Well-Known Member
Staff member

- Clean and Fully Responsive Design, works with multiple devices
- 4 Theme Colours
- 2 dashboard home page
- 3 different conversation
- Latest Bootstrap 2.3.1 Framework
- Latest jQuery 1.8.3
- 27 HTML pages
- Charts & Graphs(jQuery Peity & jQuery Flot)
- Knob (jquery knob)
- Integrated Google Maps(jQuery GMaps)
- Integrated Vector Maps of World, USA, Europe, Russia (jQuery JQVMap)
- Integrated Data Tables(jQuery Data Tables)
- Integrated Full Calendar(jQuery Full Calendar)
- Custom Radiobutton, Checkbox and File Input(jQuery Uniform)
- Bootstrap Toggle Buttons
- Date, time, date range & color Picker(Bootstrap Date, time, range & color Picker)
- WYSIWYG Editor(Bootstrap wysihtml5) and CKEditor
- Inputmask (bootstrap inputmask)
- Form wizard (bootstrap wizard)
- Custom Select Dropdown(Bootstrap Chosen)
- Photo Slider(jQuery Fancybox)
- Slider (JSlider)
- Custom Scrollbar for vertical scrolling contents(jQuery Slim Scroll)
- Multiple format of Data Tables
- Notifications(jQuery Gritter)
- Font Icons(Font Awesome 3.0) & Glyphicons
- 40+ Pre loader
- Detailed Documentation
- Well structured code
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