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Easiest way to add Facebook Comments on thread


Well-Known Member
Staff member
hi friends

i was using the old modification to add facebook comments on my vbulletin forum. but it was giving multiple errors and problems.

here is the method.

go to show thread templates / SHOWTHREAD

FIND: {vb:raw similarthreads}

paste this code above

<!-- FB Comments -->
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="http://www.nidokidos.org/{vb:raw relpath}" data-num-posts="2" data-width="470"></div>
<!-- /FB Comments -->

=>Please dont forget to change my website name with your own website forum home page url.

=>Note:- i hope you have given your facebook application API key in your vbulletin facebook settings.

here is screen shot of the modification , its working fine.


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