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New Member
Code rất đơn giản.
print {{http://fblog.wap.sh/<br/>}}
var $num = <xt:filelist sort_type="updated" sort_dir="desc" per_page="" folder="/game/data/" template="." filter="$fi" />
var $cpage = 5
var $num = call strlen $val=$num
var $page =($num/$cpage)
var $page = call ceil $num=$page
var $fpage=1
print http://fblog.wap.sh/index?__filelist_page=$fpage<br />
var $fpage=($fpage+1)
if $fpage <= $page
goto @lpage
var $tem=http://fblog.wap.sh/game/view?id=.file_name.<br />
var $temp = call htmlspecialchars $val=$tem;
print {{<xt:filelist sort_type="updated" sort_dir="desc" per_page="" folder="/game/data/" template="$temp" filter="$fi" />}}

Demo: đây

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