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Advanced Registration v1.1.1 for vBulletin v4.1.x PHP NULL-DGT


Well-Known Member
Staff member
 D::::::::::::DDD          GGG::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
 D:::::::::::::::DD      GG:::::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
 DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D    G:::::GGGGGGGG::::GT:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T
   D:::::D    D:::::D  G:::::G       GGGGGGTTTTTT  T:::::T  TTTTTT
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G                      T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G                      T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    GGGGGGGGGG        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    G::::::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    GGGGG::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G        G::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D    D:::::D  G:::::G       G::::G        T:::::T
 DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D    G:::::GGGGGGGG::::G      TT:::::::TT
 D:::::::::::::::DD      GG:::::::::::::::G      T:::::::::T
 D::::::::::::DDD          GGG::::::GGG:::G      T:::::::::T

                            Oo - 2012 - oO                            

[ScRiPt iNfO]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
ª Script name   : Advanced Registration v1.1.1 for vBulletin v4.1.x
ª Supplied by   : DGT
ª Nullified by  : DGT
ª Protection    : Removed
ª Homepage      : http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com
ª Release date  : 25-08-2012
ª Release genre : Addon
ª Release type  : PHP/MySQL
ª Price         : Forget it :)
ª Under music   : N/A
ª NFO date      : 02/01/2012


Advanced Registration  is  a  registration overhaul to vBulletin which
aims to improve the registration process by adding essential features,
such as guest redirects, and improving on the original system.

It supports an invite system, verify email before registration, all of
which are compatible with open or closed registration,  a registration
page overhaul - allowing  you  to  completely  change  the  order  and
display of all fields.

Advanced Registration  allows  for  heavily  tracking all registration
related data - from errors to successful registrations.

[/End DeScRiPtIoN]────────────────────────────────────────────────────

[iNfO aBouT rElEaSe]

 **** Validator ****

Upload all files in BINARY mode.
Run validator.php before editing files to verify release.
Use online verifier of validator.php file and you will see NFO file.
Remove both files from server after checking and enjoy.
Remember, we include validator.php and checksums.md5 in our releases.
If you don't see these files, don't trust.
Do not modify validator.php.

Online tool: http://v.grinderz.org

Please note: You should validate downloaded release before using it
via URL above.
There are so many leechers in the scene now who want to break
reputation of DGT and other groups (you know guys, who you are)

[/End iNfO aBouT rElEaSe]

[iNfO aBouT gRoUp]───────────────────────────────────────────────────

Welcome to our public site: http://teamdgt.org

DGT is looking for:
 - Professional Scripts Suppliers
 - Professional Scripts Testers
 - Professional Scripts Nullifiers
 - Professional Coders (for internal projects)
 - Just a good people who can help us

Wanna join? Just drop a letter with your skills to contact@teamdgt.org
We are looking for an active members only!

If you like this script, just buy it.

[/End iNfO aBouT gRoUp]───────────────────────────────────────────────


Our greetz fliez to all good groups in da scene.

[/End gReEtZ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

[/End ScRiPt iNfO]────────────────────────────────────────────────────

[DOWN] Advanced.Registration.v1.1.1.for.vBulletin.v4.1.x.PHP.NULL-DGT.zip[/DOWN]

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