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    Convert WebP to PNG with Watermarking in Bulk

    Hello everyone, Today, would like to share with you a code snippet for uploading and converting WebP images to PNG. Additionally, it includes an option to add a watermark to the bottom right corner of the image, or not, and allows for image uploads from a URL. The code is designed...
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    [cXF] Node icons with image

    Would you like to change your default Font Awesome node icons with image like this? < read node > < unread node > To change a single node icon with an image add this code to your extra.less template: Change X with your node ID. (How to find node ID? Help with this resource.)...
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    Randomising content xenforo 2

    Randomising content can be used in various ways, the most common of which is for header images and logos, or advertising banners. This guide will explain how it can be done simply with two lines of code (which ironically has taken a hundred lines of explanatory text). For the purposes of this...
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    [OzzModz] Article Maximum Character/Image/Media Settings

    Admin submitted a new resource: [OzzModz] Article Maximum Character/Image/Media Settings - Count control for articles Read more about this resource...
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    Acronis True Image Home 2014 17 Build 5560 Final - Sao lưu và phục hồi dữ liệu hiệu quả

    Acronis True Image Home cho bạn sự bảo vệ nhiều hơn, tin cậy hơn, và thậm chí còn dễ sử dụng hơn bao giờ hết. Với sự đa dạng của các lựa chọn sao lưu - bao gồm lưu trữ đám mây miễn phí - tập tin của bạn, hình ảnh, thư viện media, hoặc toàn bộ hệ thống an toàn bất cứ nơi nào mà bạn chọn...
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    Drag and Drop Image Hosting

    Actually vBulletin have an attachements system but it's not recomended for you. Because u will need HUGE Server for Storage and Bandwidth. I give you simple Image Hosting. Just Drag and Drop All your forum user will know how to use this feature because very simple. If you wont have...
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    Free onboard Image Hosting - "photobucket" for your board

    Should be same install on any vBulletin board, versions 3.0 and up to 3.8.7. I have not tried this yet on vBulletin 4 and up. This uses NO: Plugins Auto template Files to upload (except one icon image) DB changes Take a test drive here: USERNAME...
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    Asset Manager / Image Upload Fix to upload multiple files like the Flash uploader

    If you weren't aware an exploit was found in the flash uploader (uploader.swf) file supplied with vBulletin 4.x. This file was part of the Yahoo YUI 2 package and Yahoo will not be fixing the exploit- Yahoo instructs anyone to remove the file since they no longer use Flash. Officially...
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    Site Logo Image re-size

    The default width for the logo image in VB5 is only 320px, which may suit the VB logo itself, but doesn't help those wanting a bigger logo, the easiest and best way to do this is by altering the css, doing it this way means you don't mess up the rest of the header area. You only need to...
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    Share theme clone + plugin leech image to hosting + full data

    Code mod style waptai, mod tag seo, mod bài viết cùng chuyên mục, bỏ category, giao diện đơn giản bắt mắt Vài plugin: + Tự lấy kết quả tìm kiếm từ google làm tag + Tự leech ảnh về khi post bài + All In One SEO Pack + Auto ping bài viết khi post bài + Tự thêm thuộc tính title cho ảnh bằng...