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ProjectvB4 - Alpha vBulletin 4.2.x 0.2.0A

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More Information for Project vB4


  1. Download the attached file
  2. Unizip and upload all files from upload/ folder to your vB folder
  3. Go to Admincp
  4. From Styles & Templates-> Style Manager-> Add New Style, import the file projectvb4-style-10Jul.xml from styles/ folder
  5. From Plugins & Products-> Manage Products-> Add/Import Product, import the file product-projectvb4.xml
  6. From Settings-> Options-> Project vB4 Options set the current 4 options
3nd Party Addon

For reCaptcha Human Verification, I'm using kh99 reCAPTCHA ver.2. Just now I seen that kh99 has mark it as re-usable code, so I can include it on my package. Currently is not including, you must download and install it. But if you're using PHP 7 you must edit the file uploads/includes/class_humanverify_new_recaptcha.php

Change lines 12-14
         function vB_HumanVerify_New_Recaptcha(&$registry) {     parent::vB_HumanVerify_Abstract($registry); }
         function vB_HumanVerify_New_Recaptcha(&$registry) {     parent::__construct($registry); }
What it works so far

  1. Forum list
  2. Forum display
  3. Show Thread
  4. Modal Member Profile (not completed yet)
  5. Sidebar in slide panel
  6. Search is slide panel (with link to Advanced Search)
  7. User menu in slide panel (not completed yet with custom user menu)
  8. Navbar in slide panel (not completed yet as it does not shows extra menu). Currently it shows all menu options in a long list but I'll modify it to menu-> submenu-> subsubmenu
  9. Login / Register / Password Reset in modal
That's for the moment. Please be kind and don't stress me. It's a long Project, not just a Responsive style, but I believe that it will be ready by the end of August, maybe much earlier.

Ver. 0.2.0 Alpha

New Features
  1. Completed User Profile - Modal Window
  2. Completed User Profile - Page
  3. Added User Status
  4. Redesigned What's Going On
  5. Completed Show Thread by redesigning Thread Replies
  6. Added Thread icon and Thread Prefix in Forum display
  7. Modified (a bit only), New Thread page and removed unnecessary data from Asset Manager. Still not the best as I'm working on this, but at least works on mobiles.
  8. Modified 2 core files:
    1. includes/functions_forumlist.php to change poll icon with FA icon
    2. includes/functions_editor.php to remove the emoticons block on the right side of editor as it was getting wide space in mobile view.
For better support of Avatars and Cover Image (Profile Header) you must edit each Usergroup and set:

  1. Disable Animation photos for Avatar and User Photo.
  2. Set Profile Picture Maximum Width (pixels) to 1200px
  3. Set Profile Picture Maximum Height (pixels) to 340px
  4. Set Profile Picture Maximum File-Size to 1024000 (sure you can set different filesize).
  5. Set Custom Avatar Maximum Width (pixels) to 150px
  6. Set Custom Avatar Maximum Height (pixels) to 150px
  7. Set Custom Avatar Maximum File-Size to 200000 (or anything else you prefer).
To Upgrade

  1. Download and Unzip the file
  2. Upload all files from upload/ folder, overwriting the old ones
  3. Import product-projectvb4.xml selecting Allow Overwrite -> Yes
  4. Import Style XML File projectvb4-style-17Jul.xml selecting to Merge Into Style ProjectvB4
Editing core files

There are 2 small modifications in vB core files, but as the Licenses prohibits distribution of them, you must do these changes on your own.

1.- If you want to hide the emoticons from the right side of the editor to earn some space in mobile view (emoticon will still be available from the button menu), you must edit the file includes/functions_editor.php. Open it with a text editor (not Word and similar), and change line 551
$usesmiliebox = true;
$usesmiliebox = false;

2.- To replace the Poll icon with a FA icon, your need to edit the file includes/functions_forumlist.php file 592
return array('iconpath' => vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('imgdir_misc') . "/poll_posticon.gif", 'title' => $vbphrase['poll']);
return array('iconpath' => '<i class="fa fa-bar-chart" aria-hidden="true" title="'.$vbphrase['poll'].'" style="float:left; margin-right:7px; color:green; font-size:18px;"></i>');


  1. I appreciate your patience but don't forget that its a huge product. I don't focus to release just a responsive theme but to redesign it the most that my knowledge permits me to do.
  2. Next release next Friday :)
I wish you a nice weekend
AdminAdmin is verified member.
First release
Last update


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