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Share DataMatcher [Duplicate remover Combolist Tool]


New Member

DataMatcher is a free tool developed by the Araneida team to help protect you from purchasing duplicate databases. By scanning records from uploaded samples against your existing databases, DataMatcher identifies whether you already own the data, ensuring you avoid unnecessary duplicate purchases.
Designed with cost-efficiency in mind, DataMatcher safeguards your budget by preventing repeated database acquisitions.
Your databases are securely stored on your local computer in a hashed format, ensuring they remain completely inaccessible to anyone but you.

Using DataMatcher is fairly easy.

1 - Add all of your databases to the "Databases" section.
2 - Go to Home, and upload the sample you got from seller.
3 - Check for similarities in detail.
4 - %0 Similarity means that the sample is unique, %100 similarity means that sample is fully duplicated or you already have that database.



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