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Hide Poll Results xenforo 2

Hide Poll Results xenforo 2 2.0.3

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
Additional requirements
php 5.6
Forum user-group based permissions to allow poll contents to be hidden.

Permissions (per-forum)
  • Hide poll results
  • Bypass hidden poll results by self
  • Bypass hidden poll results by all

The first will give users an additional option when they are creating or editing a poll:

If poll results are hidden, then they will remain completely hidden to everyone until either, the "Hide poll results" box is unchecked or the poll ends (if that option is checked).

The results of a poll will look like this if the poll is hidden until the poll closes:

The poll responses are still visible, but you have no idea who or how many have voted for each poll. Your own vote is still highlighted in bold.

Additionally, you can set permissions that override the hiding of poll results.

One of the permission allows you to see the poll results if you created the poll yourself, and the other permission can be given to moderators so they can see all poll results.

This add-on is not designed to hide the poll results that may be displayed by other add-ons.
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Reactions: ngkonb
First release
Last update
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