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Question Threads to XF 2.2

Question Threads to XF 2.2 1.0.1

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.2
Additional requirements
Installed "Question Threads" addon
The convertation is happening during the installation stage so do not install before you are ready! (see "Usage")

Since 2.2 XenForo has its own question-solution system. It means there is no need to use "Question Threads" addon.

This addon will convert all data from "Question Threads" addon to internal XenForo question-solution system.

What it does
  • Converts "question only" forums to XF "question only" forums
  • Converts "thread and question" forums to mixed discussion forums
  • Converts question threads to XF questions
  • Converts best answers to XF question solutions
  • Updates "questions solved" counters

  1. BACKUP YOUR DATABASE (to be able to revert all changes if the process get nasty)
  2. Disable (not delete!) Question Threads addon
  3. Upgrade your forum to XenForo 2.2
  4. Install this converter just like other addons. Convertation will be made during installation
  5. Check if everything is converted well (question forums, questions, solutions and etc.)
  6. Remove both converter and "Question Threads" addons (including files)
  7. Thank you for using QT! Farewell!
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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