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Ae vô hỏi chút php nè


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Ae cho mình hỏi tí , mình đang add smile vào wap chat nhưng nó báo lỗi ae chỉ mình lỗi gì

code mình đây

$tit = 'Phòng Chat - Tán Gẫu - Trò Chuyện';
echo '<div class="navigation"><b>Phòng Chat Mới</b></div><div align="right"><div style="border-top: 3px solid #13cfeb;"></div></div></div>';
$sql=@mysql_query("select * from rum order by thoigian desc limit 5;");
$c=mysql_result(mysql_query("select count from rum"),0);
if($c == 0) {
echo '<div class="main_menu"><b style="color:red">Chưa Có Phòng Nào</b></div>';
echo '<div class="main_menu">&bull;<a href="rum.php?&id='.$ar['id'].'">'.$ar['tenphong'].'</a><br>('.$ar['tgt'].' /'.mysql_result(mysql_query("select count from cmr where idr='".$ar['id']."'"),0).' cm)</div>';
echo '</div><br><div class="navigation"><b>Top Phòng Chat</b></div><div align="right"><div style="border-top: 3px solid #13cfeb;"></div></div></div>';
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `rum` ORDER BY `luotxem` DESC LIMIT 5");
$c=mysql_result(mysql_query("select count from`rum` WHERE `luotxem` > '0' ORDER BY luotxem"),0);
if($c==0) {
echo '<div class="main_menu"><b style="color:red">Chưa Phòng Nào</b></div>';
else while($ar=mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
echo '<div class="main_menu">&bull;<a href="rum.php?&id='.$ar['id'].'">'.$ar['tenphong'].'</a><br>('.$ar['tgt'].' /'.mysql_result(mysql_query("select count from cmr where idr='".$ar['id']."'"),0).' cm)</div>';
echo '<br><div class="main_menu">&raquo;<a href="dsphong.php">Danh sách phòng</a></div>
<div class="main_menu">&raquo;<a href="tao.php">Tạo Phòng Mới</a></div><br><div class="navigation"><b>Chat Room</b></div><div align="right"><div style="border-top: 3px solid #13cfeb;"></div></div></div>';
$ql = 'op';
if($set['chat'] != $ql && $taikhoan['quyen'] < 2)
{ echo '<div class="main_menu"><b style="color:red">Phòng Chat Tạm Thời Đóng Cửa</b></div>';
if($user_id && $taikhoan['quyen'] != 0)
echo '<div class="main_menu"><form action="chat.php?chat=viet" method="post"><textarea cols="20" rows="2" name="noidung"></textarea><input type="submit" value="Gửi"> | <a href="?rf='.rand(1,20).'">Tải Lại</a> | <a href="../chat/bb.php">BBCode</a></form></div><hr>';
echo '<div class="main_menu"><a href="../dangnhap.php">Đăng nhập</a> hoặc <a href="../dangki.php">Đăng kí</a> thành viên để chat.</div>';
} }
if(!$_GET['page']) {
$_GET['page'] = '1';
$chat="SELECT count FROM chat";
$lip = $page*5;
$lip = $lip-5;
$chat="SELECT * FROM chat ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $lip,$num_chat";
if($count<1) { echo '<div class="main_menu"><font color="red">Phòng Chat Trống</font></div>';
else while($v=mysql_fetch_array($soob)) {
$id_chat = trim($v['id']);
$id_chat = (int)$id_chat;
$noidung = bbcode(trim($v['noidung']));
$tg = $v['thoigian'];
$ten = $v['ten'];
if($ten == BOT){
$arnick = '<b style="color:blue">BOT</b> <img src="../img/on.png"> (Cọp)';
$avatar = '<img src="../files/aBOT.png" width="50" height="60" alt="Ảnh">';
$vip = '<img src="../img/ma/vip.png">'; }else{
$arr = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from `taikhoan` WHERE `nick` = '".$ten."'"));
if($arr['quyen'] == 0){
$font = 's'; $mau = '#000000'; $c ='(Ban)'; }
if($arr['***'] == nam && $arr['quyen'] == 1){
$font = 'b'; $mau = '#00EEEE'; $c =''; }
if($arr['***'] == nu && $arr['quyen'] == 1){
$font = 'b'; $mau = '#FF00FF'; $c =''; }
if($arr['quyen'] == 2){
$font = 'b'; $mau = '#777700'; $c ='(CMod)'; }
if($arr['quyen'] == 3){ $font = 'b'; $mau = '#0000FF'; $c ='(SMod)'; }
if($arr['quyen'] == 4){
$font = 'b'; $mau = '#DD0000'; $c ='(Admin)'; }
if($arr['quyen'] == 5){
$font = 'b'; $mau = '#FF0000'; $c ='(SV!)'; }
$tvo=mysql_result(mysql_query("select count from online where ten = '".$arr['nick']."'"),0);
if($tvo > 0) { $tvol = '<img src="../img/on.png">'; }else{ $tvol = '<img src="../img/off.png">'; }
$arnick = '<a href="../canhan/pro.php?profile='.$arr['nick'].'"><'.$font.' style="color:'.$mau.'">'.$arr['nick'].'</'.$font.'></a> '.$tvol.' '.$c.'';
$avatar = '<a href="../canhan/pro.php?profile='.$arr['nick'].'"><img src="../files/'.$arr['avatar'].'" width="50" height="60" alt="Ảnh"></a>';
if($vip == 0)
$vip = ' <img src="../img/ma/mem.png">';
$vip = '<img src="../img/ma/vip.png">';
} }
echo '<table width="100%"style="border-left:1px solid #00a6ff; border-bottom:1px solid #00a6ff; border-right:1px solid #00a6ff; background:white; padding:2px; margin:2px"><tr><td align="center" width="32px" ><br>'.$avatar.'<br>'.$vip.'<br></td><td><div style="text-
align:left;" class="main_menu"> '.$arnick.'<br>';
echo ' [<a href="chat.php?chat=quote&q='.$id_chat.'">Q</a>|<a href="../canhan/tin.php?tin=quotet&c='.$id_chat.'">PM</a>]';
echo '</div><div class="baiviet" style="text-align:left;">'.$noidung.'<br>('.$tg.')</div></td></tr></table></div>';
if($taikhoan['quyen'] > 1) {
echo '[<a href="chat.php?chat=sua&id='.$id_chat.'"><font class="green">Sửa</font></a> | <a href="chat.php?chat=xoa&id='.$id_chat.'"><font class="green">Xóa</font></a>]<br>____________';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
if($count > 5) {
echo '<div class="tmn"><b>Trang</b>: ';
$pages = ceil($count/$onpage);
$count_chat = $count;
echo '</div>';
if($taikhoan['quyen'] > 1)
echo '<div class="main_menu">[<a href="chat.php?chat=xoahet"><b class="red">Làm Sạch Phòng</b></a>]</div>';
} }
function smile($text) {
$text=preg_replace('/\[blink\](.*?)\[\/blink\]/','<font style="text-decoration:blink">$1</font>',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\[red\](.*?)\[\/red\]/','<font color="red">$1</font>',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\[blue\](.*?)\[\/blue\]/','<font color="blue">$1</font>',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\[yellow\](.*?)\[\/yellow\]/','<font color="yellow">$1</font>',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\[green\](.*?)\[\/green\]/','<font color="green">$1</font>',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\[aqua\](.*?)\[\/aqua\]/','<font color="aqua">$1</font>',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\[color\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/color\]/','<font color="$1">$2</font>',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\[textarea\](.*?)\[\/textarea\]/','<textarea rows="4" cols="30">$1</textarea>',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/','<div class="quote">$1</div>',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:\)|\:\-\)|8\-\)/','<img src="image/1.gif" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:\(|\:\-\(|8\-\(/','<img src="image/2.gif" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\;\)|\;\-\)/','<img src="image/3.gif" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\|\:\-P/i','<img src="image/4.gif" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\|\:\-D/i','<img src="image/5.gif" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:bietloi:/i','<img src="image/bietloiroima.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:botay:/i','<img src="image/botay.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:chan:/i','<img src="image/chan.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:coykiengiko:/i','<img src="image/coykiengiko.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:cuibap:/i','<img src="image/cuibap.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:cuoilennao:/i','<img src="image/cuoilennao.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\inthua:/i','<img src="image/dauhang.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:wow:/i','<img src="image/depwa.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:ngon:/i','<img src="image/duxai.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:bietchetlien:/i','<img src="image/bietchetlien.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:batkhaxampham:/i','<img src="image/batkhaxampham.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:gianhuthan:/i','<img src="image/gianhuthan.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:gomthat:/i','<img src="image/gomthat.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:haha:/i','<img src="image/haha.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:imlang:/i','<img src="image/imlang.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:kolamphien:/i','<img src="image/kolamphien.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:love:/i','<img src="image/love.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:nhetay:/i','<img src="image/nhetay.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:nhoem:/i','<img src="image/nhoem.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:eek:cchimse:/i','<img src="image/occhimse.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:nhingi:/i','<img src="image/nhingi.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:tangem:/i','<img src="image/tangem.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:tuideptuicoquyen:/i','<img src="image/tuideptuicoquyen.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\:tuingheo:/i','<img src="image/tuingheo.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('/\aumachanh:/i','<img src="image/xaumachanh.jpg" width="100" alt="" />',$text,1);
$text=preg_replace('|http\:\/\/([0-9a-z\-\.\?\/\=\+\_\&\;\%\#\-\)\(\!\,\]\[]*)|iu','<a href="transfer.php?url=\\1">http://\\1</a>',$text);
return $text;
Máy không support utf-8 nên gây lỗi em à
Máy không support utf-8 nên gây lỗi em à

Em sửa đc rùi nhưng nó k hiện smile là sao hả anh :((

----------> Bổ sung bài viết lúc 11:05 <----------> Bài viết trước lúc 10:53 <----------

dc rùi , tks mọi người nha
Ừ, không có gì...

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