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[ozzy47] Post New Thread Button In Posts


Well-Known Member
Staff member
This is a simple and better way to add a Post New Thread Button to showthread page...to a closed and open thread...above and/or below the posts.

It can be useful to have a Post New Thread Button on showthread very handy, besides being convenient, it has also may help cut down on thread hijacking/going off topic, if that button is right there to click for the member to start a new thread.

Maybe because what they were reading inspires them/makes them think of something similar.

It is a simple installation, just import the product XML, product-ozzy_new_thread_button

You can edit the options under the settings, Ozzy: New Thread Button Settings

Complete Feature List
  • Option to disable the mod completely.
  • Option to show the button above posts.
  • Option to show the button below the posts.
  • Option to select which usergroups can see the button.

If you like this mod please hit the
button to the right ---->

Please remember to click the,
button to the right if you installed the mod ---->

What does 'Marking As Installed' do ?

* It helps you to stay on top of updates - members who have installed modifications will be notified whenever new updates are available.

* For security issues - vbulletin.org will contact all members who have installed a modification whenever a security issue is brought to their attention.

* Marking a modification as installed also helps me know how many people are using my work, giving me extra incentive to provide more features and new modifications.

I appreciate the support!
Download tuoitreit.vn_product-ozzy_new_thread_button.xml (6.70 KB)

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