');
$state->paymentCountry = $request->filter('residence_country', 'str');
$state->costAmount = $request->filter('mc_gross', 'unum');
$state->taxAmount = $request->filter('tax', 'unum');
$state->costCurrency = $request->filter('mc_currency', 'str');
$state->paymentStatus = $request->filter('payment_status', 'str');
$state->requestKey = $request->filter('custom', 'str');
$state->testMode = $request->filter('test_ipn', 'bool');
if (\XF::config('enableLivePayments'))
// explicitly disable test mode if live payments are enabled
$state->testMode = false;
$state->ip = $request->getIp();
$state->_POST = $_POST;
return $state;
public function validateCallback(CallbackState $state)
$params = ['form_params' => $state->_POST + ['cmd' => '_notify-validate']];
$client = \XF::app()->http()->client();
if ($state->testMode)
$url = 'https://ipnpb.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
$url = 'https://ipnpb.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
$response = $client->post($url, $params);
if (!$response || $response->getBody()->getContents() != 'VERIFIED' || $response->getStatusCode() != 200)
$host = \XF\Util\Ip::getHost($state->ip);
if (preg_match('#(^|\.)paypal.com$#i', $host))
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Request not validated';
$state->logType = false;
$state->logMessage = 'Request not validated (from unknown source)';
return false;
catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Connection to PayPal failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
return false;
return true;
public function validateTransaction(CallbackState $state)
if (!$state->requestKey)
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'No purchase request key. Unrelated payment, no action to take.';
return false;
if ($state->legacy)
// The custom data in legacy calls is <user_id>,<user_upgrade_id>,<validation_type>,<validation>.
// We only need the user_id and user_upgrade_id but we can at least verify it's a familiar format.
if (!preg_match(
&& count($itemParts) !== 3 // full match + 2 groups
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'Invalid custom field. Unrelated payment, no action to take.';
return false;
$user = \XF::em()->find('XF:User', $itemParts['user_id']);
if (!$user)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Could not find user with user_id ' . $itemParts['user_id'] . '.';
return false;
$state->purchaser = $user;
$state->userUpgrade = \XF::em()->find('XF:UserUpgrade', $itemParts['user_upgrade_id']);
if (!$state->userUpgrade)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Could not find user upgrade with user_upgrade_id ' . $itemParts['user_upgrade_id'] . '.';
return false;
if (!$state->getPurchaseRequest())
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'Invalid request key. Unrelated payment, no action to take.';
return false;
if (!$state->transactionId && !$state->subscriberId)
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'No transaction or subscriber ID. No action to take.';
return false;
$paymentRepo = \XF::repository('XF:Payment');
$matchingLogsFinder = $paymentRepo->findLogsByTransactionIdForProvider($state->transactionId, $this->providerId);
if ($matchingLogsFinder->total())
$logs = $matchingLogsFinder->fetch();
foreach ($logs AS $log)
if ($log->log_type == 'cancel' && $state->paymentStatus == 'Canceled_Reversal')
// This is a cancelled transaction we've already seen, but has now been reversed.
// Let it go through.
return true;
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'Transaction already processed. Skipping.';
return false;
return true;
public function validatePurchaseRequest(CallbackState $state)
// validated in validateTransaction
return true;
public function validatePurchasableHandler(CallbackState $state)
if ($state->legacy)
$purchasable = \XF::em()->find('XF:Purchasable', 'user_upgrade');
$state->purchasableHandler = $purchasable->handler;
return parent::validatePurchasableHandler($state);
public function validatePaymentProfile(CallbackState $state)
if ($state->legacy)
$finder = \XF::finder('XF:PaymentProfile')
->where('provider_id', 'paypal');
foreach ($finder->fetch() AS $profile)
if (!empty($profile->options['legacy']))
$state->paymentProfile = $profile;
return parent::validatePaymentProfile($state);
public function validatePurchaser(CallbackState $state)
if ($state->legacy)
// validated in validateTransaction
return true;
return parent::validatePurchaser($state);
public function validatePurchasableData(CallbackState $state)
$paymentProfile = $state->getPaymentProfile();
$business = strtolower($state->business);
$receiverEmail = strtolower($state->receiverEmail);
$options = $paymentProfile->options;
$accounts = Arr::stringToArray($options['alternate_accounts'], '#\r?\n#');
$accounts[] = $options['primary_account'];
$matched = false;
foreach ($accounts AS $account)
$account = trim(strtolower($account));
if ($account && ($business == $account || $receiverEmail == $account))
$matched = true;
if (!$matched)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Invalid business or receiver_email.';
return false;
return true;
public function validateCost(CallbackState $state)
if ($state->legacy)
$upgrade = $state->userUpgrade;
$upgradeRecord = \XF::em()->findOne('XF:UserUpgradeActive', [
'user_upgrade_id' => $upgrade->user_upgrade_id,
'user_id' => $state->purchaser->user_id
if (!$upgradeRecord && $state->subscriberId)
$logFinder = \XF::finder('XF:PaymentProviderLog')
->where('subscriber_id', $state->subscriberId)
->order('log_date', 'DESC');
foreach ($logFinder->fetch() AS $log)
if (is_numeric($log->purchase_request_key))
$upgradeRecord = \XF::em()->find('XF:UserUpgradeExpired', $log->purchase_request_key);
if ($upgradeRecord)
$state->userUpgradeRecordId = $upgradeRecord->user_upgrade_record_id;
if (!$upgradeRecord && $state->parentTransactionId)
$logFinder = \XF::finder('XF:PaymentProviderLog')
->where('transaction_id', $state->parentTransactionId)
->order('log_date', 'DESC');
foreach ($logFinder->fetch() AS $log)
if (is_numeric($log->purchase_request_key))
$upgradeRecord = \XF::em()->find('XF:UserUpgradeExpired', $log->purchase_request_key);
if ($upgradeRecord)
$state->userUpgradeRecordId = $upgradeRecord->user_upgrade_record_id;
$cost = $upgrade->cost_amount;
$currency = $upgrade->cost_currency;
$upgradeRecord = false;
$purchaseRequest = $state->getPurchaseRequest();
$cost = $purchaseRequest->cost_amount;
$currency = $purchaseRequest->cost_currency;
switch ($state->transactionType)
case 'web_accept':
case 'subscr_payment':
$costValidated = (
round(($state->costAmount - $state->taxAmount), 2) == round($cost, 2)
&& $state->costCurrency == $currency
if ($state->legacy && !$costValidated && $upgradeRecord && $upgradeRecord->extra)
$cost = $upgradeRecord->extra['cost_amount'];
$currency = $upgradeRecord->extra['cost_currency'];
$costValidated = (
round(($state->costAmount - $state->taxAmount), 2) == round($cost, 2)
&& $state->costCurrency == strtoupper($currency)
if ($costValidated)
// the upgrade's cost has changed, but we need to continue as if it hasn't
$state->extraData = [
'cost_amount' => round($state->costAmount, 2),
'cost_currency' => $state->costCurrency
if (!$costValidated)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Invalid cost amount';
return false;
return true;
public function getPaymentResult(CallbackState $state)
switch ($state->transactionType)
case 'web_accept':
case 'subscr_payment':
if ($state->paymentStatus == 'Completed')
$state->paymentResult = CallbackState::PAYMENT_RECEIVED;
if ($state->paymentStatus == 'Refunded' || $state->paymentStatus == 'Reversed')
$state->paymentResult = CallbackState::PAYMENT_REVERSED;
else if ($state->paymentStatus == 'Canceled_Reversal')
$state->paymentResult = CallbackState::PAYMENT_REINSTATED;
public function prepareLogData(CallbackState $state)
$state->logDetails = $state->_POST;
protected function getSupportedRecurrenceRanges()
return [
'day' => [1, 90],
'week' => [1, 52],
'month' => [1, 24],
'year' => [1, 5]
Xóa hết đi và thay bằng
namespace XF\Payment;
use XF\Entity\PaymentProfile;
use XF\Entity\PurchaseRequest;
use XF\Mvc\Controller;
use XF\Purchasable\Purchase;
class PayPal extends AbstractProvider
public function getTitle()
return 'PayPal';
public function getApiEndpoint()
if (\XF::config('enableLivePayments'))
return 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
return 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
public function verifyConfig(array &$options, &$errors = [])
if (empty($options['primary_account']))
$errors[] = \XF::phrase('you_must_provide_primary_paypal_account_email_to_set_up_this_payment');
return false;
$emails = [];
if (!empty($options['alternate_accounts']))
$emails = preg_split('#\r?\n#', $options['alternate_accounts'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$emails[] = $options['primary_account'];
$validator = \XF::app()->validator('Email');
foreach ($emails AS $email)
if (!$validator->isValid($email))
$errors[] = \XF::phrase('value_x_is_not_valid_email_address', ['email' => $email]);
if ($errors)
return false;
return true;
protected function getPaymentParams(PurchaseRequest $purchaseRequest, Purchase $purchase)
$paymentProfile = $purchase->paymentProfile;
$purchaser = $purchase->purchaser;
$params = [
'business' => $paymentProfile->options['primary_account'],
'currency_code' => $purchase->currency,
'item_name' => $purchase->title,
'quantity' => 1,
'no_note' => 1,
// 2 = required, 1 = not required, 0 = optional
'no_shipping' => !empty($paymentProfile->options['require_address']) ? 2 : 1,
'custom' => $purchaseRequest->request_key,
'charset' => 'utf8',
'email' => $purchaser->email,
'return' => $purchase->returnUrl,
'cancel_return' => $purchase->cancelUrl,
'notify_url' => $this->getCallbackUrl()
if ($purchase->recurring)
$params['cmd'] = '_xclick-subscriptions';
$params['a3'] = $purchase->cost;
$params['p3'] = $purchase->lengthAmount;
switch ($purchase->lengthUnit)
case 'day': $params['t3'] = 'D'; break;
case 'month': $params['t3'] = 'M'; break;
case 'year': $params['t3'] = 'Y'; break;
default: $params['t3'] = ''; break;
$params['src'] = 1;
$params['sra'] = 1;
$params['cmd'] = '_xclick';
$params['amount'] = $purchase->cost;
return $params;
public function initiatePayment(Controller $controller, PurchaseRequest $purchaseRequest, Purchase $purchase)
$params = $this->getPaymentParams($purchaseRequest, $purchase);
$endpointUrl = $this->getApiEndpoint();
$endpointUrl .= '?' . http_build_query($params);
return $controller->redirect($endpointUrl, '');
public function renderCancellationTemplate(PurchaseRequest $purchaseRequest)
$data = [
'purchaseRequest' => $purchaseRequest,
'endpoint' => $this->getApiEndpoint()
return \XF::app()->templater()->renderTemplate('public:payment_cancel_recurring_paypal', $data);
* @param \XF\Http\Request $request
* @return CallbackState
public function setupCallback(\XF\Http\Request $request)
$state = new CallbackState();
$state->business = $request->filter('business', 'str');
$state->receiverEmail = $request->filter('receiver_email', 'str');
$state->transactionType = $request->filter('txn_type', 'str');
$state->parentTransactionId = $request->filter('parent_txn_id', 'str');
$state->transactionId = $request->filter('txn_id', 'str');
$state->subscriberId = $request->filter('subscr_id', 'str');
$state->costAmount = $request->filter('mc_gross', 'unum');
$state->taxAmount = $request->filter('tax', 'unum');
$state->costCurrency = $request->filter('mc_currency', 'str');
$state->paymentStatus = $request->filter('payment_status', 'str');
$state->requestKey = $request->filter('custom', 'str');
$state->testMode = $request->filter('test_ipn', 'bool');
if (\XF::config('enableLivePayments'))
// explicitly disable test mode if live payments are enabled
$state->testMode = false;
$state->ip = $request->getIp();
$state->_POST = $_POST;
return $state;
public function validateCallback(CallbackState $state)
$params = ['body' => $state->_POST + ['cmd' => '_notify-validate']];
$client = \XF::app()->http()->client();
if ($state->testMode)
$url = 'https://ipnpb.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
$url = 'https://ipnpb.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
$response = $client->post($url, $params);
if (!$response || $response->getBody() != 'VERIFIED' || $response->getStatusCode() != 200)
$host = \XF\Util\Ip::getHost($state->ip);
if (preg_match('#(^|\.)paypal.com$#i', $host))
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Request not validated';
$state->logType = false;
$state->logMessage = 'Request not validated (from unknown source)';
return false;
catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Connection to PayPal failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
return false;
return true;
public function validateTransaction(CallbackState $state)
if (!$state->requestKey)
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'No purchase request key. Unrelated payment, no action to take.';
return false;
if ($state->legacy)
// The custom data in legacy calls is <user_id>,<user_upgrade_id>,<validation_type>,<validation>.
// We only need the user_id and user_upgrade_id but we can at least verify it's a familiar format.
if (!preg_match(
&& count($itemParts) !== 3 // full match + 2 groups
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'Invalid custom field. Unrelated payment, no action to take.';
return false;
$user = \XF::em()->find('XF:User', $itemParts['user_id']);
if (!$user)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Could not find user with user_id ' . $itemParts['user_id'] . '.';
return false;
$state->purchaser = $user;
$state->userUpgrade = \XF::em()->find('XF:UserUpgrade', $itemParts['user_upgrade_id']);
if (!$state->userUpgrade)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Could not find user upgrade with user_upgrade_id ' . $itemParts['user_upgrade_id'] . '.';
return false;
if (!$state->getPurchaseRequest())
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'Invalid request key. Unrelated payment, no action to take.';
return false;
if (!$state->transactionId && !$state->subscriberId)
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'No transaction or subscriber ID. No action to take.';
return false;
$paymentRepo = \XF::repository('XF:Payment');
$matchingLogsFinder = $paymentRepo->findLogsByTransactionId($state->transactionId);
if ($matchingLogsFinder->total())
$logs = $matchingLogsFinder->fetch();
foreach ($logs AS $log)
if ($log->log_type == 'cancel' && $state->paymentStatus == 'Canceled_Reversal')
// This is a cancelled transaction we've already seen, but has now been reversed.
// Let it go through.
return true;
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'Transaction already processed. Skipping.';
return false;
return true;
public function validatePurchaseRequest(CallbackState $state)
// validated in validateTransaction
return true;
public function validatePurchasableHandler(CallbackState $state)
if ($state->legacy)
$purchasable = \XF::em()->find('XF:Purchasable', 'user_upgrade');
$state->purchasableHandler = $purchasable->handler;
return parent::validatePurchasableHandler($state);
public function validatePaymentProfile(CallbackState $state)
if ($state->legacy)
$finder = \XF::finder('XF:PaymentProfile')
->where('provider_id', 'paypal');
foreach ($finder->fetch() AS $profile)
if (!empty($profile->options['legacy']))
$state->paymentProfile = $profile;
return parent::validatePaymentProfile($state);
public function validatePurchaser(CallbackState $state)
if ($state->legacy)
// validated in validateTransaction
return true;
return parent::validatePurchaser($state);
public function validatePurchasableData(CallbackState $state)
$paymentProfile = $state->getPaymentProfile();
$business = strtolower($state->business);
$receiverEmail = strtolower($state->receiverEmail);
$options = $paymentProfile->options;
$accounts = preg_split('#\r?\n#', $options['alternate_accounts'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$accounts[] = $options['primary_account'];
$matched = false;
foreach ($accounts AS $account)
$account = trim(strtolower($account));
if ($account && ($business == $account || $receiverEmail == $account))
$matched = true;
if (!$matched)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Invalid business or receiver_email.';
return false;
return true;
public function validateCost(CallbackState $state)
if ($state->legacy)
$upgrade = $state->userUpgrade;
$upgradeRecord = \XF::em()->findOne('XF:UserUpgradeActive', [
'user_upgrade_id' => $upgrade->user_upgrade_id,
'user_id' => $state->purchaser->user_id
if (!$upgradeRecord && $state->subscriberId)
$logFinder = \XF::finder('XF:PaymentProviderLog')
->where('subscriber_id', $state->subscriberId)
->order('log_date', 'DESC');
foreach ($logFinder->fetch() AS $log)
if (is_int($log->purchase_request_key))
$upgradeRecord = \XF::em()->find('XF:UserUpgradeExpired', $log->purchase_request_key);
if ($upgradeRecord)
$state->userUpgradeRecordId = $upgradeRecord->user_upgrade_record_id;
if (!$upgradeRecord && $state->parentTransactionId)
$logFinder = \XF::finder('XF:PaymentProviderLog')
->where('transaction_id', $state->parentTransactionId)
->order('log_date', 'DESC');
foreach ($logFinder->fetch() AS $log)
if (is_int($log->purchase_request_key))
$upgradeRecord = \XF::em()->find('XF:UserUpgradeExpired', $log->purchase_request_key);
if ($upgradeRecord)
$state->userUpgradeRecordId = $upgradeRecord->user_upgrade_record_id;
$cost = $upgrade->cost_amount;
$currency = $upgrade->cost_currency;
$upgradeRecord = false;
$purchaseRequest = $state->getPurchaseRequest();
$cost = $purchaseRequest->cost_amount;
$currency = $purchaseRequest->cost_currency;
switch ($state->transactionType)
case 'web_accept':
case 'subscr_payment':
$costValidated = (
round(($state->costAmount - $state->taxAmount), 2) == round($cost, 2)
&& $state->costCurrency == $currency
if ($state->legacy && !$costValidated && $upgradeRecord && $upgradeRecord->extra)
$cost = $upgradeRecord->extra['cost_amount'];
$currency = $upgradeRecord->extra['cost_currency'];
$costValidated = (
round(($state->costAmount - $state->taxAmount), 2) == round($cost, 2)
&& $state->costCurrency == strtoupper($currency)
if ($costValidated)
// the upgrade's cost has changed, but we need to continue as if it hasn't
$state->extraData = [
'cost_amount' => round($state->costAmount, 2),
'cost_currency' => $state->costCurrency
if (!$costValidated)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Invalid cost amount';
return false;
return true;
public function getPaymentResult(CallbackState $state)
switch ($state->transactionType)
case 'web_accept':
case 'subscr_payment':
if ($state->paymentStatus == 'Completed')
$state->paymentResult = CallbackState::PAYMENT_RECEIVED;
if ($state->paymentStatus == 'Refunded' || $state->paymentStatus == 'Reversed')
$state->paymentResult = CallbackState::PAYMENT_REVERSED;
else if ($state->paymentStatus == 'Canceled_Reversal')
$state->paymentResult = CallbackState::PAYMENT_REINSTATED;
public function prepareLogData(CallbackState $state)
$state->logDetails = $state->_POST;
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