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vBulletin 5.0.5 [ NULLED G3 | DNU & MC KEY | VBWAREZ ]


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Version: vBulletin 5.0.5
Language: English
Ext: PHP
Crack: Nulled. . . Removed customer verifications on install and upgrade process. 

DNU Tools.php & MC KEY*: VBWAREZ28654

*DNU= Do_not_upload Folder
*MC = makeconfig.php file in /core/install/ folder

Nulled by UnstucK @ vBWarez.net

Files to edit:

RENAME: /config.php

RENAME & EDIT: /core/includes/config.php

-> Enter your SQL Informations (Server,Database,User,Pass,Port)
Download tuoitreit.vn_vbulletin_5.0.5_nulled.rar (9.86 MB)

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