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    ibProArcade Navbar vb4.2

    This mod is just a quick way for members to add the Arcade Tad and Sub Menu`s to the Navbar.. Just import the product-arcade-navbar.xml Thats it,,,enjoy !! :D Download tuoitreit.vn_product-arcade-navbar.zip (1 KB)
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    ibProArcade New Thread on Highscore

    ibProArcade New Thread on Highscore Demo: www.next-level-arcade.com Step #1 Import the product-newhighscorethread.xml file.. Step #2 Go into your admincp >> vBulletin Options: IBPro Arcade Thread on New Highscore Add: Under which exisiting Username will post the New Thread or...
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    ibProArcade Newest Game Thread

    ibProArcade Newest Game Thread This mod makes a new thread when you install a .tar game.. It only works when installing one game at a time.. Demo: www.next-level-arcade.com Step #1 Upload the admincp/arcade.php and over write the old file.. or you can just add this to your...