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Hướng dẫn fix lỗi XSS trên Xenforo 2.0.9 - XenForo 2.0.9 Released (Security Fix)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Xenforo mới thông báo rằng bản Xenforo 2.0.8 bị lỗi XSS

Để fix lỗi XSS bạn làm như sau
Mở src/XF/Str/Formatter.php và thay tất cả bằng


namespace XF\Str;

class Formatter
    protected $censorRules = [];
    protected $censorChar = '*';
    protected $censorCache = null;

    protected $smilieTranslate = [];
    protected $smilieReverse = [];

     * @var callable|null
    protected $smilieHtmlPather = null;

     * @var callable|null
    protected $proxyHandler;

    protected $htmlPlaceholderId = 0;

    public function censorText($string, $censorChar = null)
        if ($censorChar !== null)
            $map = $this->buildCensorMap($this->censorRules, $censorChar);
            if ($this->censorCache === null)
                $this->censorCache = $this->buildCensorMap($this->censorRules, $this->censorChar);
            $map = $this->censorCache;

        if ($map)
            $string = preg_replace(

        return $string;

    public function setCensorRules(array $censorRules, $censorChar)
        $this->censorRules = $censorRules;
        $this->censorChar = $censorChar;

    protected function buildCensorMap(array $censor, $censorCharacter)
        $map = [];

        foreach ($censor AS $key => $word)
            if (is_string($key) || !isset($word['regex']) || !isset($word['replace']))
                // old format or broken

            $regex = $word['regex'];
            $replace = $word['replace'];

            $map[$regex] = is_int($replace) ? str_repeat($censorCharacter, $replace) : $replace;

        return $map;

    public function replacePhrasePlaceholders($string, \XF\Language $language = null)
        if (!preg_match_all(
            '#\{phrase:([a-z0-9_]+)\}#iU', $string, $phraseMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER
            return $string;

        if (!$language)
            $language = \XF::language();

        $replacements = [];
        foreach ($phraseMatches AS $phraseMatch)
            $replacements[$phraseMatch[0]] = $language->phrase($phraseMatch[1]);

        return strtr($string, $replacements);

    public function replacePhraseSyntax($value, \XF\Language $language = null)
        if (!preg_match_all(
            $value, $phraseMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER
            return $value;

        if (!$language)
            $language = \XF::language();

        $replacements = [];
        foreach ($phraseMatches AS $phraseMatch)
            $phraseParams = [];
            if (!empty($phraseMatch[4]))
                    $phraseMatch[4], $paramMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER
                foreach ($paramMatches AS $paramMatch)
                    $phraseParams[$paramMatch[2]] = $paramMatch[4];

            $replacements[$phraseMatch[0]] = $language->phrase($phraseMatch[2], $phraseParams);

        if (count($replacements) == 1 && key($replacements) == $value)
            return current($replacements);

        return $replacements ? strtr($value, $replacements) : $value;

    public function addSmilies(array $smilies)
        foreach ($smilies AS $smilie)
            foreach ($smilie['smilieText'] AS $text)
                $this->smilieTranslate[$text] = "\0" . $smilie['smilie_id'] . "\0";

            $this->smilieReverse[$smilie['smilie_id']] = $smilie;

    public function setSmilieHtmlPather(callable $pather = null)
        $this->smilieHtmlPather = $pather;

    public function replaceSmiliesInText($text, $replaceCallback, $escapeCallback = null)
        if ($this->smilieTranslate)
            $text = strtr($text, $this->smilieTranslate);

        if ($escapeCallback)
            /** @var callable $escapeCallback */
            $text = $escapeCallback($text);

        if ($this->smilieTranslate)
            $reverse = $this->smilieReverse;
            $text = preg_replace_callback('#\0(\d+)\0#', function($match) use ($reverse, $replaceCallback)
                $id = $match[1];
                return isset($reverse[$id]) ? $replaceCallback($id, $reverse[$id]) : '';
            }, $text);

        return $text;

    protected $smilieCache = [];

    public function replaceSmiliesHtml($text)
        $cache = &$this->smilieCache;

        $replace = function($id, $smilie) use (&$cache)
            if (isset($cache[$id]))
                return $cache[$id];

            $html = $this->getDefaultSmilieHtml($id, $smilie);
            $cache[$id] = $html;
            return $html;

        return $this->replaceSmiliesInText($text, $replace, 'htmlspecialchars');

    public function getDefaultSmilieHtml($id, array $smilie)
        $smilieTitle = htmlspecialchars($smilie['title']);
        $smilieText = htmlspecialchars(reset($smilie['smilieText']));
        $pather = $this->smilieHtmlPather;

        if (empty($smilie['sprite_params']))
            $url = htmlspecialchars($pather ? $pather($smilie['image_url'], 'base') : $smilie['image_url']);
            $srcSet = '';
            if (!empty($smilie['image_url_2x']))
                $url2x = htmlspecialchars($pather ? $pather($smilie['image_url_2x'], 'base') : $smilie['image_url_2x']);
                $srcSet = 'srcset="' . $url2x . ' 2x"';

            return '<img src="' . $url . '" ' . $srcSet . ' class="smilie" alt="' . $smilieText
                . '" title="' . $smilieTitle . '    ' . $smilieText . '" />';
            // embed a data URI to avoid a request that doesn't respect paths fully
            $url = '';
            return '<img src="' . $url . '" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite' . $id
                . '" alt="' . $smilieText . '" title="' . $smilieTitle . '    ' . $smilieText . '" />';

    public function moveHtmlToPlaceholders($string, &$restorerClosure)
        $placeholders = [];

        $string = preg_replace_callback(
            function (array $match) use (&$placeholders, &$placeholderPosition)
                $placeholder = "\x1A" . $this->htmlPlaceholderId . "\x1A";
                $placeholders[$placeholder] = $match[0];


                return $placeholder;

        $restorerClosure = function($string) use ($placeholders)
            return strtr($string, $placeholders);

        return $string;

    public function removeHtmlPlaceholders($string)
        return preg_replace("#\x1A\\d+\x1A#", '', $string);

    public function autoLinkStructuredText($string)
        $string = $this->moveHtmlToPlaceholders($string, $restorePlaceholders);

        $string = preg_replace_callback(
            function (array $match)
                $url = $this->removeHtmlPlaceholders($match[0]);
                $url = htmlspecialchars_decode($url, ENT_QUOTES);
                $link = $this->prepareAutoLinkedUrl($url);

                if (!$link['url'])
                    return $url;

                $linkInfo = $this->getLinkClassTarget($link['url']);
                $classAttr = $linkInfo['class'] ? " class=\"$linkInfo[class]\"" : '';
                $targetAttr = $linkInfo['target'] ? " target=\"$linkInfo[target]\"" : '';
                $noFollowAttr = $linkInfo['trusted'] ? '' : ' rel="nofollow"';

                return '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($link['url'], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8')
                    . "\"{$classAttr}{$noFollowAttr}{$targetAttr}>"
                    . htmlspecialchars($link['linkText'], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . '</a>'
                    . htmlspecialchars($link['suffixText'], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');

        $string = $restorePlaceholders($string);

        return $string;

    public function getLinkClassTarget($url)
        $target = '_blank';
        $class = 'link link--external';
        $type = 'external';
        $schemeMatch = true;

        $urlInfo = @parse_url($url);
        if ($urlInfo)
            if (empty($urlInfo['host']))
                $isInternal = true;
                $request = \XF::app()->request();
                $host = $urlInfo['host'] . (!empty($urlInfo['port']) ? ":$urlInfo[port]" : '');
                $isInternal = ($host == $request->getHost());

                $scheme = (!empty($urlInfo['scheme']) ? strtolower($urlInfo['scheme']) : 'http');
                $schemeMatch = $scheme == ($request->isSecure() ? 'https' : 'http');

            if ($isInternal)
                $target = '';
                $class = 'link link--internal';
                $type = 'internal';

        return [
            'class' => $class,
            'target' => $target,
            'type' => $type,
            'trusted' => $type == 'internal',
            'local' => $type == 'internal' && $schemeMatch

    public function prepareAutoLinkedUrl($url)
        $suffixText = '';

        if (preg_match('/&(?:quot|gt|lt);/i', $url, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
            $suffixText = substr($url, $match[0][1]);
            $url = substr($url, 0, $match[0][1]);

        $linkText = $url;

        if (strpos($url, '://') === false)
            $url = 'http://' . $url;

            $matchedTrailer = false;
            $lastChar = substr($url, -1);
            switch ($lastChar)
                case ')':
                case ']':
                    $closer = $lastChar;
                    $opener = $lastChar == ']' ? '[' : '(';

                    if (substr_count($url, $closer) == substr_count($url, $opener))
                    // break missing intentionally

                case '(':
                case '[':
                case '.':
                case ',':
                case '!':
                case ':':
                case "'":
                    $suffixText = $lastChar . $suffixText;
                    $url = substr($url, 0, -1);
                    $linkText = substr($linkText, 0, -1);

                    $matchedTrailer = true;
        while ($matchedTrailer);

        if (preg_match('/proxy\.php\?[a-z0-9_]+=(http[^&]+)&/i', $url, $match))
            // proxy link of some sort, adjust to the original one
            $proxiedUrl = urldecode($match[1]);
            if (preg_match('/./u', $proxiedUrl))
                if ($proxiedUrl == $linkText)
                    $linkText = $proxiedUrl;
                $url = $proxiedUrl;

        if (!\XF::app()->validator('Url')->isValid($url))
            $url = null;

        return [
            'url' => $url,
            'linkText' => $linkText,
            'suffixText' => $suffixText

    public function linkStructuredTextMentions($string)
        $string = $this->moveHtmlToPlaceholders($string, $restorePlaceholders);

        $string = preg_replace_callback(
            function(array $match)
                $userId = intval($match[1]);
                $username = $this->removeHtmlPlaceholders($match[3]);
                $username = htmlspecialchars($username, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8', false);

                $link = \XF::app()->router('public')->buildLink('full:members', ['user_id' => $userId]);

                return sprintf('<a href="%s" class="username" data-user-id="%d" data-username="%s" data-xf-init="member-tooltip">%s</a>',
                    htmlspecialchars($link), $userId, $username, $username

        $string = $restorePlaceholders($string);

        return $string;

    public function getProxiedUrlIfActive($type, $url)
        if (!$this->proxyHandler)
            return null;

        $handler = $this->proxyHandler;
        return $handler($type, $url);

    public function setProxyHandler(callable $handler = null)
        $this->proxyHandler = $handler;

    public function getProxyHandler()
        return $this->proxyHandler;

    public function wholeWordTrim($string, $maxLength, $offset = 0, $ellipsis = '...')
        $ellipsisLen = strlen($ellipsis);

        if ($offset)
            $string = preg_replace('/^\S*\s+/s', '', utf8_substr($string, $offset));
            if ($maxLength > 0)
                $maxLength = max(1, $maxLength - $ellipsisLen);

        $strLength = utf8_strlen($string);
        if ($maxLength > 0 && $strLength > $maxLength)
            $maxLength -= $ellipsisLen;

            if ($maxLength > 0)
                $string = utf8_substr($string, 0, $maxLength);
                $string = strrev(preg_replace('/^\S*\s+/s', '', strrev($string)));
                $string = rtrim($string, ',.!?:;') . $ellipsis;
            else if ($maxLength <= 0)
                // too short with the ellipsis, can't really display anything
                $string = $ellipsis;
                $offset = 0;

        if ($offset)
            $string = $ellipsis . $string;

        return $string;

    public function wholeWordTrimAroundTerm($string, $maxLength, $term, $ellipsis = '...')
        $stringLength = utf8_strlen($string);

        if ($stringLength > $maxLength)
            $term = strval($term);

            if ($term !== '')
                // TODO: slightly more intelligent search term matching, breaking up multiple words etc.
                $termPosition = utf8_strpos(utf8_strtolower($string), utf8_strtolower($term));
                $termPosition = false;

            if ($termPosition !== false)
                $startPos = $termPosition + utf8_strlen($term); // add term length to term start position
                $startPos -= $maxLength / 2; // count back half the max characters
                $startPos = max(0, $startPos); // don't overflow the beginning
                $startPos = min($startPos, $stringLength - $maxLength); // don't overflow the end
                $startPos = 0;

            $string = $this->wholeWordTrim($string, $maxLength, $startPos);

        return $string;

    public function highlightTermForHtml($string, $term, $class = 'textHighlight')
        $term = trim(preg_replace('#((^|\s)[+|-]|[/()"~^])#', ' ', strval($term)));
        if ($term !== '')
            return preg_replace(
                '/(' . preg_replace('#\s+#', '|', preg_quote(htmlspecialchars($term), '/')) . ')/siu',
                '<em class="' . htmlspecialchars($class) . '">\1</em>',
            return \XF::escapeString($string);

    public function stripBbCode($string, array $options = [])
        $options = array_merge([
            'stripQuote' => false,
            'hideUnviewable' => true
        ], $options);

        if ($options['stripQuote'])
            $parts = preg_split('#(\[quote[^\]]*\]|\[/quote\])#i', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
            $string = '';
            $quoteLevel = 0;
            foreach ($parts AS $i => $part)
                if ($i % 2 == 0)
                    // always text, only include if not inside quotes
                    if ($quoteLevel == 0)
                        $string .= rtrim($part) . "\n";
                    // quote start/end
                    if ($part[1] == '/')
                        // close tag, down a level if open
                        if ($quoteLevel)
                        // up a level

        // replaces unviewable tags with a text representation
        $string = str_replace('[*]', '', $string);
        $string = preg_replace(
            $options['hideUnviewable'] ? '' : '[\\1]',

        // split the string into possible delimiters and text; even keys (from 0) are strings, odd are delimiters
        $parts = preg_split('#(\[[a-z0-9_]+(?:=[^\]]*)?\]|\[/[a-z0-9_]+\])#si', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
        $total = count($parts);
        if ($total < 2)
            return trim($string);

        $closes = [];
        $skips = [];
        $newString = '';

        // first pass: find all the closing tags and note their keys
        for ($i = 1; $i < $total; $i += 2)
            if (preg_match("#^\\[/([a-z0-9]+)]#i", $parts[$i], $match))
                $closes[strtolower($match[1])][$i] = $i;

        // second pass: look for all the text elements and any opens, then find
        // the first corresponding close that comes after it and remove it.
        // if we find that, don't display the open or that close
        for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++)
            $part = $parts[$i];
            if ($i % 2 == 0)
                // string part
                $newString .= $part;

            if (!empty($skips[$i]))
                // known close

            if (preg_match('/^\[([a-z0-9]+)(?:=|\])/i', $part, $match))
                $tagName = strtolower($match[1]);
                if (!empty($closes[$tagName]))
                        $closeKey = reset($closes[$tagName]);
                        if ($closeKey)
                    while ($closeKey && $closeKey < $i);
                    if ($closeKey)
                        // found a matching close after this tag
                        $skips[$closeKey] = true;

            $newString .= $part;

        return trim($newString);

    public function getBbCodeForQuote($bbCode, $context)
        $bbCodeContainer = \XF::app()->bbCode();

        $processor = $bbCodeContainer->processor()
            ->addProcessorAction('quotes', $bbCodeContainer->processorAction('quotes'))
            ->addProcessorAction('censor', $bbCodeContainer->processorAction('censor'));

        return trim($processor->render($bbCode, $bbCodeContainer->parser(), $bbCodeContainer->rules($context)));

    public function getBbCodeFromSelectionHtml($html)
        // attempt to parse the selected HTML into BB code
        $html = trim(strip_tags($html, '<b><i><u><a><img><span><ul><ol><li><pre><code><br>'));

        // handle CODE output and turn it back into BB code
        $html = preg_replace_callback('/<code data-language="(\w+)">(.*)<\/code>/siU', function(array $matches)
            return "[CODE=$matches[1]]" . str_replace("\n", '<br>', trim($matches[2])) . "[/CODE]";
        }, $html);

        // handle ICODE output to BB code
        $html = preg_replace_callback('/<code class="bbCodeInline">(.*)<\/code>/siU', function(array $matches)
            return "[ICODE]" . trim($matches[1]) . "[/ICODE]";
        }, $html);

        return $html;

    public function snippetString($string, $maxLength = 0, array $options = [])
        $options = array_merge([
            'term' => '',
            'fromStart' => false,
            'stripBbCode' => false,
            'stripQuote' => false,
            'stripHtml' => false,
            'stripPlainTag' => false,
            'censor' => true
        ], $options);

        if ($options['stripQuote'])
            $options['stripBbCode'] = true;

        if ($options['stripHtml'])
            $string = strip_tags($string);
        else if ($options['stripPlainTag'])
            $string = preg_replace(
        else if ($options['stripBbCode'])
            $string = $this->stripBbCode($string, ['stripQuote' => $options['stripQuote']]);

        if ($maxLength)
            if ($options['fromStart'] || !$options['term'])
                $string = $this->wholeWordTrim($string, $maxLength);
                $string = $this->wholeWordTrimAroundTerm($string, $maxLength, $options['term']);

        $string = trim($string);

        if ($options['censor'])
            $string = $this->censorText($string);

        return $string;

    public function createKeyValueSetFromString($string)
        $values = [];

        /mix', trim($string), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

        foreach ($matches AS $match)
            $value = $this->replacePhraseSyntax($match['value']);
            $values[$match['name']] = $value;

        return $values;

     * @return \XF\Str\MentionFormatter
    public function getMentionFormatter()
        $class = \XF::extendClass('XF\Str\MentionFormatter');
        return new $class();

Mở src/XF/Template/Templater.php và thay tất cả bằng


namespace XF\Template;

use XF\App;
use XF\Language;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\AbstractCollection;
use XF\Mvc\Router;
use XF\Util\Arr;

class Templater
    const MAX_EXECUTION_DEPTH = 50;

     * @var App
    protected $app;

     * @var Router
    protected $router;
    protected $routerType;

     * @var \Closure
    protected $pather;

    protected $jsBaseUrl = 'js';

     * @var Language
    protected $language;

    protected $compiledPath;

    protected $styleId = 0;

     * @var callable|null
    protected $cssValidator;

     * @var \XF\Style|null
    protected $style;

    protected $filters = [];
    protected $functions = [];
    protected $tests = [];

    protected $defaultParams = [];

    protected $templateCache = [];

    protected $jQueryVersion;
    protected $jQuerySource = 'local';
    protected $jsVersion = '';

    protected $dynamicDefaultAvatars = true;

    protected $mediaSites = [];

    protected $groupStyles = [];
    protected $userTitleLadder = [];
    protected $userTitleLadderField = 'trophy_points';
    protected $userBanners = [];
    protected $userBannerConfig = [];

    protected $widgetPositions = [];

     * @var WatcherInterface[]
    protected $watchers = [];

    protected $currentTemplateType;
    protected $currentTemplateName;

    protected $wrapTemplateName = null;
    protected $wrapTemplateParams = null;

    protected $executionDepth = 0;
    protected $templateErrors = [];

    protected $escapeContext = 'html';

    protected $includeCss = [];
    protected $inlineCss = [];
    protected $includeJs = [];
    protected $inlineJs = [];

    protected $sidebar = [];
    protected $sideNav = [];

    protected $uniqueIdCounter = 0;
    protected $uniqueIdPrefix;
    protected $uniqueIdFormat = '_xfUid-%s';

    protected $avatarDefaultStylingCache = [];
    protected $avatarLetterRegex = '/[^\(\)\{\}\[\]\<\>\-\.\+\:\=\*\!\|\^\/\\\\\'`"_,#~ ]/u';

    public $pageParams = [];

    protected $defaultFilters = [
        'default' => 'filterDefault',
        'censor' => 'filterCensor',
        'currency' => 'filterCurrency',
        'escape' => 'filterEscape',
        'for_attr' => 'filterForAttr',
        'file_size' => 'filterFileSize',
        'first' => 'filterFirst',
        'hex' => 'filterHex',
        'host' => 'filterHost',
        'ip' => 'filterIp',
        'join' => 'filterJoin',
        'json' => 'filterJson',
        'last' => 'filterLast',
        'nl2br' => 'filterNl2Br',
        'nl2nl' => 'filterNl2Nl',
        'number' => 'filterNumber',
        'number_short' => 'filterNumberShort',
        'pad' => 'filterPad',
        'parens' => 'filterParens',
        'pluck' => 'filterPluck',
        'preescaped' => 'filterPreEscaped',
        'raw' => 'filterRaw',
        'replace' => 'filterReplace',
        'split' => 'filterSplit',
        'strip_tags' => 'filterStripTags',
        'to_lower' => 'filterToLower',
        'to_upper' => 'filterToUpper',
        'url' => 'filterUrl',
        'urlencode' => 'filterUrlencode',
        'zerofill' => 'filterZeroFill',

    protected $defaultFunctions = [
        'anchor_target' => 'fnAnchorTarget',
        'array_keys' => 'fnArrayKeys',
        'array_merge' => 'fnArrayMerge',
        'array_values' => 'fnArrayValues',
        'attributes' => 'fnAttributes',
        'avatar' => 'fnAvatar',
        'base_url' => 'fnBaseUrl',
        'bb_code' => 'fnBbCode',
        'bb_code_type' => 'fnBbCodeType',
        'button_icon' => 'fnButtonIcon',
        'callable' => 'fnCallable',
        'captcha' => 'fnCaptcha',
        'ceil' => 'fnCeil',
        'contains' => 'fnContains',
        'copyright' => 'fnCopyright',
        'core_js' => 'fnCoreJs',
        'count' => 'fnCount',
        'csrf_input' => 'fnCsrfInput',
        'csrf_token' => 'fnCsrfToken',
        'css_url' => 'fnCssUrl',
        'date' => 'fnDate',
        'date_from_format' => 'fnDateFromFormat',
        'date_dynamic' => 'fnDateDynamic',
        'date_time' => 'fnDateTime',
        'debug_url' => 'fnDebugUrl',
        'display_totals' => 'fnDisplayTotals',
        'dump' => 'fnDump',
        'dump_simple' => 'fnDumpSimple',
        'empty' => 'fnEmpty',
        'file_size' => 'fnFileSize',
        'floor' => 'fnFloor',
        'gravatar_url' => 'fnGravatarUrl',
        'highlight' => 'fnHighlight',
        'in_array' => 'fnInArray',
        'is_array' => 'fnIsArray',
        'is_addon_active' => 'fnIsAddonActive',
        'is_editor_capable' => 'fnIsEditorCapable',
        'is_toggled' => 'fnIsToggled',
        'js_url' => 'fnJsUrl',
        'last_pages' => 'fnLastPages',
        'likes' => 'fnLikes',
        'likes_content' => 'fnLikesContent',
        'link' => 'fnLink',
        'link_type' => 'fnLinkType',
        'max_length' => 'fnMaxLength',
        'media_sites' => 'fnMediaSites',
        'mustache' => 'fnMustache',
        'number' => 'fnNumber',
        'named_colors' => 'fnNamedColors',
        'page_description' => 'fnPageDescription',
        'page_h1' => 'fnPageH1',
        'page_nav' => 'fnPageNav',
        'page_title' => 'fnPageTitle',
        'parens' => 'fnParens',
        'parse_less_color' => 'fnParseLessColor',
        'prefix' => 'fnPrefix',
        'prefix_group' => 'fnPrefixGroup',
        'prefix_title' => 'fnPrefixTitle',
        'property' => 'fnProperty',
        'rand' => 'fnRand',
        'range' => 'fnRange',
        'redirect_input' => 'fnRedirectInput',
        'repeat' => 'fnRepeat',
        'repeat_raw' => 'fnRepeatRaw',
        'show_ignored' => 'fnShowIgnored',
        'smilie' => 'fnSmilie',
        'snippet' => 'fnSnippet',
        'strlen' => 'fnStrlen',
        'structured_text' => 'fnStructuredText',
        'templater' => 'fnTemplater',
        'time' => 'fnTime',
        'transparent_img' => 'fnTransparentImg',
        'trim' => 'fnTrim',
        'unique_id' => 'fnUniqueId',
        'user_activity' => 'fnUserActivity',
        'user_banners' => 'fnUserBanners',
        'user_blurb' => 'fnUserBlurb',
        'user_title' => 'fnUserTitle',
        'username_link' => 'fnUsernameLink',
        'username_link_email' => 'fnUsernameLinkEmail',
        'widget_data' => 'fnWidgetData'

    protected $defaultTests = [
        'empty' => 'testEmpty'

    protected $overlayClickOptions = [

    public function __construct(App $app, Language $language, $compiledPath)
        $this->app = $app;
        $this->language = $language;
        $this->compiledPath = $compiledPath;

        $this->router = $app->router();
        $this->pather = $app->container('request.pather');
        $this->uniqueIdFormat = '_xfUid-%s-' . \XF::$time;

    public function getTemplateFilePath($type, $name, $styleIdOverride = null)
        return $this->compiledPath
            . '/l' . $this->language->getId()
            . '/s' . intval($styleIdOverride !== null ? $styleIdOverride : $this->styleId)
            . '/' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]/', '', $type)
            . '/' .  preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]/', '', $name) . '.php';

    protected function getTemplateDataFromSource($type, $name)
        $file = $this->getTemplateFilePath($type, $name);
        if (!file_exists($file))
            return false;

        return include($file);

    public function getRouter()
        if ($this->currentTemplateType && $this->currentTemplateType != $this->routerType)
            $container = $this->app->container();
            $type = $this->currentTemplateType;

            /** @var \XF\Mvc\Router|null $router */
            $router = isset($container['router.' . $type]) ? $container['router.' . $type] : null;
            if ($router)
                $this->router = $router;
                $this->routerType = $type;

        return $this->router;

    public function getCssLoadUrl(array $templates, $includeValidation = true)
        $url = 'css.php?css='
            . urlencode(implode(',', $templates))
            . '&s=' . $this->styleId
            . '&l=' . $this->language->getId()
            . '&d=' . ($this->style ? $this->style->getLastModified() : \XF::$time);

        if ($includeValidation)
            $validationKey = $this->getCssValidationKey($templates);
            if ($validationKey)
                $url .= '&k=' . urlencode($validationKey);

        $pather = $this->pather;
        return $pather($url, 'base');

    public function getCssValidationKey(array $templates)
        if ($this->cssValidator)
            $cssValidator = $this->cssValidator;
            return $cssValidator($templates);
            return null;

    public function getJsUrl($js)
        if (preg_match('#^(/|[a-z]+:)#i', $js))
            return $js;

        if (!strpos($js, '_v='))
            $js = $js . (strpos($js, '?') ? '&' : '?') . $this->getJsCacheBuster();

        $pather = $this->pather;
        return $pather("{$this->jsBaseUrl}/$js", 'base');

    public function getJsCacheBuster()
        return '_v=' . $this->jsVersion;

    public function getDevJsUrl($addOnId, $js)
        $url = 'js/devjs.php?addon_id=' . urlencode($addOnId) . '&js=' . urlencode($js);

        $pather = $this->pather;
        return $pather($url, 'base');

    public function setLanguage(Language $language)
        $this->language = $language;

    public function getLanguage()
        return $this->language;

    public function setStyle(\XF\Style $style)
        $this->style = $style;
        $this->styleId = $style->getId();

    public function getStyle()
        return $this->style;

    public function getStyleId()
        return $this->styleId;

    public function setCssValidator(callable $cssValidator)
        $this->cssValidator = $cssValidator;

    public function setJquerySource($version, $jQuerySource = null)
        $this->jQueryVersion = $version;
        $this->jQuerySource = $jQuerySource ?: $this->app->options()->jQuerySource;

    public function setJsVersion($version)
        $this->jsVersion = $version;

    public function setJsBaseUrl($baseUrl)
        $this->jsBaseUrl = rtrim($baseUrl, '/') ?: 'js';

    public function setDynamicDefaultAvatars($dynamic)
        $this->dynamicDefaultAvatars = $dynamic;

    public function setMediaSites(array $mediaSites)
        $this->mediaSites = $mediaSites;

    public function setUserTitleLadder(array $ladder, $titleField = '')
        $this->userTitleLadder = $ladder;
        if ($titleField)
            $this->userTitleLadderField = $titleField;

    public function setUserBanners(array $banners, array $config = [])
        $this->userBanners = $banners;
        if ($config)
            $this->userBannerConfig = $config;

    public function setGroupStyles(array $styles)
        $this->groupStyles = $styles;

    public function setWidgetPositions(array $widgetPositions)
        $this->widgetPositions = $widgetPositions;

    public function addDefaultHandlers()

    public function addFilters(array $filters)
        $this->filters = array_merge($this->filters, $filters);

    public function addFilter($name, $filter)
        $this->filters[$name] = $filter;

    public function addFunctions(array $functions)
        $this->functions = array_merge($this->functions, $functions);

    public function addFunction($name, $function)
        $this->functions[$name] = $function;

    public function addTests(array $tests)
        $this->tests = array_merge($this->tests, $tests);

    public function addTest($name, $test)
        $this->tests[$name] = $test;

    public function addDefaultParams(array $params)
        $this->defaultParams = array_merge($this->defaultParams, $params);

    public function addDefaultParam($name, $value)
        $this->defaultParams[$name] = $value;

    public function getTemplate($name, array $params = [])
        return new Template($this, $name, $params);

    public function addTemplateWatcher(WatcherInterface $watcher)
        $this->watchers[] = $watcher;

    public function hasWatcherActionedTemplates()
        foreach ($this->watchers AS $watcher)
            if ($watcher->hasActionedTemplates())
                return true;

        return false;

    public function getTemplateTypeAndName($template)
        $parts = explode(':', $template, 2);
        if (count($parts) == 2)
            return [$parts[0], $parts[1]];
            return [$this->currentTemplateType, $parts[0]];

    public function applyDefaultTemplateType($template)
        list($type, $template) = $this->getTemplateTypeAndName($template);

        if ($type)
            $template = "$type:$template";

        return $template;

     * @param string $type
     * @param string $template
     * @return \Closure
    public function getTemplateCode($type, $template)
        $data = $this->getTemplateData($type, $template);
        return $data['code'];

     * @param string $type
     * @param string $template
     * @param string $macro
     * @return \Closure
    public function getTemplateMacro($type, $template, $macro)
        $data = $this->getTemplateData($type, $template);
        if (isset($data['macros'][$macro]))
            return $data['macros'][$macro];

        trigger_error("Macro $type:$template:$macro is unknown", E_USER_WARNING);
        return function() { return ''; };

    protected function getTemplateData($type, $template, $errorOnUnknown = true)
        if (isset($this->templateCache[$type][$template]))
            return $this->templateCache[$type][$template];

        if (preg_match('#[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]#', $template))
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Template name '$template' contains invalid characters");

        foreach ($this->watchers AS $watcher)
            $watcher->watchTemplate($this, $type, $template);

        $data = $this->getTemplateDataFromSource($type, $template);
        if (!$data || !is_array($data) || !isset($data['code']))
            if ($errorOnUnknown)
                trigger_error("Template $type:$template is unknown", E_USER_WARNING);

            $data = [
                'macros' => [],
                'code' => function() { return ''; },
                'unknown' => true

        $this->templateCache[$type][$template] = $data;

        return $data;

    public function callAdsMacro($position, array $arguments, array $globalVars)
        $templateData = $this->getTemplateData('public', '_ads', false);
        if (!isset($templateData['macros'][$position]))
            return '';
            return $this->callMacro('public:_ads', $position, $arguments, $globalVars);

    public function callMacro($template, $name, array $arguments, array $globalVars)
        if ($this->executionDepth >= self::MAX_EXECUTION_DEPTH)
            trigger_error('Max template execution depth reached', E_USER_WARNING);
            return '';

        if (!$template)
            $template = $this->currentTemplateName;
            $type = $this->currentTemplateType;
            list($type, $template) = $this->getTemplateTypeAndName($template);

        if (!$type)
            trigger_error('No template type was provided. Provide template name in type:name format.', E_USER_WARNING);
            return '';

        if (isset($globalVars['__globals']))
            $globalVars = $globalVars['__globals'];

            [$this, &$type, &$template, &$name, &$arguments, &$globalVars],

        $currentType = $this->currentTemplateType;
        $currentName = $this->currentTemplateName;
        $origWrapTemplateName = $this->wrapTemplateName;
        $origWrapTemplateParams = $this->wrapTemplateParams;

        $this->currentTemplateType = $type;
        $this->currentTemplateName = $template;
        $this->wrapTemplateName = null;
        $this->wrapTemplateParams = null;

        set_error_handler([$this, 'handleTemplateError']);

            $macro = $this->getTemplateMacro($type, $template, $name);
            $output = $macro($this, $arguments, $globalVars);
        catch (\Exception $e)
            $errorPrefix = "$this->currentTemplateType:$this->currentTemplateName :: $name()";
            $this->app->logException($e, false, "Macro $errorPrefix error: ");

            if (\XF::$debugMode)
                $message = $e->getMessage();
                $file = $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine();
                $error = $e instanceof \XF\PrintableException ?
                    "$errorPrefix - $message"
                    : "$errorPrefix - $message in $file";

                if (preg_match('/\.(css|less)$/i', $template))
                    $error = strtr($error, [
                        "'" => '',
                        '\\' => '/',
                        "\r" => '',
                        "\n" => " "

                    $output = "
                        /** Error output **/
                            background-color: #ccc;
                            color: black;
                            font-weight: bold;
                            display: block;
                            padding: 10px;
                            margin: 10px;
                            border: solid 1px #aaa;
                            border-radius: 5px;
                            content: 'CSS error: " . $error . "';
                    $output = '<div class="error"><h3>Template Compilation Error</h3>'
                        . '<div>' . htmlspecialchars($error) . '</div></div>';
                $output = '';


        if ($this->wrapTemplateName)
            $output = $this->applyWrappedTemplate($output);

        $this->currentTemplateName = $currentName;
        $this->currentTemplateType = $currentType;
        $this->wrapTemplateName = $origWrapTemplateName;
        $this->wrapTemplateParams = $origWrapTemplateParams;

            [$this, $type, $template, &$name, &$output],

        return $output;

    public function renderMacro($template, $name, array $arguments = [])
        return $this->callMacro($template, $name, $arguments, $this->defaultParams);

    public function setupBaseParamsForMacro(array $parentVars, $isGlobal = false)
        if (isset($parentVars['__globals']))
            $globalVars = $parentVars['__globals'];
            $globalVars = $parentVars;

        $params = $isGlobal ? $globalVars : $this->defaultParams;
        $params['__globals'] = $globalVars;

        return $params;

    public function mergeMacroArguments(array $expected, array $provided, array $baseParams)
        foreach ($expected AS $argument => $value)
            if (array_key_exists($argument, $provided))
                $baseParams[$argument] = $provided[$argument];
            else if ($value === '!')
                throw new \LogicException("Macro argument $argument is required and no value was provided");
                $baseParams[$argument] = $value;

        return $baseParams;

    public function extractIntoVarContainer(array &$varContainer, $source)
        if (!$this->isTraversable($source))

        foreach ($source AS $k => $v)
            $varContainer[$k] = $v;

    public function wrapTemplate($template, array $params)
        $template = $this->applyDefaultTemplateType($template);

        $this->wrapTemplateName = $template;
        $this->wrapTemplateParams = $params;

    protected function applyWrappedTemplate($content)
        if (!$this->wrapTemplateName)
            return $content;

        $template = $this->wrapTemplateName;
        $params = $this->wrapTemplateParams;

        $this->wrapTemplateName = null;
        $this->wrapTemplateParams = null;

        $params['innerContent'] = $this->preEscaped($content, 'html');

        return $this->renderTemplate($template, $params, false);

    public function filter($value, array $filters, $escape = true)
        foreach ($filters AS $filter)
            list($name, $arguments) = $filter;
            $name = strtolower($name);
            if (!isset($this->filters[$name]))
                trigger_error("Filter $name is unknown", E_USER_WARNING);

            $callable = $this->filters[$name];
            if (is_string($callable))
                $callable = [$this, $callable];

            if ($arguments)
                array_unshift($arguments, null);
                array_unshift($arguments, $value);
                array_unshift($arguments, $this);
                $arguments[2] =& $escape;
                $arguments = [$this, $value, &$escape];

            $value = call_user_func_array($callable, $arguments);

        return $escape ? $this->escape($value, $escape) : $value;

    public function fn($name, array $arguments = [], $escape = true)
        $name = strtolower($name);
        if (!isset($this->functions[$name]))
            trigger_error("Function $name is unknown", E_USER_WARNING);
            return '';

        $callable = $this->functions[$name];
        if (is_string($callable))
            $callable = [$this, $callable];

        if ($arguments)
            array_unshift($arguments, null);
            array_unshift($arguments, $this);
            $arguments[1] =& $escape;
            $arguments = [$this, &$escape];

        $value = call_user_func_array($callable, $arguments);
        return $escape ? $this->escape($value) : $value;

    public function test($value, $test, array $arguments = [])
        if (!isset($this->tests[$test]))
            trigger_error("Test $test is unknown", E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;

        $callable = $this->tests[$test];
        if (is_string($callable))
            $callable = [$this, $callable];

        if ($arguments)
            array_unshift($arguments, $value);
            array_unshift($arguments, $this);
            $arguments = [$this, $value];

        return (bool)call_user_func_array($callable, $arguments);

    public function arrayKey($var, $key)
        return $var[$key];

    public function isA($object, $class)
        return ($object instanceof $class);

    public function method($var, $fn, array $arguments = [])
        if (!is_object($var))
            $type = gettype($var);
            trigger_error("Cannot call method $fn on a non-object ($type)", E_USER_WARNING);
            return '';

        $call = [$var, $fn];

        if (!is_callable($call))
            $class = get_class($var);
            trigger_error("Method $fn is not callable on the given object ($class)", E_USER_WARNING);
            return '';

        return call_user_func_array($call, $arguments);

    public function escape($value, $type = null)
        if ($type === null || $type === true)
            $type = $this->escapeContext;
        return \XF::escapeString($value, $type);

    public function modifySectionedHtml(array &$ref, $key, $html, $mode = 'replace')
        if ($mode == 'delete')
            if ($key)

        $html = trim($html);
        if (!strlen($html))

        $html = $this->preEscaped($html, 'html');

        switch ($mode)
            case 'prepend':
                if ($key)
                    $ref = [$key => $html] + $ref;
                    array_unshift($ref, $html);

            case 'append':
                if ($key)
                    unset($ref[$key]); // unset to ensure this goes at the end
                    $ref[$key] = $html;
                    $ref[] = $html;

            case 'replace':
                if ($key)
                    $ref[$key] = $html;
                    $ref[] = $html;

    public function modifySidebarHtml($key, $html, $mode = 'replace')
        $this->modifySectionedHtml($this->sidebar, $key, $html, $mode);

    public function getSidebarHtml()
        return $this->sidebar;

    public function modifySideNavHtml($key, $html, $mode = 'replace')
        $this->modifySectionedHtml($this->sideNav, $key, $html, $mode);

    public function getSideNavHtml()
        return $this->sideNav;

    public function includeCss($css)
        list($type, $template) = $this->getTemplateTypeAndName($css);
        if (!$type)
            trigger_error('No template type was provided. Provide template name in type:name format.', E_USER_WARNING);

        $this->includeCss["$type:$template"] = true;

    public function getIncludedCss(array $forceAppend = [])
        $css = array_keys($this->includeCss);
        return array_merge($css, $forceAppend);

    public function inlineCss($css)
        $this->inlineCss[] = $css;

    public function getInlineCss()
        return $this->inlineCss;

    public function includeJs(array $options)
        $options = array_replace([
            'src' => null,
            'addon' => null,
            'min' => null,
            'dev' => null,
            'prod' => null
        ], $options);

        $developmentConfig = $this->app->config('development');
        $productionMode = empty($developmentConfig['fullJs']);

        $src = $this->splitJsSrc($options['src']);

        if ($productionMode)
            if ($options['min'])
                $src = array_map(function($path)
                    return preg_replace('(\.js$)', '.min.js', $path, 1);
                }, $src);

            $prod = $this->splitJsSrc($options['prod']);
            $src = array_merge($src, $prod);

            foreach ($src AS $path)
                $url = $this->getJsUrl($path);
                $this->includeJs[$url] = true;
            $dev = $this->splitJsSrc($options['dev']);
            $src = array_merge($src, $dev);

            if ($options['addon'])
                foreach ($src AS $path)
                    $url = $this->getDevJsUrl($options['addon'], $path);
                    $this->includeJs[$url] = true;
                foreach ($src AS $path)
                    $url = $this->getJsUrl($path);
                    $this->includeJs[$url] = true;

    protected function splitJsSrc($js)
        if ($js)
            return preg_split('/[, ]/', $js, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
            return [];

    public function getIncludedJs()
        return array_keys($this->includeJs);

    public function inlineJs($js)
        $this->inlineJs[] = $js;

    public function getInlineJs()
        return $this->inlineJs;

    public function isTraversable($value)
        return is_array($value) || ($value instanceof \Traversable);

    public function isArrayAccessible($value)
        return is_array($value) || ($value instanceof \ArrayAccess);

    public function handleTemplateError($errorType, $errorString, $file, $line)
        if ($errorType == E_NOTICE || $errorType == E_USER_NOTICE)

        if ($errorType & error_reporting())
            $this->templateErrors[] = [
                'template' => $this->currentTemplateType . ':' . $this->currentTemplateName,
                'type' => $errorType,
                'error' => $errorString,
                'file' => $file,
                'line' => $line

            $e = new \ErrorException($errorString, 0, $errorType, $file, $line);
            $this->app->logException($e, false, "Template error: ");

    public function getTemplateErrors()
        return $this->templateErrors;

    public function isKnownTemplate($template)
        $type = false;

        if (strpos($template, ':') !== false)
            list($type, $template) = explode(':', $template, 2);

        if (!$type)
            return false;

        $data = $this->getTemplateData($type, $template, false);
        return empty($data['unknown']) ? true : false;

     * @param string $template
     * @param array $params
     * @param bool $addDefaultParams
     * @return string
    public function renderTemplate($template, array $params = [], $addDefaultParams = true)
        if ($this->executionDepth >= self::MAX_EXECUTION_DEPTH)
            trigger_error('Max template execution depth reached', E_USER_WARNING);
            return '';

        if ($addDefaultParams)
            $params = array_merge($this->defaultParams, $params);

        $type = false;

        if (strpos($template, ':') !== false)
            list($type, $template) = explode(':', $template, 2);

        if (!$type)
            trigger_error('No template type was provided. Provide template name in type:name format.', E_USER_WARNING);
            return '';

        $this->app->fire('templater_template_pre_render', [$this, &$type, &$template, &$params], "$type:$template");

        $currentType = $this->currentTemplateType;
        $currentName = $this->currentTemplateName;
        $origWrapTemplateName = $this->wrapTemplateName;
        $origWrapTemplateParams = $this->wrapTemplateParams;

        $this->currentTemplateType = $type;
        $this->currentTemplateName = $template;
        $this->wrapTemplateName = null;
        $this->wrapTemplateParams = null;

        set_error_handler([$this, 'handleTemplateError']);

            $code = $this->getTemplateCode($type, $template);
            $output = $code($this, $params);
        catch (\Exception $e)
            $errorPrefix = "$this->currentTemplateType:$this->currentTemplateName";
            $this->app->logException($e, false, "Template $errorPrefix error: ");

            if (\XF::$debugMode)
                $message = $e->getMessage();
                $file = $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine();
                $error = $e instanceof \XF\PrintableException ?
                    "$errorPrefix - $message"
                    : "$errorPrefix - $message in $file";

                if (preg_match('/\.(css|less)$/i', $template))
                    $error = strtr($error, [
                        "'" => '',
                        '\\' => '/',
                        "\r" => '',
                        "\n" => " "

                    $output = "
                        /** Error output **/
                            background-color: #ccc;
                            color: black;
                            font-weight: bold;
                            display: block;
                            padding: 10px;
                            margin: 10px;
                            border: solid 1px #aaa;
                            border-radius: 5px;
                            content: 'CSS error: " . $error . "';
                    $output = '<div class="error"><h3>Template Compilation Error</h3>'
                        . '<div>' . htmlspecialchars($error) . '</div></div>';
                $output = '';


        if ($this->wrapTemplateName)
            $output = $this->applyWrappedTemplate($output);

        $this->currentTemplateType = $currentType;
        $this->currentTemplateName = $currentName;
        $this->wrapTemplateName = $origWrapTemplateName;
        $this->wrapTemplateParams = $origWrapTemplateParams;

        $this->app->fire('templater_template_post_render', [$this, $type, $template, &$output], "$type:$template");

        return $output;

    public function includeTemplate($template, array $params = [])
        $template = $this->applyDefaultTemplateType($template);

        return $this->renderTemplate($template, $params);

    public function callback($class, $method, $contents, array $params = [])
        if (!\XF\Util\Php::validateCallbackPhrased($class, $method, $errorPhrase))
            return $errorPhrase;
        if (!\XF\Util\Php::nameIndicatesReadOnly($method))
            return \XF::phrase('callback_method_x_does_not_appear_to_indicate_read_only', ['method' => $method]);

        $output = call_user_func([$class, $method], $contents, $params, $this);
        $output .= ob_get_clean();

        return $output;

    public function setPageParams(array $pageParams)
        $this->pageParams = Arr::mapMerge($this->pageParams, $pageParams);

    public function setPageParam($name, $value)
        if (strpos($name, '.') === false)
            $this->pageParams[$name] = $value;

        $ref =& $this->pageParams;
        $hasValid = false;
        foreach (explode('.', $name) AS $part)
            if (!strlen($part))

            if (!isset($ref[$part]) || !is_array($ref[$part]))
                $ref[$part] = [];

            $ref =& $ref[$part];
            $hasValid = true;

        if ($hasValid)
            $ref = $value;

    public function breadcrumb($value, $href, array $config)
        if (!isset($this->pageParams['breadcrumbs']) || !is_array($this->pageParams['breadcrumbs']))
            $this->pageParams['breadcrumbs'] = [];

        $crumb = [
            'value' => $value,
            'href' => $href,
            'attributes' => $config

        $this->pageParams['breadcrumbs'][] = $crumb;

    public function breadcrumbs(array $crumbs)
        if (!$crumbs)
            $this->pageParams['breadcrumbs'] = [];

        foreach ($crumbs AS $key => $crumb)
            if (is_string($crumb) || $crumb instanceof \XF\Phrase)
                $crumb = [
                    'href' => $key,
                    'value' => $crumb

            if (!is_array($crumb))
                trigger_error("Each breadcrumb must be an array", E_USER_WARNING);
            if (!isset($crumb['value']))
                trigger_error("Each breadcrumb provide a 'value' key", E_USER_WARNING);
            if (!isset($crumb['href']))
                trigger_error("Each breadcrumb provide a 'href' key", E_USER_WARNING);

            $value = $crumb['value'];
            $href = $crumb['href'];
            unset($crumb['value'], $crumb['href']);

            $this->breadcrumb($value, $href, $crumb);

    public function button($contentHtml, array $options, $menuHtml = '', array $menuOptions = [])
        $href = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'href', '', true);
        if ($href)
            $element = 'a';
            $type = '';
            $href = ' href="' . $href . '"';
            $element = 'button';
            $type = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'type', '', true);
            if ($type)
                $type = ' type="' . $type . '"';
                $type = ' type="button"';

        $overlay = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'overlay', '', true);
        if ($overlay)
            $overlay = " data-xf-click=\"overlay\"";

        $buttonClasses = 'button';
        $icon = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'icon');
        if ($icon)
            $buttonClasses .= ' button--icon button--icon--' . preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]#', '', $icon);

        if ($menuHtml)
            $buttonClasses .= ' button--splitTrigger';

            $menuClass = $this->processAttributeToRaw($menuOptions, 'class', ' %s', true);
            $unhandledMenuAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($menuOptions);

            $menuHtml = "<div class=\"menu{$menuClass}\" data-menu=\"menu\" aria-hidden=\"true\"{$unhandledMenuAttrs}>{$menuHtml}</div>";

        $classAttr = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($options, 'class', $buttonClasses, true);

        $button = strval($this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'button'));
        if (!$button)
            $button = $contentHtml;
        if (!$button && $icon)
            $button = $this->getButtonPhraseFromIcon($icon);

        $unhandledControlAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($options);

        if ($menuHtml)
            return "<span{$classAttr}><{$element}{$type}{$href} class=\"button-text\">{$button}</{$element}>"
                . "<a class=\"button-menu\" data-xf-click=\"menu\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-haspopup=\"true\"></a>"
                . $menuHtml
                . "</span>";
            return "<{$element}{$type}{$href}{$classAttr}{$overlay}{$unhandledControlAttrs}><span class=\"button-text\">{$button}</span></{$element}>";

    public function widgetPosition($positionId, array $contextParams = [])
        $widgetPositions = $this->widgetPositions;
        if (!isset($widgetPositions[$positionId]))
            return '';
        $widgetContainer = $this->app->widget();
        $widgets = $widgetContainer->position($positionId, $contextParams);

        $output = '';
        foreach ($widgets AS $widget)
            $output .= $widget->render() . "\n";
        return $output;

    public function renderWidget($identifier, array $options = [], array $contextParams = [])
        $options['context'] = $contextParams;
        $widget = $this->app->widget()->widget($identifier, $options);
        return $widget->render();

    public function preEscaped($value, $type = null)
        if ($type === null)
            $type = $this->escapeContext;
        return new \XF\PreEscaped($value, $type);

    ////////////////////// FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////

    public function fnAnchorTarget($templater, &$escape, $hash)
        $escape = false;
        return '<span class="u-anchorTarget" id="' . htmlspecialchars($this->app->getRedirectHash($hash)) . '"></span>';

    public function fnArrayKeys($templater, &$escape, $array)
        if (!is_array($array))
            $array = [];

        return array_keys($array);

    public function fnArrayMerge($templater, &$escape, $array)
        $arrays = func_get_args();

        return call_user_func_array('array_merge', $arrays);

    public function fnArrayValues($templater, &$escape, $array)
        if (!is_array($array))
            $array = [];

        return array_values($array);

    public function fnAttributes($templater, &$escape, $attributes, array $skipAttrs = [])
        if (is_array($attributes))
            foreach ($skipAttrs AS $attr)
            $output = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($attributes);
            $output = '';

        $escape = false;
        return $output;

    public function fnAvatar($templater, &$escape, $user, $size, $canonical = false, $attributes = [])
        $escape = false;
        $forceType = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'forcetype', '', true);
        $noTooltip = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'notooltip', '', false);
        $update = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'update', '');

        if ($user instanceof \XF\Entity\User)
            $username = $user->username;
            if (isset($attributes['href']))
                $href = $attributes['href'];
                $noTooltip = true;
                $linkPath = $this->currentTemplateType == 'admin' ? 'users/edit' : 'members';
                $href = $this->getRouter()->buildLink(($canonical ? 'canonical:' : '') . $linkPath, $user);

                if ($this->currentTemplateType == 'admin')
                    $noTooltip = true;
            $userId = $user->user_id;
            if (!$userId)
                $href = null;
                $noTooltip = true;
            $hrefAttr = $href ? ' href="' . htmlspecialchars($href) . '"' : '';
            $avatarType = $forceType ?: $user->getAvatarType();

            $canUpdate = ((bool)$update && $user->user_id == \XF::visitor()->user_id && $user->canUploadAvatar());
            if (isset($attributes['defaultname']))
                $username = $attributes['defaultname'];
                $username = null;
            $hrefAttr = '';
            $noTooltip = true;
            $userId = 0;
            $avatarType = 'default';
            $canUpdate = false;

        switch ($avatarType)
            case 'gravatar':
            case 'custom':
                $src = $user->getAvatarUrl($size, $forceType, $canonical);

            case 'default':
                $src = null;

        $actualSize = $size;
        if (!array_key_exists($size, $this->app->container('avatarSizeMap')))
            $actualSize = 's';

        $sizeClass = "avatar-u{$userId}-{$actualSize}";
        $innerClass = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'innerclass', ' %s', true);
        $innerClassHtml = $sizeClass . $innerClass;

        if ($src && $forceType != 'default')
            $srcSet = $user->getAvatarUrl2x($size, $forceType, $canonical);

            $itemprop = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'itemprop', '%s', true);

            $innerContent = '<img src="' . $src . '" ' . (!empty($srcSet) ? 'srcset="' . $srcSet . ' 2x"' : '')
                . ' alt="' . htmlspecialchars($username) . '"'
                . ' class="' . $innerClassHtml . '"'
                . ($itemprop ? ' itemprop="' . $itemprop . '"' : '')
                . ' />';
            $innerContent = $this->getDynamicAvatarHtml($username, $innerClassHtml, $attributes);

        $updateLink = '';
        $updateLinkClass = '';
        if ($canUpdate)
            $updateLinkClass = ' avatar--updateLink';
            $updateLink = '<div class="avatar-update">
                <a href="' . htmlspecialchars($update) . '" data-xf-click="overlay">' . \XF::phrase('edit_avatar') . '</a>

        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'class', ' %s', true);
        $xfInit = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'data-xf-init', '', true);

        if (!$noTooltip)
            $xfInit = ltrim("$xfInit member-tooltip");
        $xfInitAttr = $xfInit ? " data-xf-init=\"$xfInit\"" : '';

        unset($attributes['defaultname'], $attributes['href'], $attributes['itemprop']);

        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($attributes);

        if ($hrefAttr)
            $tag = 'a';

            $tag = 'span';
        return "<{$tag}{$hrefAttr} class=\"avatar avatar--{$size}{$updateLinkClass}{$class}\" data-user-id=\"{$userId}\"{$xfInitAttr}{$unhandledAttrs}>
            $innerContent $updateLink

    protected function getDynamicAvatarHtml($username, $innerClassHtml, array &$outerAttributes)
        if ($username && $this->dynamicDefaultAvatars)
            return $this->getDefaultAvatarHtml($username, $innerClassHtml, $outerAttributes);
            return $this->getFallbackAvatarHtml($innerClassHtml, $outerAttributes);

    protected function getDefaultAvatarHtml($username, $innerClassHtml, array &$outerAttributes)
        $styling = $this->getDefaultAvatarStyling($username);

        if (empty($outerAttributes['style']))
            $outerAttributes['style'] = '';
            $outerAttributes['style'] .= '; ';
        $outerAttributes['style'] .= "background-color: $styling[bgColor]; color: $styling[color]";

        if (empty($outerAttributes['class']))
            $outerAttributes['class'] = '';
            $outerAttributes['class'] .= ' ';
        $outerAttributes['class'] .= 'avatar--default avatar--default--dynamic';

        return '<span class="' . $innerClassHtml . '">' . $styling['innerContent'] . '</span>';

    protected function getDefaultAvatarStyling($username)
        if (!isset($this->avatarDefaultStylingCache[$username]))
            $bytes = md5($username, true);
            $r = dechex(round(5 * ord($bytes[0]) / 255) * 0x33);
            $g = dechex(round(5 * ord($bytes[1]) / 255) * 0x33);
            $b = dechex(round(5 * ord($bytes[2]) / 255) * 0x33);
            $hexBgColor = sprintf('%02s%02s%02s', $r, $g, $b);

            $hslBgColor = \XF\Util\Color::hexToHsl($hexBgColor);

            $bgChanged = false;
            if ($hslBgColor[1] > 60)
                $hslBgColor[1] = 60;
                $bgChanged = true;
            else if ($hslBgColor[1] < 15)
                $hslBgColor[1] = 15;
                $bgChanged = true;

            if ($hslBgColor[2] > 85)
                $hslBgColor[2] = 85;
                $bgChanged = true;
            else if ($hslBgColor[2] < 15)
                $hslBgColor[2] = 15;
                $bgChanged = true;

            if ($bgChanged)
                $hexBgColor = \XF\Util\Color::hslToHex($hslBgColor);

            $hslColor = \XF\Util\Color::darkenOrLightenHsl($hslBgColor, 35);
            $hexColor = \XF\Util\Color::hslToHex($hslColor);

            $bgColor = '#' . $hexBgColor;
            $color = '#' . $hexColor;

            if (preg_match($this->avatarLetterRegex, $username, $match))
                $innerContent = htmlspecialchars(utf8_strtoupper($match[0]));
                $innerContent = '?';

            $this->avatarDefaultStylingCache[$username] = [
                'bgColor' => $bgColor,
                'color' => $color,
                'innerContent' => $innerContent

        return $this->avatarDefaultStylingCache[$username];

    protected function getFallbackAvatarHtml($innerClassHtml, array &$outerAttributes)
        if (empty($outerAttributes['class']))
            $outerAttributes['class'] = '';
            $outerAttributes['class'] .= ' ';

        $fallbackType = $this->style->getProperty('avatarDefaultType', 'text');
        $outerAttributes['class'] .= 'avatar--default avatar--default--' . $fallbackType;

        return '<span class="' . $innerClassHtml . '"></span>';

    public function fnBaseUrl($templater, &$escape, $url = null, $full = false)
        $pather = $this->pather;
        return $pather($url ?: '', $full ? 'full' : 'base');

    public function fnBbCode($templater, &$escape, $bbCode, $context, $content, array $options = [], $type = 'html')
        $escape = false;
        return $this->app->bbCode()->render($bbCode, $type, $context, $content, $options);

    public function fnBbCodeType($templater, &$escape, $type, $bbCode, $context, $content, array $options = [])
        return $this->fnBbCode($templater, $escape, $bbCode, $context, $content, $options, $type);

    public function fnButtonIcon($templater, &$escape, $icon)
        $icon = preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]#', '', strval($icon));
        if (!$icon)
            return '';

        $escape = false;
        return " button--icon button--icon--" . $icon;

    public function fnCallable($templater, &$escape, $var, $fn)
        $escape = false;

        if (!\XF\Util\Php::validateCallback($var, $fn))
            return false;
        if (!\XF\Util\Php::nameIndicatesReadOnly($fn))
            return false;

        return true;

    public function fnCaptcha($templater, &$escape, $force = false)
        if (!$force && !\XF::visitor()->isShownCaptcha())
            return '';

        $captcha = $this->app->captcha();
        if ($captcha)
            $escape = false;
            return $captcha->render($templater);

        return '';

    public function fnCopyright($templater, &$escape)
        $escape = false;
        return \XF::getCopyrightHtml();

    public function fnCoreJs($templater, &$escape)
        $jqVersion = $this->jQueryVersion;
        $jqMin = '.min';
        $jqLocal = $this->getJsUrl("vendor/jquery/jquery-{$jqVersion}{$jqMin}.js");
        $jqRemote = '';

        if ($this->app['app.defaultType'] == 'public')
            switch ($this->jQuerySource)
                case 'jquery':
                    $jqRemote = "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-{$jqVersion}{$jqMin}.js";

                case 'google':
                    $jqRemote = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/{$jqVersion}/jquery{$jqMin}.js";

                case 'microsoft':
                    $jqRemote = "https://ajax.microsoft.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-{$jqVersion}{$jqMin}.js";

        if ($jqRemote)
            $output = '<script src="' . htmlspecialchars($jqRemote) . '"></script>'
                . '<script>window.jQuery || document.write(\'<script src="'
                . \XF::escapeString($jqLocal, 'htmljs') . '"><\\/script>\')</script>';
            $output = '<script src="' . htmlspecialchars($jqLocal) . '"></script>';

        $files = [
        if ($this->app['config']['development']['fullJs'])
            $files[] = 'xf/core.js';
            foreach (glob(\XF::getRootDirectory() . '/js/xf/core/*.js') AS $file)
                if (substr($file, -7) == '.min.js')
                $files[] = 'xf/core/' . basename($file);
            $files[] = 'xf/core-compiled.js';
        foreach ($files AS $file)
            $output .= "\n\t<script src=\"" . htmlspecialchars($this->getJsUrl($file)) . '"></script>';

        $escape = false;
        return $output;

    public function fnCount($templater, &$escape, $value)
        if (is_array($value) || $value instanceof \Countable)
            return count($value);

        return null;

    public function fnCsrfInput($templater, &$escape)
        $escape = false;
        return '<input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->app['csrf.token']) . '" />';

    public function fnCsrfToken($templater, &$escape)
        return $this->app['csrf.token'];

    public function fnCssUrl($templater, &$escape, array $templates, $includeValidation = true)
        return $this->getCssLoadUrl($templates, $includeValidation);

    public function fnDate($templater, &$escape, $date, $format = null)
        return $this->language->date($date, $format);

    public function fnDateFromFormat($templater, &$escape, $format, $dateString, $timeZone = null)
         return \DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $dateString, $timeZone === null
             ? $this->language->getTimezone()
             : new \DateTimeZone($timeZone));

    public function fnDateDynamic($templater, &$escape, $dateTime, array $attributes = [])
        if (!($dateTime instanceof \DateTime))
            $ts = intval($dateTime);
            $dateTime = new \DateTime();
            $ts = $dateTime->getTimestamp();

        list($date, $time) = $this->language->getDateTimeParts($ts);
        $full = $this->language->getDateTimeOutput($date, $time);
        $relative = $this->language->getRelativeDateTimeOutput($ts, $date, $time, !empty($attributes['data-full-date']));

        $class = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($attributes, 'class', 'u-dt', true);

        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($attributes);

        $escape = false;

        return '<time ' . $class . ' dir="auto" datetime="' . $dateTime->format(\DateTime::ISO8601)
            . '" data-time="' . $ts
            . '" data-date-string="' . htmlspecialchars($date)
            . '" data-time-string="' . htmlspecialchars($time)
            . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($full)
            . '"' . $unhandledAttrs . '>' . htmlspecialchars($relative) . '</time>';

    public function fnDateTime($templater, &$escape, $date)
        return $this->language->dateTime($date);

    public function fnDebugUrl($templater, &$escape, $url = null)
        if (!$url)
            $url = $this->app->request()->getRequestUri();

        if (strpos($url, '?') === false)
            $url .= '?';
            $url .= '&';

        return $url . '_debug=1';

    public function fnDump($templater, &$escape, $value)
        $escape = false;
        $dump = ob_get_clean();

        return $dump;

    public function fnDumpSimple($templater, &$escape, $value)
        $escape = false;
        return \XF::dumpSimple($value, false);

    public function fnEmpty($templater, &$escape, $value)
        return empty($value);

    public function fnDisplayTotals($templater, &$escape, $count, $total = null)
        if (is_array($count) || $count instanceof \Countable)
            $count = count($count);

        if ($total === null)
            $total = $count;
        else if (is_array($total) || $total instanceof \Countable)
            $total = count($total);

        $params = [
            'count' => $this->language->numberFormat($count),
            'total' => $this->language->numberFormat($total)

        if ($count < 1)
            $phrase = 'no_items_to_display';
        else if ($count == $total)
            $phrase = 'showing_all_items';
            $phrase = 'showing_x_of_y_items';

        $escape = false;
        return '<span class="js-displayTotals" data-count="' . $count . '" data-total="' . $total . '"'
            . ' data-xf-init="tooltip" title="' . \XF::phrase('there_are_x_items_in_total', ['total' => $params['total']]) . '">'
            . \XF::phrase($phrase, $params) . '</span>';

    public function fnFileSize($templater, &$escape, $number)
        return $this->language->fileSizeFormat($number);

    public function fnCeil($templater, &$escape, $value)
        return ceil($value);

    public function fnFloor($templater, &$escape, $value)
        return floor($value);

    public function fnGravatarUrl($templater, &$escape, $user, $size)
        if ($user instanceof \XF\Entity\User)
            return $user->getGravatarUrl($size);
            return '';

    public function fnHighlight($templater, &$escape, $string, $term, $class = 'textHighlight')
        $escape = false;
        return $this->app->stringFormatter()->highlightTermForHtml($string, $term, $class);

    public function fnInArray($templater, &$escape, $needle, $haystack, $strict = false)
        $escape = false;
        if ($haystack instanceof \Traversable)
            $haystack = iterator_to_array($haystack);

        if (!is_array($haystack))
            return false;

        return in_array($needle, $haystack, $strict);

    public function fnIsArray($templater, &$escape, $array)
        $escape = false;
        return is_array($array);

    public function fnIsAddonActive($templater, &$escape, $addOnId, $versionId = null, $operator = '>=')
        $addOns = $this->app->registry()['addOns'];

        if (!isset($addOns[$addOnId]))
            return false;

        if ($versionId === null)
            return $addOns[$addOnId];
            $activeVersionId = $addOns[$addOnId];

            switch ($operator)
                case '>':
                    return ($activeVersionId > $versionId);
                case '>=':
                    return ($activeVersionId >= $versionId);
                case '<':
                    return ($activeVersionId < $versionId);
                case '<=':
                    return ($activeVersionId <= $versionId);
                    return $addOns[$addOnId];

    public function fnIsEditorCapable($templater, &$escape)
        $ua = $this->app->request()->getUserAgent();
        if (!$ua)
            return true;

        if (preg_match('#blackberry|opera mini|opera mobi#i', $ua))
            // older/limited mobile browsers
            return false;

        if (preg_match('#msie (\d+)#i', $ua, $match) && intval($match[1]) < 10)
            // only supported in IE10+
            return false;

        if (preg_match('#android (\d+)\.#i', $ua, $match) && intval($match[1]) < 5)
            // Froala only officially supports Android 6 and above.
            // However, it seems Froala actually still works on Android 5.1.1 (at least) so we'll go with that.
            // So far we've only had issues reported with Android 4.x.
            // Older Android versions do support Chrome and Firefox so if those are installed
            // They will likely be up to date and work fine with the RTE.
            if (preg_match('#(Firefox/|Chrome/)#i', $ua))
                return true;
                return false;

        if (preg_match('#(iphone|ipod|ipad).+OS (\d+)_#i', $ua, $match) && intval($match[2]) < 8)
            // only supported in iOS 8+
            return false;

        return true;

    public function fnIsToggled($templater, &$escape, $storageKey, $storageContainer = 'toggle')
        $cookie = $this->app->request()->getCookie($storageContainer);
        if (!$cookie)
            return false;

        $cookieDecoded = @json_decode($cookie, true);
        if (!$cookieDecoded)
            return false;

        if (!isset($cookieDecoded[$storageKey]))
            return false;

        return empty($cookieDecoded[$storageKey][2]);

    public function fnJsUrl($templater, &$escape, $file)
        return $this->getJsUrl($file);

    public function fnLastPages($templater, &$escape, $total, $perPage, $max = 2)
        $escape = false;

        $perPage = intval($perPage);
        if ($perPage <= 0)
            return [];

        $total = intval($total);
        if ($total <= $perPage)
            return [];

        $max = max(1, intval($max));

        $totalPages = ceil($total / $perPage);
        if ($totalPages == 2)
            return [2];

        // + 1 represents that range covers including the start, whereas we want only the last X, which is start + 1
        $start = max($totalPages - $max + 1, 2);
        return range($start, $totalPages);

    public function fnLikes($templater, &$escape, $count, $users, $liked, $url, array $attributes = [])
        $escape = false;

        $count = intval($count);
        if ($count <= 0)
            return '';

        if (!$users || !is_array($users))
            $phrase = ($count > 1 ? 'likes.x_people' : 'likes.1_person');
            return $this->renderTemplate('public:like_list_row', [
                'url' => $url,
                'likes' => \XF::phrase($phrase, ['likes' => $this->language->numberFormat($count)])

        $userCount = count($users);
        if ($userCount < 5 && $count > $userCount) // indicates some users are deleted
            for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
                if (empty($users[$i]))
                    $users[$i] = [
                        'user_id' => 0,
                        'username' => \XF::phrase('likes.deleted_user')

        if ($liked)
            $visitorId = \XF::visitor()->user_id;
            foreach ($users AS $key => $user)
                if ($user['user_id'] == $visitorId)

            $users = array_values($users);

            if (count($users) == 3)

        $user1 = $user2 = $user3 = '';

        if (isset($users[0]))
            $user1 = $this->preEscaped('<bdi>' . \XF::escapeString($users[0]['username']) . '</bdi>', 'html');
            if (isset($users[1]))
                $user2 = $this->preEscaped('<bdi>' . \XF::escapeString($users[1]['username']) . '</bdi>', 'html');
                if (isset($users[2]))
                    $user3 = $this->preEscaped('<bdi>' . \XF::escapeString($users[2]['username']) . '</bdi>', 'html');

        switch ($count)
            case 1: $phrase = ($liked ? 'likes.you' : 'likes.user1'); break;
            case 2: $phrase = ($liked ? 'likes.you_and_user1' : 'likes.user1_and_user2'); break;
            case 3: $phrase = ($liked ? 'likes.you_user1_and_user2' : 'likes.user1_user2_and_user3'); break;
            case 4: $phrase = ($liked ? 'likes.you_user1_user2_and_1_other' : 'likes.user1_user2_user3_and_1_other'); break;
            default: $phrase = ($liked ? 'likes.you_user1_user2_and_x_others' : 'likes.user1_user2_user3_and_x_others'); break;

        $params = [
            'user1' => $user1,
            'user2' => $user2,
            'user3' => $user3,
            'others' => $this->language->numberFormat($count - 3)

        return $this->renderTemplate('public:like_list_row', [
            'url' => $url,
            'likes' => \XF::phrase($phrase, $params)

    public function fnLikesContent($templater, &$escape, $content, $url, array $attributes = [])
        $escape = false;
        if (!($content instanceof \XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity))
            trigger_error("Content must be an entity link likes_content (given " . gettype($content) . ")", E_USER_WARNING);
            return '';

        $count = $content->likes;
        $users = $content->like_users;

        $userId = \XF::visitor()->user_id;
        $liked = $userId ? isset($content->Likes[$userId]) : false;

        return $this->fn('likes', [$count, $users, $liked, $url, $attributes], false);

    public function fnLink($templater, &$escape, $link, $data = null, array $params = [])
        return $this->getRouter()->buildLink($link, $data, $params);

    public function fnLinkType($templater, &$escape, $type, $link, $data = null, array $params = [])
        $container = $this->app->container();

        /** @var \XF\Mvc\Router|null $router */
        $router = isset($container['router.' . $type]) ? $container['router.' . $type] : null;
        if ($router)
            return $router->buildLink($link, $data, $params);
            return '';

    public function fnMaxLength($templater, &$escape, $entity, $column)
        static $entityCache = [];

        // if $entity is not an entity, expect an entity id string like XF:Thread
        if (is_string($entity) && preg_match('/^\w+(?:\\\w+)?:\w+$/i', $entity))
            if (!isset($entityCache[$entity]))
                $entityCache[$entity] = $this->app->em()->create($entity);

            $entity = $entityCache[$entity];

        if ($entity instanceof \XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity)
            $maxlength = $entity->getMaxLength($column);

            return $maxlength > 0 ? $maxlength : null;
            return null;

    public function fnMediaSites($templater, &$escape)
        $output = [];
        foreach ($this->mediaSites AS $site)
            if (!$site['supported'])
            if ($site['site_url'])
                $output[] = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($site['site_url']) . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" dir="auto">' . htmlspecialchars($site['site_title']) . '</a>';
                $output[] = htmlspecialchars($site['site_title']);
        $escape = false;
        return implode(', ', $output);

    public function fnMustache($templater, &$escape, $name, $inner = null)
        $escape = false;

        $var = '{{' . $name . '}}';

        if ($inner === null)
            return $var;
            $close = '{{/' . substr($name, 1) . '}}';
            return "{$var}{$inner}{$close}";

    public function fnNumber($templater, &$escape, $number, $precision = 0)
        return $this->language->numberFormat($number, $precision);

    public function fnNamedColors($templater, &$escape)
        return \XF\Util\Color::getNamedColors();

    public function fnPageDescription($templater, &$escape)
        if (isset($this->pageParams['pageDescription']))
            return $this->pageParams['pageDescription'];
            return '';

    public function fnPageH1($templater, &$escape, $fallback = '')
        if (isset($this->pageParams['pageH1']))
            return $this->pageParams['pageH1'];
        else if (isset($this->pageParams['pageTitle']))
            return $this->pageParams['pageTitle'];
            return $fallback;

    public function fnPageNav($templater, &$escape, array $config)
        $escape = false;

        $config = array_merge([
            'pageParam' => 'page',

            'page' => 0,
            'perPage' => 0,
            'total' => 0,
            'range' => 2,

            'template' => $this->applyDefaultTemplateType('page_nav'),
            'variantClass' => '',

            'link' => '',
            'data' => null,
            'params' => [],

            'wrapper' => '',
            'wrapperclass' => '',
        ], $config);

        if (!is_array($config['params']))
            $config['params'] = [];

        $perPage = intval($config['perPage']);
        if ($perPage <= 0)
            return '';

        $total = intval($config['total']);
        if ($total <= $perPage)
            return '';

        $totalPages = ceil($total / $perPage);

        $current = intval($config['page']);
        $current = max(1, min($current, $totalPages));

        // number of pages either side of the current page
        $range = intval($config['range']);

        $startInner = max(2, $current - $range);
        $endInner = min($current + $range, $totalPages - 1);

        if ($startInner <= $endInner)
            $innerPages = range($startInner, $endInner);
            $innerPages = [];

        $wrapperClass = $this->processAttributeToRaw($config, 'wrapperclass', '', true);
        $wrapper = $this->processAttributeToRaw($config, 'wrapper');
        if ($wrapperClass && !$wrapper)
            $wrapper = 'div';

        $router = $this->router;

        $prev = false;
        if ($current > 1)
            $prevPageParam = $current - 1;
            if ($prevPageParam <= 1)
                $prevPageParam = null;

            $prev = $router->buildLink($config['link'], $config['data'], $config['params'] + [$config['pageParam'] => $prevPageParam]);
            if (!isset($this->pageParams['head']['prev']))
                $this->pageParams['head']['prev'] = $this->preEscaped('<link rel="prev" href="' . \XF::escapeString($prev) . '" />');

        $next = false;
        if ($current < $totalPages)
            $next = $router->buildLink($config['link'], $config['data'], $config['params'] + [$config['pageParam'] => $current + 1]);
            if (!isset($this->pageParams['head']['next']))
                $this->pageParams['head']['next'] = $this->preEscaped('<link rel="next" href="' . \XF::escapeString($next) . '" />');

        $html = $this->renderTemplate($config['template'], [
            'prev' => $prev,
            'current' => $current,
            'next' => $next,
            'perPage' => $perPage,
            'total' => $total,
            'totalPages' => $totalPages,
            'innerPages' => $innerPages,
            'startInner' => $startInner,
            'endInner' => $endInner,
            'pageParam' => $config['pageParam'],
            'link' => $config['link'],
            'data' => $config['data'],
            'params' => $config['params'],
            'variantClass' => $config['variantClass']

        if ($wrapper)
            $wrapperOpen = $wrapper . ($wrapperClass ? " class=\"$wrapperClass\"" : '');
            $html = "<{$wrapperOpen}>{$html}</{$wrapper}>";

        return $html;

    public function fnPageTitle($templater, &$escape, $formatter = null, $fallback = '', $page = null)
        if (isset($this->pageParams['pageTitle']) && strlen($this->pageParams['pageTitle']))
            $pageTitle = $this->pageParams['pageTitle'];

            $page = intval($page);
            if ($page > 1)
                $pageAppend = $this->language->phrase('title_page_x', ['page' => $page]);
                if ($pageTitle instanceof \XF\PreEscaped)
                    $pageTitle = clone $pageTitle;
                    $pageTitle->value .= $pageAppend;
                    $pageTitle .= $pageAppend;

            if ($formatter)
                $value = sprintf($formatter,
                    $this->escape($pageTitle, $escape),
                    $this->escape($fallback, $escape)

                $escape = false;
                return $value;
                return $pageTitle;
            return $fallback;

    protected function getPrefixPhraseName($contentType, $id, $group = false)
        return $contentType . '_prefix' . ($group ? '_group.' : '.') . $id;

    public function fnParens($templater, &$escape, $value)
        return $this->filterParens($templater, $value, $escape);

    public function fnParseLessColor($templater, &$escape, $value)
        /** @var \XF\CssRenderer $renderer */
        $rendererClass = $this->app->extendClass('XF\CssRenderer');
        $renderer = new $rendererClass($this->app, $this);

        return $renderer->parseLessColorValue($value);

    public function fnPrefix($templater, &$escape, $contentType, $prefixId, $format = 'html', $append = null)
        if (!is_int($prefixId))
            $prefixId = $prefixId->prefix_id;

        if (!$prefixId)
            return '';

        $prefixCache = $this->app->container('prefixes.' . $contentType);
        $prefixClass = isset($prefixCache[$prefixId]) ? $prefixCache[$prefixId] : null;

        if (!$prefixClass)
            return '';

        $output = $this->fn('prefix_title', [$contentType, $prefixId], false);

        switch ($format)
            case 'html':
                $output = '<span class="' . htmlspecialchars($prefixClass) . '" dir="auto">'
                    . \XF::escapeString($output, 'html') . '</span>';
                if ($append === null)
                    $append = '<span class="label-append">&nbsp;</span>';

            case 'plain':
                if ($output instanceof \XF\Phrase)
                    $output = $output->render('raw');
                break; // ok as is

                $output = \XF::escapeString($output, 'html'); // just be safe and escape everything else

        if ($append === null)
            $append = ' - ';

        $escape = false;
        return $output . $append;

    public function fnPrefixGroup($templater, &$escape, $contentType, $groupId)
        if ($groupId == 0)
            return '(' . \XF::phrase('ungrouped') . ')';

        return \XF::phrase($this->getPrefixPhraseName($contentType, $groupId, true), [], false);

    public function fnPrefixTitle($templater, &$escape, $contentType, $prefixId)
        return \XF::phrase($this->getPrefixPhraseName($contentType, $prefixId), [], false);

    public function fnProperty($templater, &$escape, $name, $fallback = null)
        $escape = false;

        if (!$this->style)
            return $fallback;

        return $this->style->getProperty($name, $fallback);

    public function fnRand($templater, &$escape, $min = 0, $max = 999)
        return mt_rand($min, $max);

    public function fnRange($templater, &$escape, $start, $end, $step = 1)
        return range($start, $end, $step);

    public function fnRedirectInput($templater, &$escape, $url = null, $fallbackUrl = null, $useReferrer = true)
        $escape = false;

        if ($url)
            $redirect = $this->app->request()->convertToAbsoluteUri($url);
            $redirect = $this->app->getDynamicRedirect($fallbackUrl ?: null, (bool)$useReferrer);
        return '<input type="hidden" name="_xfRedirect" value="' . htmlspecialchars($redirect) . '" />';

    public function fnRepeat($templater, &$escape, $string, $count)
        return str_repeat($string, $count);

    public function fnRepeatRaw($templater, &$escape, $string, $count)
        $escape = false;
        return str_repeat($string, $count);

    public function fnShowIgnored($templater, &$escape, array $attributes = [])
        $escape = false;

        if (!\XF::visitor()->user_id)
            return '';

        $wrapperClass = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'wrapperclass', '', true);
        $wrapper = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'wrapper');
        if ($wrapperClass && !$wrapper)
            $wrapper = 'div';

        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'class', ' %s', true);
        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($attributes);

        $html = '<a href="javascript:"'
            . ' class="showIgnoredLink is-hidden js-showIgnored' . $class . '" data-xf-init="tooltip"'
            . ' title="' . \XF::phrase('show_hidden_content_by_x', ['names' => '{{names}}']) . '"'
            . ' ' . $unhandledAttrs . '>' .
            . '</a>';

        if ($wrapper)
            $wrapperOpen = $wrapper . ($wrapperClass ? " class=\"$wrapperClass\"" : '');
            $html = "<{$wrapperOpen}>{$html}</{$wrapper}>";

        return $html;

    public function fnSmilie($templater, &$escape, $smilieString)
        $escape = false;

        $formatter = $this->app->stringFormatter();
        return $formatter->replaceSmiliesHtml($smilieString);

    public function fnSnippet($templater, &$escape, $string, $maxLength = 0, array $options = [])
        // if we aren't escaping here
        $needsEscaping = ($escape ? true : false);
        $escape = false;

        $formatter = $this->app->stringFormatter();
        $string = $formatter->snippetString($string, $maxLength, $options);

        if (!empty($options['term']))
            return $formatter->highlightTermForHtml(
                $string, $options['term'], isset($options['highlightClass']) ? $options['highlightClass'] : 'textHighlight'
            return $needsEscaping ? \XF::escapeString($string) : $string;

    public function fnStrlen($templater, &$escape, $string)
        return utf8_strlen($string);

    public function fnContains($templater, &$escape, $haystack, $needle)
        return utf8_strpos(utf8_strtolower($haystack), utf8_strtolower($needle)) !== false;

    public function fnStructuredText($templater, &$escape, $string, $nl2br = true)
        $stringFormatter = $this->app->stringFormatter();

        $string = $stringFormatter->censorText($string);
        $string = \XF::escapeString($string);
        $string = $stringFormatter->autoLinkStructuredText($string);
        $string = $stringFormatter->linkStructuredTextMentions($string);

        if ($nl2br)
            $string = nl2br($string);

        $escape = false;
        return $string;

    public function fnTemplater($templater, &$escape)
        $escape = false;
        return $templater;

    public function fnTime($templater, &$escape, $time, $format = null)
        return $this->language->time($time, $format);

    public function fnTransparentImg($templater, &$escape)
        return '';

    public function fnTrim($templater, &$escape, $str, $charlist = " \t\n\r\0\x0B")
        return trim($str, $charlist);

    public function fnUniqueId($templater, &$escape, $baseValue = null)
        if ($baseValue === null)
            $baseValue = $this->uniqueIdCounter;

        return sprintf($this->uniqueIdFormat, $baseValue);

    public function fnUserActivity($templater, &$escape, $user)
        if (!$user instanceof \XF\Entity\User || !$user->user_id)
            return '';

        if (!$user->canViewOnlineStatus())
            return '';

        $output = '';
        $hasActivity = false;
        if ($user->canViewCurrentActivity() && $user->Activity)
            if ($user->Activity->description)
                $output .= \XF::escapeString($user->Activity->description);
                if ($user->Activity->item_title)
                    $title = \XF::escapeString($user->Activity->item_title);
                    $url = \XF::escapeString($user->Activity->item_url);

                    $output .= " <em><a href=\"{$url}\" dir=\"auto\">{$title}</a></em>";

                $output .= ' <span role="presentation" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> ';
                $hasActivity = true;

        $output .= $this->fnDateDynamic($this, $escape, $user->last_activity);

        if ($hasActivity && $user->Activity->view_state == 'error' && \XF::visitor()->canBypassUserPrivacy())
            $output .= ' <span role="presentation" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> ';
            $output .= '<i class="fa fa-warning u-muted" title="' . $this->filterForAttr($this,\XF::phrase('viewing_an_error'), $null) . '" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
            $output .= ' <span class="u-srOnly">' . \XF::phrase('viewing_an_error') . '</span>';

        $escape = false;

        return $output;

    public function fnUserBanners($templater, &$escape, $user, $attributes = [])
        /** @var \XF\Entity\User $user */

        $escape = false;

        if (!$user || !($user instanceof \XF\Entity\User) || !$user->user_id)
            /** @var \XF\Repository\User $userRepo */
            $userRepo = $this->app->repository('XF:User');
            $user = $userRepo->getGuestUser();

        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'class', ' %s', true);

        if (!empty($attributes['tag']))
            $tag = htmlspecialchars($attributes['tag']);
            $tag = 'em';


        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($attributes);

        $banners = [];
        $config = $this->userBannerConfig;

        if (!empty($config['showStaff']) && $user->is_staff)
            $p = \XF::phrase('staff_member');
            $banners['staff'] = "<{$tag} class=\"userBanner userBanner--staff{$class}\" dir=\"auto\"{$unhandledAttrs}>"
                . "<span class=\"userBanner-before\"></span><strong>{$p}</strong><span class=\"userBanner-after\"></span></{$tag}>";

        $memberGroupIds = $user->secondary_group_ids;
        $memberGroupIds[] = $user->user_group_id;

        foreach ($this->userBanners AS $groupId => $banner)
            if (!in_array($groupId, $memberGroupIds))

            $banners[$groupId] = "<{$tag} class=\"userBanner {$banner['class']}{$class}\"{$unhandledAttrs}>"
                . "<span class=\"userBanner-before\"></span><strong>{$banner['text']}</strong><span class=\"userBanner-after\"></span></{$tag}>";

        if (!$banners)
            return '';

        if (!empty($config['displayMultiple']))
            return implode("\n", $banners);
        else if (!empty($config['showStaffAndOther']) && isset($banners['staff']) && count($banners) >= 2)
            $staffBanner = $banners['staff'];
            return $staffBanner . "\n" . reset($banners);
            return reset($banners);

    public function fnUserBlurb($templater, &$escape, $user, $attributes = [])
        if (!$user instanceof \XF\Entity\User)
            return '';

        $blurbParts = [];

        $userTitle = $this->fnUserTitle($this, $escape, $user);
        if ($userTitle)
            $blurbParts[] = $userTitle;
        if ($user->Profile->age)
            $blurbParts[] = $user->Profile->age;
        if ($user->Profile->location)
            $location = \XF::escapeString($user->Profile->location);
            if (\XF::options()->geoLocationUrl)
                $location = '<a href="' . $this->app->router('public')->buildLink('misc/location-info', null, ['location' => $location]) . '" class="u-concealed" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer">' . $location. '</a>';
            $blurbParts[] = \XF::phrase('from_x_location', ['location' => new \XF\PreEscaped($location)])->render();

        $tag = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'tag');
        if (!$tag)
            $tag = 'div';

        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'class', '%s', true);
        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($attributes);

        return "<{$tag} class=\"{$class}\" dir=\"auto\" {$unhandledAttrs}>"
            . implode(' <span role="presentation" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> ', $blurbParts)
            . "</{$tag}>";

    public function fnUserTitle($templater, &$escape, $user, $withBanner = false, $attributes = [])
        /** @var \XF\Entity\User $user */

        $escape = false;
        $userIsValid = ($user instanceof \XF\Entity\User);

        $userTitle = null;

        if ($userIsValid)
            $customTitle = $user->custom_title;
            if ($customTitle)
                $userTitle = htmlspecialchars($customTitle);

        if ($userTitle === null)
            if ($withBanner && !empty($this->userBannerConfig['hideUserTitle']))
                if (!$userIsValid)
                    return '';

                if (!empty($this->userBannerConfig['showStaff']) && $user->is_staff)
                    return '';

                if ($user->isMemberOf(array_keys($this->userBanners)))
                    return '';

            if ($userIsValid)
                $groupId = $user->display_style_group_id;
                if (!empty($this->groupStyles[$groupId]['user_title']))
                    $userTitle = $this->groupStyles[$groupId]['user_title'];
                    foreach ($this->userTitleLadder AS $points => $title)
                        if ($user[$this->userTitleLadderField] >= $points)
                            $userTitle = $title;
                $guestGroupId = 1;
                if (empty($this->groupStyles[$guestGroupId]['user_title']))
                    return '';

                $userTitle = $this->groupStyles[$guestGroupId]['user_title'];

        if ($userTitle === null || !strlen($userTitle))
            return '';

        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'class', ' %s', true);

        if (!empty($attributes['tag']))
            $tag = htmlspecialchars($attributes['tag']);
            $tag = 'span';


        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($attributes);

        return "<{$tag} class=\"userTitle{$class}\" dir=\"auto\"{$unhandledAttrs}>{$userTitle}</{$tag}>";

    public function fnUsernameLink($templater, &$escape, $user, $rich = false, $attributes = [])
        $escape = false;

        if (isset($attributes['username']))
            $username = $attributes['username'];
        else if (isset($user['username']) && $user['username'] !== '')
            $username = $user['username'];
        else if (isset($attributes['defaultname']))
            $username = $attributes['defaultname'];
            return '';

        $noTooltip = !empty($attributes['notooltip']);

        if (isset($attributes['href']))
            $href = $attributes['href'];
            $noTooltip = true; // custom URL so tooltip won't work and might be misleading
            $linkPath = $this->currentTemplateType == 'admin' ? 'users/edit' : 'members';
            $href = !empty($user['user_id']) ? $this->getRouter()->buildLink($linkPath, $user) : null;
            if (!$href || $this->currentTemplateType == 'admin')
                $noTooltip = true;
        $hrefAttr = $href ? ' href="' . htmlspecialchars($href) . '"' : '';

        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'class', ' %s', true);
        $usernameStylingClasses = $this->fnUsernameClasses($this, $null, $user, $rich);
        $xfInit = $this->processAttributeToRaw($attributes, 'data-xf-init', '', true);

        if (!$noTooltip)
            $xfInit = ltrim("$xfInit member-tooltip");
        $xfInitAttr = $xfInit ? " data-xf-init=\"$xfInit\"" : '';

        unset($attributes['username'], $attributes['defaultname'], $attributes['href'], $attributes['notooltip']);
        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($attributes);

        $userId = !empty($user['user_id']) ? intval($user['user_id']) : 0;

        $username = htmlspecialchars($username);
        if ($usernameStylingClasses)
            $username = "<span class=\"{$usernameStylingClasses}\">{$username}</span>";
        if ($hrefAttr)
            $tag = 'a';
            $tag = 'span';
        return "<{$tag}{$hrefAttr} class=\"username {$class}\" dir=\"auto\" data-user-id=\"{$userId}\"{$xfInitAttr}{$unhandledAttrs}>{$username}</{$tag}>";

    public function fnUsernameLinkEmail($templater, &$escape, $user, $defaultName = '', array $attributes = [])
        $escape = false;

        if (isset($attributes['username']))
            $username = $attributes['username'];
        else if (isset($user['username']) && $user['username'] !== '')
            $username = $user['username'];
        else if ($defaultName !== '')
            $username = $defaultName;
            return '';


        if (isset($attributes['href']))
            $href = $attributes['href'];
            $href = !empty($user['user_id']) ? $this->getRouter()->buildLink('canonical:members', $user) : null;

        $hrefAttr = $href ? ' href="' . htmlspecialchars($href) . '"' : '';
        $tag = $href ? 'a' : 'span';

        unset($attributes['username'], $attributes['href']);
        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($attributes);

        $username = htmlspecialchars($username);

        return "<{$tag} dir=\"auto\"{$hrefAttr}{$unhandledAttrs}>{$username}</{$tag}>";

    public function fnUsernameClasses($templater, &$escape, $user, $includeGroupStyling = true)
        $classes = [];

        if ($includeGroupStyling)
            if (!$user || empty($user['user_id']))
                $displayGroupId = 1;
                if (!empty($user['display_style_group_id']))
                    $displayGroupId = $user['display_style_group_id'];
                    $displayGroupId = 0;

            if ($displayGroupId && !empty($this->groupStyles[$displayGroupId]['username_css']))
                $classes[] = 'username--style' . $displayGroupId;

        if (!empty($user['is_banned']) && \XF::visitor()->canBypassUserPrivacy())
            $classes[] = 'username--banned';

        foreach (['staff', 'moderator', 'admin'] AS $userType)
            if (!empty($user["is_{$userType}"]))
                $classes[] = "username--{$userType}";

        $escape = false; // note: not doing this explicitly, shouldn't be needed for the output format

        return implode(' ', $classes);

    public function fnWidgetData($templater, &$escape, $widgetData, $asArray = false)
        $output = [];

        $escape = false;

        if (isset($widgetData['id']))
            if ($asArray)
                $output['data-widget-id'] = $widgetData['id'];
                $output[] = 'data-widget-id="' . $widgetData['id'] . '"';
        if (isset($widgetData['key']))
            if ($asArray)
                $output['data-widget-key'] = $widgetData['key'];
                $output[] = 'data-widget-key="' . $widgetData['key'] . '"';
        if (isset($widgetData['definition']))
            if ($asArray)
                $output['data-widget-definition'] = $widgetData['definition'];
                $output[] = 'data-widget-definition="' . $widgetData['definition'] . '"';

        if ($asArray)
            return $output ? $output : [];
            return $output ? ' ' . implode(' ', $output) : '';

    ////////////////////// FILTERS //////////////////////////

    public function filterDefault($templater, $value, &$escape, $defaultValue)
        if ($value === null)
            $value = $defaultValue;

        return $value;

    public function filterCensor($templater, $value, &$escape, $censorChar = null)
        return $this->app->stringFormatter()->censorText($value, $censorChar);

    public function filterCurrency($templater, $value, &$escape, $code = '', $format = null)
        $currency = $this->app->data('XF:Currency');
        return $currency->languageFormat($value, $code, $this->language, $format);

    public function filterEscape($templater, $value, &$escape, $type = true)
        $escape = $type;
        return $value;

    public function filterForAttr($templater, $value, &$escape)
        // this is a sanity check to make sure even pre-escaped values are escaped and can't break out of
        // an HTML attribute
        $escape = false;
        return htmlspecialchars(strval($value), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);

    public function filterFileSize($templater, $value, &$escape)
        return $this->language->fileSizeFormat($value);

    public function filterFirst($templater, $value, &$escape)
        if (is_array($value))
            return reset($value);
        else if ($value instanceof AbstractCollection)
            return $value->first();
            return $value;

    public function filterHex($templater, $value, &$escape)
        return bin2hex($value);

    public function filterHost($templater, $value, &$escape)
        return \XF\Util\Ip::getHost($value);

    public function filterIp($templater, $value, &$escape)
        return \XF\Util\Ip::convertIpBinaryToString($value);

    public function filterJoin($templater, $value, &$escape, $join = ',')
        if (!$this->isTraversable($value))
            return '';

        $parts = [];
        foreach ($value AS $child)
            $parts[] = $escape ? $this->escape($child, $escape) : $child;

        $escape = false;
        return implode($join, $parts);

    public function filterJson($templater, $value, &$escape, $prettyPrint = false)
        if ($prettyPrint)
            $output = \XF\Util\Json::jsonEncodePretty($value, false);

            // do limited slash escaping to improve readability
            $output = str_replace('</', '<\\/', $output);
            $output = json_encode($value);

        $output = str_replace('<!', '\u003C!', $output);

        return $output;

    public function filterLast($templater, $value, &$escape)
        if (is_array($value))
            return end($value);
        else if ($value instanceof AbstractCollection)
            return $value->last();
            return $value;

    public function filterNl2Br($templater, $value, &$escape)
        if ($escape)
            $value = $this->escape($value, $escape);
        $escape = false;

        return nl2br($value);

    public function filterNl2Nl($templater, $value, &$escape)
        if ($escape)
            $value = $this->escape($value, $escape);
        $escape = false;

        return str_replace('\n', "\n", $value);

    public function filterNumber($templater, $value, &$escape, $precision = 0)
        return $this->language->numberFormat($value, $precision);

    public function filterNumberShort($templater, $value, &$escape)
        return $this->language->shortNumberFormat($value);

    public function filterZeroFill($templater, $value, &$escape, $length = 3)
        if (is_int($value))
            $length = intval($length);
            return sprintf("%0{$length}d", $value);

        return $value;

    public function filterPad($templater, $value, &$escape, $padChar, $length, $postPad = false)
        $length = intval($length);
        $padChar = substr($padChar, 0, 1);
        $postPad = $postPad ? '-' : '';

        return sprintf("%{$postPad}'{$padChar}{$length}s", $value);

    public function filterParens($templater, $value, &$escape)
        $value = (string)$value;
        if (strlen($value))
            $value = $this->language['parenthesis_open'] . $value . $this->language['parenthesis_close'];

        return $value;

    public function filterPluck($templater, $value, &$escape, $valueField, $keyField = null)
        if (!$this->isTraversable($value))
            return [];

        $parts = [];
        foreach ($value AS $key => $child)
            if ($keyField !== null && isset($child[$keyField]))
                $key = $child[$keyField];
            $parts[$key] = isset($child[$valueField]) ? $child[$valueField] : null;

        return $parts;

    public function filterPreEscaped($templater, $value, &$escape, $type = 'html')
        $escape = false;

        return $this->preEscaped($value, $type);

    public function filterRaw($templater, $value, &$escape)
        $escape = false;
        return $value;

    public function filterReplace($templater, $value, &$escape, $from, $to = null)
        if ($value instanceof \XF\Mvc\Entity\AbstractCollection)
            $value = $value->toArray();

        if (!is_array($from))
            $from = [$from => $to];

        if (!is_array($from))
            return $value;

        if (is_array($value))
            return array_replace($value, $from);
        else if (is_string($value))
            return str_replace(array_keys($from), $from, $value);
            return $value;

    public function filterSplit($templater, $value, &$escape, $delimiter = ',', $limit = PHP_INT_MAX)
        switch ($delimiter)
            case ',':
                $split = @preg_split('#\s*,\s*#', $value, $limit, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

            case 'nl':
                $split = @preg_split('/\r?\n/', $value, $limit, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

                $split = @explode($delimiter, $value, $limit);

        if (!is_array($split))
            $split = [];

        return $split;

    public function filterStripTags($templater, $value, &$escape, $allowableTags = null)
        return strip_tags($value, $allowableTags);

    public function filterToLower($templater, $value, &$escape, $type = 'strtolower')
        switch ($type)
            case 'lcfirst': return lcfirst($value);
            case 'strtolower': return utf8_strtolower($value);

                trigger_error("Invalid to lower type '{$type}' provided.", E_USER_WARNING);
                return '';


    public function filterToUpper($templater, $value, &$escape, $type = 'strtoupper')
        switch ($type)
            case 'ucfirst':
            case 'ucwords':
            case 'strtoupper':
                $f = 'utf8_' . $type;
                return $f($value);

                trigger_error("Invalid to upper type '{$type}' provided.", E_USER_WARNING);
                return '';

    public function filterUrl($templater, $value, &$escape, $component = null, $fallback = '')
        $result = @parse_url($value);
        if (!$result)
            return $fallback;

        if (!$component)
            return $value;

        if (isset($result[$component]))
            return $result[$component];
            return $fallback;

    public function filterUrlencode($templater, $value, &$escape)
        return urlencode($value);

    ////////////////////// TESTS ////////////////////////

    public function testEmpty($templater, $value)
        if (is_object($value) && is_callable([$value, '__toString']))
            return strval($value) === '';

        if ($value instanceof \Countable)
            return count($value) == 0;

        return ($value === '' || $value === false || $value === null || $value === []);

    ////////////////////// FORM ELEMENTS ////////////////////////

    public function mergeChoiceOptions($original, $additional)
        if ($original instanceof \Traversable)
            $original = iterator_to_array($original, false);
        else if (!is_array($original))
            $original = [];

        if ($this->isTraversable($additional))
            foreach ($additional AS $key => $option)
                if (is_string($option)
                    || is_numeric($option)
                    || (is_object($option) && method_exists($option, '__toString'))
                    $original[] = [
                        'value' => $key,
                        'label' => \XF::escapeString($option),
                        '_type' => 'option'

        return $original;

    public function processAttributeToHtmlAttribute(array &$attributes, $name, $fallbackValue = '', $appendFallback = false)
        return $this->processAttributeToNamedHtmlAttribute($attributes, $name, $name, $fallbackValue, $appendFallback);

    public function processAttributeToNamedHtmlAttribute(array &$attributes, $sourceName, $targetName, $fallbackValue = '', $appendFallback = false)
        if (isset($attributes[$sourceName]))
            $value = $attributes[$sourceName];
            if ($appendFallback && $fallbackValue)
                $value .= " $fallbackValue";
            $value = $fallbackValue;


        if (is_array($value))
            return '';

        $value = strval($value);
        if ($value === '')
            return '';
            return " $targetName=\"" . \XF::escapeString($value) . "\"";

    public function processCodeAttribute(array &$attributes)
        if (isset($attributes['code']))
            if ($attributes['code'] === 'true' || $attributes['code'] === 1)
                $attributes['dir'] = 'ltr';
                $attributes['class'] = (empty($attributes['class']) ? 'input--code' : $attributes['class'] . ' input--code');


    public function processBooleanAttributeHtml(array &$attributes, $name, $outputAttribute)
        if (!isset($attributes[$name]))
            return '';

        $value = $attributes[$name];

        if ($value)
            return " $outputAttribute";
            return '';

    public function processAttributeToRaw(array &$attributes, $name, $formatter = '', $escapeValue = false)
        if (isset($attributes[$name]))
            $value = strval($attributes[$name]);
            if ($value !== '')
                if ($escapeValue)
                    $value = \XF::escapeString($value);

                if ($formatter)
                    if ($formatter instanceof \Closure)
                        $value = $formatter($value);
                        $value =  sprintf($formatter, $value);
            $value = '';


        return $value;

    protected function processUnhandledAttributes(array $attributes)
        $output = '';
        foreach ($attributes AS $name => $value)
            if (is_array($value))

            if ($value instanceof \XF\Phrase)
                // strval will do escaping of the values or the whole phrase, so get the raw value and escape that here
                $value = $value->render('raw');
                $value = strval($value);

            if ($value !== '')
                $output .= " $name=\"" . \XF::escapeString($value) . "\"";

        return $output;

    protected function processDynamicAttributes(array &$attributes, array $skip = [])
        if (!isset($attributes['attributes']))

        foreach ($attributes['attributes'] AS $key => $attribute)
            if ($key == 'attributes' || isset($attributes[$key]) || isset($skip[$key]))
            $attributes[$key] = $attribute;

    protected function handleChoices(array $choices, \Closure $choiceFormatter, \Closure $groupFormatter)
        $html = '';

        foreach ($choices AS $choice)
            if (isset($choice['_type']))
                $type = $choice['_type'];
                $type = 'option';

            if ($type == 'optgroup')
                $childHtml = $this->handleChoices($choice['options'], $choiceFormatter, $groupFormatter);

                $html .= $groupFormatter($choice, $childHtml);
                $dependent = !empty($choice['_dependent']) ? $choice['_dependent'] : [];
                foreach ($dependent AS $key => &$val)
                    $val = trim($val);
                    if (!strlen($val))

                $html .= $choiceFormatter($choice, $dependent);

        return $html;

    public function isChoiceSelected(array $choice, $inputValue, $allowMultiple = false)
        if (isset($choice['selected']))
            return $choice['selected'];

        if ($inputValue !== null)
            $choiceValue = isset($choice['value']) ? strval($choice['value']) : '';

            if (is_array($inputValue) && $allowMultiple)
                return in_array($choiceValue, $inputValue);
            else if (!is_array($inputValue))
                return (
                    ($inputValue === true && $choiceValue === '1')
                    || ($inputValue === false && $choiceValue === '0')
                    || (strval($inputValue) === $choiceValue)

        return false;

    public function formHiddenVal($name, $value, array $extraAttributes = [])

        $nameHtml = \XF::escapeString($name);
        $valueHtml = \XF::escapeString($value);
        $extraAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($extraAttributes);

        return "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$nameHtml}\" value=\"{$valueHtml}\"{$extraAttrs} />";

    public function formCheckBox(array $controlOptions, array $choices)

        $name = \XF::escapeString($this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'name'));
        if ($name && substr($name, -2) != '[]')
            $name .= '[]';

        $readOnly = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'readonly');

        $value = isset($controlOptions['value']) ? $controlOptions['value'] : null;

        $standalone = ($this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'standalone') && count($choices) == 1);

        $choiceFormatter = function(array $choice, array $dependent) use ($name, $readOnly, $value, $standalone)
            $selected = $this->isChoiceSelected($choice, $value, true);
            if (!empty($choice['name']))
                $localName = \XF::escapeString($choice['name']);
                $localName = $name;
            if ($localName)
                $nameAttr = ' name="' . $localName . '"';
                $nameAttr = '';

            unset($choice['selected'], $choice['name'], $choice['type']);

            $dependentHtml = '';
            if ($dependent && !$standalone)
                $dependentHtmlInner = '';
                foreach ($dependent AS $child)
                    $dependentHtmlInner .= "\n\t\t\t\t<li class=\"inputChoices-option\">$child</li>";
                $dependentHtml = "\n\t\t\t<ul class=\"inputChoices-dependencies\">{$dependentHtmlInner}\n\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t";
            if ($dependentHtml)
                $this->addElementHandler($choice, 'disabler');

            $labelClass = 'iconic iconic--checkbox';
            $label = trim($this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'label'));
            if ($label !== '')
                $labelClass .= ' iconic--labelled';
            $labelClas***tra = $this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'labelclass', '', true);
            if ($labelClas***tra !== '')
                $labelClass .= " {$labelClas***tra}";
            $hiddenLabel = $this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'hiddenlabel');
            if ($label && $hiddenLabel != '')
                $hiddenLabel = true;
                $hiddenLabel = false;
            if ($label && $hiddenLabel)
                $label = '<span class="u-srOnly">' . $label . '</span>';

            $titleAttr = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($choice, 'title');

            $tooltipAttr = '';
            if ($choice['data-xf-init'] == 'tooltip')
                $tooltipAttr = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($choice, 'data-xf-init');

            $checkAll = $this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'check-all');
            if ($checkAll != '')
                $choice['data-xf-init'] .= (empty($choice['data-xf-init']) ? '' : ' ') . 'check-all';
                $choice['data-container'] = $checkAll;

            $hint = $this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'hint', "\n\t\t\t\t\t<dfn class=\"inputChoices-explain\">%s</dfn>");
            $extraHtml = $this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'html', "\n\t\t\t\t\t%s");
            $afterHint = $this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'afterhint', "\n\t\t\t<dfn class=\"inputChoices-explain inputChoices-explain--after\">%s</dfn>");
            $afterHtml = $this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'afterhtml', "\n\t\t\t%s");

            $valueAttr = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($choice, 'value');
            if (!$valueAttr)
                $valueAttr = ' value="1"';
            $selectedAttr = $selected ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
            $readOnlyAttr = $readOnly ? ' readonly="readonly" onclick="return false"' : '';

            if ($readOnly)
                $labelClass .= ' is-readonly';

            if (isset($choice['defaultvalue']) && $localName && substr($localName, -2) != '[]')
                // $localName is escaped
                $defaultValueInput = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $localName
                    . '" value="' . \XF::escapeString($choice['defaultvalue']) . '" />';

                $defaultValueInput = '';

            $attributes = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($choice);

            $checkboxHtml = $defaultValueInput . "<label class=\"{$labelClass}\"{$titleAttr}{$tooltipAttr}>"
                . "<input type=\"checkbox\" {$nameAttr}{$valueAttr}{$selectedAttr}{$readOnlyAttr}{$attributes} />"
                . "<i aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>{$label}</label>{$hint}{$extraHtml}{$dependentHtml}{$afterHint}{$afterHtml}";

            if ($standalone)
                return $checkboxHtml . "\n";
                return "<li class=\"inputChoices-choice\">{$checkboxHtml}</li>\n";
        $groupFormatter = function(array $group, $html)
            $label = $this->processAttributeToRaw($group, 'label');
            if ($label)
                $checkAll = $this->processAttributeToRaw($group, 'check-all');
                if ($checkAll)
                    $label = '<label class="iconic iconic--checkbox iconic--labelled inputChoices-heading-checkAll">
                        <input type="checkbox" data-xf-init="check-all" data-container="< .inputChoices-group" /><i aria-hidden="true"></i>'
                        . $label . '</label>';
                $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($group, 'class', '', true);
                $listClass = $this->processAttributeToRaw($group, 'listclass', '', true);

                $html = "<li class=\"inputChoices-group {$class}\">
                    <div class=\"inputChoices-heading\">{$label}</div>
                    <ul class=\"inputChoices {$listClass}\">{$html}</ul>

            return $html;

        $choiceHtml = $this->handleChoices($choices, $choiceFormatter, $groupFormatter);

        $hideEmpty = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'hideempty');
        if ($hideEmpty && !$choiceHtml)
            return '';

        if ($standalone)
            return $choiceHtml;

        $listClassAttr = $this->processAttributeToNamedHtmlAttribute($controlOptions, 'listclass', 'class', 'inputChoices', true);

        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        return "

    public function formCheckBoxRow(array $controlOptions, array $choices, array $rowOptions)
        $controlHtml = $this->formCheckBox($controlOptions, $choices);
        return $controlHtml ? $this->formRow($controlHtml, $rowOptions) : '';

    public function formRadio(array $controlOptions, array $choices)

        $name = \XF::escapeString($this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'name'));
        $readOnly = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'readonly');

        $value = isset($controlOptions['value']) ? $controlOptions['value'] : null;

        $standalone = ($this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'standalone') && count($choices) == 1);

        $choiceFormatter = function(array $choice, array $dependent) use ($name, $readOnly, $value, $standalone)
            $selected = $this->isChoiceSelected($choice, $value, false);

            unset($choice['selected'], $choice['type']);

            $dependentHtml = '';
            if ($dependent)
                $dependentHtmlInner = '';
                foreach ($dependent AS $child)
                    $dependentHtmlInner .= "\n\t\t\t\t<li class=\"inputChoices-choice\">$child</li>";
                $dependentHtml = "\n\t\t\t<ul class=\"inputChoices-dependencies\">{$dependentHtmlInner}\n\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t";
            if ($dependentHtml)
                $this->addElementHandler($choice, 'disabler');

            $labelClass = 'iconic iconic--radio';
            $label = trim($this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'label'));
            if ($label !== '')
                $labelClass .= ' iconic--labelled';
            $labelClas***tra = $this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'labelclass', '', true);
            if ($labelClas***tra !== '')
                $labelClass .= " {$labelClas***tra}";

            $titleAttr = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($choice, 'title');

            $tooltipAttr = '';
            if ($choice['data-xf-init'] == 'tooltip')
                $tooltipAttr = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($choice, 'data-xf-init');

            $hint = $this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'hint', "\n\t\t\t\t\t<dfn class=\"inputChoices-explain\">%s</dfn>");
            $extraHtml = $this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'html', "\n\t\t\t\t\t%s");
            $valueAttr = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($choice, 'value');
            if (!$valueAttr)
                $valueAttr = ' value=""';
            $selectedAttr = $selected ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
            $readOnlyAttr = $readOnly ? ' readonly="readonly" onclick="return false"' : '';

            if ($readOnly)
                $labelClass .= ' is-readonly';

            $listItemClass = $this->processAttributeToNamedHtmlAttribute($choice, 'listitemclass', 'class', 'inputChoices-choice', true);
            $attributes = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($choice);

            $radioHtml = "<label class=\"{$labelClass}\"{$titleAttr}{$tooltipAttr}>"
                . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"$name\"{$valueAttr}{$selectedAttr}{$readOnlyAttr}{$attributes} />"
                . "<i aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>{$label}</label>{$hint}{$dependentHtml}{$extraHtml}";

            if ($standalone)
                return $radioHtml . "\n";
                return "<li{$listItemClass}>{$radioHtml}</li>\n";
        $groupFormatter = function(array $group, $html)
            $label = $this->processAttributeToRaw($group, 'label');
            if ($label)
                $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($group, 'class', '', true);
                $listClass = $this->processAttributeToRaw($group, 'listclass', '', true);

                $html = "<li class=\"inputChoices-group {$class}\">
                    <div class=\"inputChoices-heading\">{$label}</div>
                    <ul class=\"inputChoices {$listClass}\">{$html}</ul>

        $choiceHtml = $this->handleChoices($choices, $choiceFormatter, $groupFormatter);

        $hideEmpty = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'hideempty');
        if ($hideEmpty && !$choiceHtml)
            return '';

        if ($standalone)
            return $choiceHtml;

        $listClassAttr = $this->processAttributeToNamedHtmlAttribute($controlOptions, 'listclass', 'class', 'inputChoices', true);

        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        return "

    public function formRadioRow(array $controlOptions, array $choices, array $rowOptions)
        $controlHtml = $this->formRadio($controlOptions, $choices);
        return $controlHtml ? $this->formRow($controlHtml, $rowOptions) : '';

    public function formSelect(array $controlOptions, array $choices)

        $name = \XF::escapeString($this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'name'));

        $value = isset($controlOptions['value']) ? $controlOptions['value'] : null;

        $multiple = !empty($controlOptions['multiple']);
        if ($multiple)
            $multipleAttr = ' multiple="multiple"';
            if ($name && substr($name, -2) != '[]')
                $name .= '[]';
            $multipleAttr = '';

        $choiceFormatter = function(array $choice) use ($name, $value, $multiple)
            $selected = $this->isChoiceSelected($choice, $value, $multiple);
            unset($choice['selected'], $choice['explain']);

            $label = trim($this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'label'));
            if ($label === '')
                $label = '&nbsp;';
            $valueAttr = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($choice, 'value');
            if (!$valueAttr)
                $valueAttr = ' value=""';
            $selectedAttr = $selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
            $disabled = $this->processAttributeToRaw($choice, 'disabled');
            $disabledAttr = $disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"': '';
            $attributes = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($choice);

            return "<option{$valueAttr}{$selectedAttr}{$disabledAttr}{$attributes}>{$label}</option>\n";
        $groupFormatter = function(array $group, $html)
            if (!$html)
                return '';

            $attributes = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($group);
            return "<optgroup{$attributes}>\n$html</optgroup>";

        $choiceHtml = $this->handleChoices($choices, $choiceFormatter, $groupFormatter);
        $hideEmpty = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'hideempty');
        if ($hideEmpty && !$choiceHtml)
            return '';

        $readOnly = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'readonly');
        $disabled = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'disabled');
        if ($readOnly)
            $this->addToClassAttribute($controlOptions, 'is-readonly');
            $disabled = true;

        $disabledAttr = $disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '';

        $classAttr = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($controlOptions, 'class', 'input', true);
        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        $select = "
            <select name=\"{$name}\"{$multipleAttr}{$classAttr}{$disabledAttr}{$unhandledAttrs}>
        if ($readOnly && $value !== null)
            if ($multiple)
                if (is_array($value))
                    foreach ($value AS $subValue)
                        $select .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . \XF::escapeString($subValue) . '" />';
                $select .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . \XF::escapeString($value) . '" />';

        return $select;

    public function formSelectRow(array $controlOptions, array $choices, array $rowOptions)
        $this->addToClassAttribute($rowOptions, 'formRow--input', 'rowclass');

        $controlId = $this->assignFormControlId($controlOptions);
        $controlHtml = $this->formSelect($controlOptions, $choices);
        return $controlHtml ? $this->formRow($controlHtml, $rowOptions, $controlId) : '';

    public function formSubmitRow(array $controlOptions, array $rowOptions)

        $sticky = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'sticky');
        if ($sticky && $sticky != 'false')
            $this->addElementHandler($rowOptions, 'form-submit-row', 'rowclass');

            if ($sticky != 'true' && !is_numeric($sticky)) // indicates a container selector
                $rowOptions['data-container'] = $sticky;

        $buttonClasses = 'button button--primary';
        $icon = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'icon');
        if ($icon)
            $buttonClasses .= ' button--icon button--icon--' . preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]#', '', $icon);
        $classAttr = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($controlOptions, 'class', $buttonClasses, true);

        $submit = strval($this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'submit'));
        if (!$submit && $icon)
            $submit = $this->getButtonPhraseFromIcon($icon, 'button.submit');

        $unhandledControlAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        if (strlen($submit))
            $controlHtml = "<button {$classAttr}{$unhandledControlAttrs}><span class=\"button-text\">{$submit}</span></button>";
            $controlHtml = '';

        $extraHtml = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'html', "\n\t\t\t\t%s");

        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'rowclass', ' %s', true);
        if ($sticky)
            $class .= ' formSubmitRow--sticky';

        $rowType = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'rowtype');
        if ($rowType)
            $class = $this->appendClassList($class, $rowType, 'formSubmitRow--%s');

        $unhandledRowAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($rowOptions);

        return "
            <dl class=\"formRow formSubmitRow{$class}\"{$unhandledRowAttrs}>
                    <div class=\"formSubmitRow-main\">
                        <div class=\"formSubmitRow-bar\"></div>
                        <div class=\"formSubmitRow-controls\">{$controlHtml}{$extraHtml}</div>

    public function formTextArea(array $controlOptions)


        $autosize = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'autosize');
        if ($autosize)
            $this->addElementHandler($controlOptions, 'textarea-handler');
            $classAppend = ' input--fitHeight';
            $classAppend = '';

        $maxLength = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'maxlength');
        if ($maxLength)
            $maxlengthAttr = " maxlength=\"{$maxLength}\"";
            $maxlengthAttr = '';

        $value = \XF::escapeString($this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'value'));
        $readOnlyAttr = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'readonly') ? ' readonly="readonly"' : '';
        $classAttr = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($controlOptions, 'class', 'input' . $classAppend, true);

        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        return "<textarea{$classAttr}{$readOnlyAttr}{$maxlengthAttr}{$unhandledAttrs}>{$value}</textarea>";

    public function formTextAreaRow(array $controlOptions, array $rowOptions)
        $this->addToClassAttribute($rowOptions, 'formRow--input', 'rowclass');

        $controlId = $this->assignFormControlId($controlOptions);
        $controlHtml = $this->formTextArea($controlOptions);
        return $this->formRow($controlHtml, $rowOptions, $controlId);

    public function formDateInput(array $controlOptions)

        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'class', ' %s', true);
        $xfInit = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'data-xf-init', ' %s', true);
        $xfInitAttr = " data-xf-init=\"date-input$xfInit\"";
        $weekStart = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'week-start', '', true);
        if (!$weekStart)
            $weekStart = $this->language['week_start'];
        $weekStartAttr = " data-week-start=\"$weekStart\"";
        $readOnly = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'readonly');
        $readOnlyAttr = $readOnly ? ' readonly="readonly"' : '';

        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        return "<div class=\"inputGroup inputGroup--date inputGroup--joined inputDate\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"input input--date {$class}\"{$xfInitAttr}{$weekStartAttr}{$readOnlyAttr}{$unhandledAttrs} /><span class=\"inputGroup-text inputDate-icon\"></span></div>";

    public function formDateInputRow(array $controlOptions, array $rowOptions)
        $this->addToClassAttribute($rowOptions, 'formRow--input', 'rowclass');

        $controlId = $this->assignFormControlId($controlOptions);
        $controlHtml = $this->formDateInput($controlOptions);
        return $this->formRow($controlHtml, $rowOptions, $controlId);

    public function formCodeEditor(array $controlOptions)

        $name = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'name');
        $value = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'value');
        $extraClasses = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'class');

        /** @var \XF\Data\CodeLanguage $codeLanguageData */
        $codeLanguageData = $this->app->data('XF:CodeLanguage');
        $supportedLanguages = $codeLanguageData->getSupportedLanguages();

        $mode = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'mode');
        if (isset($supportedLanguages[$mode]))
            $modeConfig = $supportedLanguages[$mode];
            $modeConfig = [];

        $readOnly = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'readonly');
        if ($readOnly)
            $extraClasses .= ' is-readonly';

        $attrsHtml = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        return $this->renderTemplate('public:code_editor', [
            'name' => $name,
            'value' => $value,
            'lang' => $mode,
            'modeConfig' => $modeConfig,
            'extraClasses' => $extraClasses,
            'readOnly' => $readOnly,
            'attrsHtml' => $attrsHtml

    public function formCodeEditorRow(array $controlOptions, array $rowOptions)
        $this->addToClassAttribute($rowOptions, 'formRow--input', 'rowclass');

        $controlId = $this->assignFormControlId($controlOptions);
        $controlHtml = $this->formCodeEditor($controlOptions);
        return $this->formRow($controlHtml, $rowOptions, $controlId);

    public function formEditor(array $controlOptions)

        $name = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'name');
        $value = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'value');
        $styleAttr = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'style');

        if (!isset($controlOptions['previewable']))
            $previewable = true;
            $previewable = (bool)$this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'previewable');

        if (!isset($controlOptions['rows']))
            $controlOptions['rows'] = '10';

        $attachments = isset($controlOptions['attachments']) ?  $controlOptions['attachments'] :[];
        if (!$this->isTraversable($attachments))
            $attachments = [];


        $bbCodeContainer = $this->app->bbCode();
        $customIcons = [];
        foreach ($bbCodeContainer['custom'] AS $k => $custom)
            if ($custom['editor_icon_type'])
                $customIcons[$k] = [
                    'title' => \XF::phrase('custom_bb_code_title.' . $k),
                    'type' => $custom['editor_icon_type'],
                    'value' => $custom['editor_icon_value'],
                    'option' => $custom['has_option']

        if (substr($name, -1) == ']')
            $htmlName = substr($name, 0, -1) . '_html]';
            $htmlName = $name . '_html';

        if ($value !== '')
            $htmlValue = $this->app->bbCode()->render($value, 'editorHtml', 'editor', null, [
                'attachments' => $attachments
            $htmlValue = '';

        if (!isset($controlOptions['data-min-height']))
            $controlOptions['data-min-height'] = 250;
        $height = intval($controlOptions['data-min-height']);

        $removeButtons = [];
        $hasSmilies = $this->app->smilies;
        if (isset($controlOptions['removebuttons']))
            $removeButtons = $controlOptions['removebuttons'];
        if (!$hasSmilies)
            $removeButtons[] = '_smilies';

        if (isset($controlOptions['maxlength']) && empty($controlOptions['maxlength']))

        $attrsHtml = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        $config = $this->app->config();

        return $this->renderTemplate('public:editor', [
            'name' => $name,
            'htmlName' => $htmlName,
            'value' => $value,
            'attachments' => $attachments,
            'htmlValue' => $htmlValue,
            'styleAttr' => $styleAttr,
            'attrsHtml' => $attrsHtml,
            'customIcons' => $customIcons,
            'previewable' => $previewable,
            'height' => $height,
            'removeButtons' => array_unique($removeButtons),
            'fullEditorJs' => ($config['development']['fullJs'] && $config['development']['fullEditorJs'])

    public function formEditorRow(array $controlOptions, array $rowOptions)
        $this->addToClassAttribute($rowOptions, 'formRow--input', 'rowclass');

        $controlId = $this->assignFormControlId($controlOptions);
        $controlHtml = $this->formEditor($controlOptions);
        return $this->formRow($controlHtml, $rowOptions, $controlId);

    public function formPrefixInput($prefixes, array $controlOptions)

        $prefixType = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'type');

        $prefixName = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'prefix-name');
        $textboxName = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'textbox-name');

        $prefixClass = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'prefix-class', ' %s');
        $textboxClass = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'textbox-class', ' %s');

        $prefixValue = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'prefix-value');
        $textboxValue = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'textbox-value');

        $href = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'href');
        $listenTo = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'listen-to');
        $rows = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'rows');

        $attrsHtml = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        return $this->renderTemplate('public:prefix_input', [
            'prefixes' => $prefixes ?: [],
            'prefixType' => $prefixType,
            'prefixName' => $prefixName ?: 'prefix_id',
            'prefixClass' => $prefixClass,
            'textboxClass' => $textboxClass,
            'textboxName' => $textboxName ?: 'title',
            'prefixValue' => $prefixValue ?: 0,
            'textboxValue' => $textboxValue ?: $this->zeroValueValid($textboxValue),
            'href' => $href,
            'listenTo' => $listenTo,
            'rows' => $rows,
            'attrsHtml' => $attrsHtml

    protected function zeroValueValid($var)
        if ($var === 0 || $var === '0')
            return $var;

        return '';

    public function formPrefixInputRow($prefixes, array $controlOptions, array $rowOptions)
        $this->addToClassAttribute($rowOptions, 'formRow--input', 'rowclass');

        $controlId = $this->assignFormControlId($controlOptions);
        $controlHtml = $this->formPrefixInput($prefixes, $controlOptions);
        return $this->formRow($controlHtml, $rowOptions, $controlId);

    public function formTextBox(array $controlOptions)

        $units = ($controlOptions['type'] == 'number' && !empty($controlOptions['units'])
            ?  $controlOptions['units']
            : '');

        $typeAttr = $this->processAttributeToHtmlAttribute($controlOptions, 'type', 'text');

        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'class', '', true);
        $xfInit = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'data-xf-init', '', true);
        $acSingle = '';
        $autoComplete = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'ac');
        if ($autoComplete)
            if ($autoComplete == 'single')
                $acSingle = " data-single=\"true\"";
            $xfInit = ltrim("$xfInit auto-complete");
        $xfInitAttr = $xfInit ? " data-xf-init=\"$xfInit\"" : '';
        $readOnlyAttr = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'readonly') ? ' readonly="readonly"' : '';

        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        $input = "<input{$typeAttr} class=\"" . trim("input {$class}") . "\"{$xfInitAttr}{$acSingle}{$readOnlyAttr}{$unhandledAttrs} />";

        if ($units)
            return "<div class=\"inputGroup inputGroup--numbers\">$input<span class=\"inputGroup-text\">$units</span></div>";
            return $input;

    public function formTextBoxRow(array $controlOptions, array $rowOptions)
        $this->addToClassAttribute($rowOptions, 'formRow--input', 'rowclass');

        $controlId = $this->assignFormControlId($controlOptions);
        $controlHtml = $this->formTextBox($controlOptions);
        return $this->formRow($controlHtml, $rowOptions, $controlId);

    public function formNumberBox(array $controlOptions)

        $min = isset($controlOptions['min']) ? $controlOptions['min'] : null;
        $max = isset($controlOptions['max']) ? $controlOptions['max'] : null;
        $step = isset($controlOptions['step']) ? $controlOptions['step'] : 1;

        $minAttr = '';
        $maxAttr = '';
        $stepAttr = '';
        if ($min !== null)
            $minAttr = ' min="' . htmlspecialchars($min) . '"';
        if ($max !== null)
            $maxAttr = ' max="' . htmlspecialchars($max) . '"';
        if ($step)
            $stepAttr = ' step="' . htmlspecialchars($step) . '"';

        $type = 'number';
        if ($typeAttr = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'type', '', true))
            $type = $typeAttr;

        // This is mostly targeting iOS which presents a symbol + number keyboard by default for the number input.
        // If step contains a decimal point or could support negative values then don't force a pattern, otherwise
        // assume it's \d* which will force the numeric only keypad on iOS.
        if ($step == 'any' || strpos($step, '.') !== false || ($min === null || $min < 0))
            $pattern = '';
            $pattern = '\d*';

        if (isset($controlOptions['value']))
            $controlOptions['value'] = trim($controlOptions['value']);
            if (preg_match('/[^0-9.-]/', $controlOptions['value']))
                if (preg_match('/^{{(?:\s+)?(?:.*)(?:\s+)?}}$/', $controlOptions['value']))
                    // not a valid number but looks like a mustache/field adder template
                    $value = $controlOptions['value'];
                    // value isn't a valid number
                    $value = '';
                $value = $controlOptions['value'];
        else if (isset($controlOptions['min']))
            $value = $controlOptions['min'];
            $value = '';

        $hasRequired = isset($controlOptions['required']);
        $required = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'required');
        if (isset($controlOptions['min']) && !$hasRequired)
            $required = true;
        $requiredAttr = $required ? ' required="required"' : '';

        $units = !empty($controlOptions['units']) ?  $controlOptions['units'] : '';


        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'class', ' %s', true);
        $xfInit = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'data-xf-init', '', true);
        $xfInitAttr = $xfInit ? " data-xf-init=\"$xfInit\"" : '';
        $readOnlyAttr = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'readonly') ? ' readonly="readonly"' : '';

        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        $input = "<div class=\"inputGroup inputGroup--numbers inputNumber\" data-xf-init=\"number-box\">"
            . "<input type=\"{$type}\" pattern=\"{$pattern}\" class=\"input input--number js-numberBoxTextInput{$class}\" value=\"{$value}\" {$minAttr}{$maxAttr}{$stepAttr}{$requiredAttr}{$readOnlyAttr}{$xfInitAttr}{$unhandledAttrs} />"
            . "</div>";

        if ($units)
            return "<div class=\"inputGroup\">$input<div class=\"inputGroup\"><span class='inputGroup--splitter'></span><span class=\"inputGroup-text\">$units</span></div></div>";
            return $input;

    public function formNumberBoxRow(array $controlOptions, array $rowOptions)
        $this->addToClassAttribute($rowOptions, 'formRow--input', 'rowclass');

        $controlId = $this->assignFormControlId($controlOptions);
        $controlHtml = $this->formNumberBox($controlOptions);
        return $this->formRow($controlHtml, $rowOptions, $controlId);

    public function formTokenInput(array $controlOptions)

        $name = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'name');
        $value = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'value');
        $hrefAttr = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'href');
        $styleAttr = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'style');

        $minLength = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'min-length');
        $maxLength = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'max-length');
        $maxTokens = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'max-tokens');

        $attrsHtml = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        return $this->renderTemplate('public:token_input', [
            'name' => $name,
            'value' => $value,
            'hrefAttr' => $hrefAttr,
            'styleAttr' => $styleAttr,
            'minLength' => $minLength,
            'maxLength' => $maxLength,
            'maxTokens' => $maxTokens,
            'attrsHtml' => $attrsHtml

    public function formTokenInputRow(array $controlOptions, array $rowOptions)
        $this->addToClassAttribute($rowOptions, 'formRow--input', 'rowclass');

        $controlId = $this->assignFormControlId($controlOptions);
        $controlHtml = $this->formTokenInput($controlOptions);
        return $this->formRow($controlHtml, $rowOptions, $controlId);

    public function formUpload(array $controlOptions)

        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($controlOptions, 'class', '', true);

        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($controlOptions);

        return "<input type=\"file\" class=\"input {$class}\"{$unhandledAttrs} />";

    public function formUploadRow(array $controlOptions, array $rowOptions)
        $this->addToClassAttribute($rowOptions, 'formRow--input', 'rowclass');

        $controlId = $this->assignFormControlId($controlOptions);
        $controlHtml = $this->formUpload($controlOptions);
        return $this->formRow($controlHtml, $rowOptions, $controlId);

    protected function assignFormControlId(array &$controlOptions)
        if (!empty($controlOptions['id']))
            return $controlOptions['id'];

        $controlOptions['id'] = $this->fn('unique_id');
        return $controlOptions['id'];

    public function formRow($contentHtml, array $rowOptions, $controlId = null)
        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'rowclass', ' %s', true);
        $rowType = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'rowtype');
        if ($rowType)
            $class = $this->appendClassList($class, $rowType, 'formRow--%s');

        $id = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'rowid');
        $idAttr = $id ? ' id="' . htmlspecialchars($id) . '"' : '';

        if (isset($rowOptions['controlid']))
            $controlId = $rowOptions['controlid'];

        $labelFor = $controlId ? ' for="' . htmlspecialchars($controlId) . '"' : '';

        $label = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'label', "\n\t\t\t\t\t<label class=\"formRow-label\"{$labelFor}>%s</label>");
        $hint = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'hint', "\n\t\t\t\t\t<dfn class=\"formRow-hint\">%s</dfn>");

        $initialHtml = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'initialhtml', "\n\t\t\t\t\t%s");
        $html = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'html', "\n\t\t\t\t\t%s");
        $explain = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'explain', "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"formRow-explain\">%s</div>");
        $finalHtml = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'finalhtml', "\n\t\t\t\t\t%s");

        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($rowOptions);

        return '
            <dl class="formRow' . $class . '"' . $idAttr . $unhandledAttrs . '>
                    <div class="formRow-labelWrapper">' . $label . $hint . '</div>
                    ' . $initialHtml // stuff to go before the control (rarely)
                      . $contentHtml // controls etc.
                      . $html // extra HTML, dependent controls etc.
                      . $explain // final <p.explain> that describes all the above
                      . $finalHtml // used for <input hidden> etc.
                      . '

    public function formRowIfContent($contentHtml, array $rowOptions, $controlId = null)
        $contentHtml = trim($contentHtml);
        if (!strlen($contentHtml))
            return '';
            return $this->formRow($contentHtml, $rowOptions, $controlId);

    public function formInfoRow($contentHtml, array $rowOptions)
        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'rowclass', ' %s', true);
        $rowType = $this->processAttributeToRaw($rowOptions, 'rowtype');
        if ($rowType)
            $class = $this->appendClassList($class, $rowType, 'formInfoRow--%s');

        $unhandledRowAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($rowOptions);

        return "
            <div class=\"formInfoRow{$class}\"{$unhandledRowAttrs}>

    public function form($contentHtml, array $options)

        $method = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'method', '', true);
        if (!$method)
            $method = 'post';

        $getFormParams = '';
        $action = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'action', '', true);
        if ($action && strtolower($method) == 'get')
            $qStart = strpos($action, '?');
            if ($qStart !== false)
                $qString = htmlspecialchars_decode(substr($action, $qStart + 1));
                $action = substr($action, 0, $qStart);

                if (preg_match('/^([^=&]*)(&|$)/', $qString, $qStringUrl))
                    $route = $qStringUrl[1];
                    $qString = substr($qString, strlen($qStringUrl[0]));
                    $route = '';

                if ($route !== '')
                    $getFormParams .= $this->formHiddenVal('_xfRoute', $route);

                if ($qString)
                    $params = \XF\Util\Arr::parseQueryString($qString);
                    foreach ($params AS $name => $value)
                        $getFormParams .= "\n\t" . $this->formHiddenVal($name, $value);

        $ajax = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'ajax');
        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'class', '', true);
        $upload = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'upload', '', true);
        $encType = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'enctype', '', true);
        $preview = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'preview', '', true);
        $xfInit = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'data-xf-init', '', true);
        if ($ajax)
            $xfInit = ltrim("$xfInit ajax-submit");

        $encTypeAttr = '';
        if ($encType)
            $encTypeAttr = " enctype=\"$encType\"";
        else if ($upload)
            $encTypeAttr = " enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"";

        $previewUrlAttr = '';
        if ($preview)
            $xfInit = ltrim("$xfInit preview");
            $previewUrlAttr = " data-preview-url=\"$preview\"";

        $draftAttrs = $this->handleDraftAttribute($options, $class, $xfInit);

        $xfInitAttr = $xfInit ? " data-xf-init=\"$xfInit\"" : '';
        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($options);

        if (strtolower($method) == 'post')
            $csrfInput = $this->fn('csrf_input');
            $csrfInput = '';

        return "
            <form action=\"{$action}\" method=\"{$method}\" class=\"{$class}\"

    protected function handleDraftAttribute(array &$options, &$class, &$xfInit)
        $draftOptions = $this->app->options()->saveDrafts;
        if (!empty($draftOptions['enabled']))
            $draft = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'draft', '', true);
            if ($draft)
                $xfInit = ltrim("$xfInit draft");

                return " data-draft-url=\"$draft\" data-draft-autosave=\"$draftOptions[saveFrequency]\"";

        return '';

    public function dataList($contentHtml, array $options)

        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'class', '', true);
        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($options);

        return "
            <div class=\"dataList {$class}\"{$unhandledAttrs}>
            <table class=\"dataList-table\">

    public function dataRow(array $options, array $cells = [])
        if (!empty($options['rowtype']))
            $rowType = $options['rowtype'];
            $rowType = 'row';

        if ($rowType == 'header')
            if (!isset($options['rowclass']))
                $options['rowclass'] = '';

            $options['rowclass'] = trim($options['rowclass'] . ' dataList-row--header dataList-row--noHover');
        else if ($rowType == 'subsection' || $rowType == 'subSection')
            $rowType = 'subSection';

            if (!isset($options['rowclass']))
                $options['rowclass'] = '';

            $options['rowclass'] = trim($options['rowclass'] . ' dataList-row--subSection');

        $label = (isset($options['label']) && strlen($options['label'])) ? $options['label'] : null;
        if ($label !== null)
            $cell = [
                '_type' => 'main',
                'href' => !empty($options['href']) ? $options['href'] : null,
                'target' => !empty($options['target']) ? $options['target'] : null,
                'label' => $label,
                'hint' => (isset($options['hint']) && strlen(trim($options['hint']))) ? $options['hint'] : null,
                'explain' => (isset($options['explain']) && strlen(trim($options['explain']))) ? $options['explain'] : null,
                'hash' => (isset($options['hash']) && strlen(trim($options['hash']))) ? $options['hash'] : null,
                'colspan' => !empty($options['colspan']) ? $options['colspan'] : null,
                'html' => ''
            if (!empty($options['dir']))
                $cell['dir'] = $options['dir'];
            if (!empty($options['href']) && !empty($options['overlay']))
                $cell['overlay'] = $options['overlay'];

                foreach ($this->overlayClickOptions AS $attributeName)
                    if (isset($options[$attributeName]))
                        $cell[$attributeName] = $options[$attributeName];
            array_unshift($cells, $cell);

        $delete = (isset($options['delete']) && $options['delete']) ? $options['delete'] : null;
        if ($delete)
            $cells[] = [
                '_type' => 'delete',
                'href' => $delete,
                'html' => ''

        $rowClass = $this->processAttributeToRaw($options, 'rowclass', ' %s', true);

        $cellsHtml = [];
        foreach ($cells AS $cell)
            $cellHtml = $this->getDataRowCell($rowType, $cell, $rowClass);
            if ($cellHtml)
                $cellsHtml[] = $cellHtml;

        $html = implode("\n", $cellsHtml);

        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($options);

        return "
            <tr class=\"dataList-row{$rowClass}\"{$unhandledAttrs}>

     * @param string $rowType Type of row; currently header or row
     * @param array  $cell Array of attributes for the cell itself
     * @param string $rowClass Allows cells to affect the appearance of the parent row
     * @return string
    protected function getDataRowCell($rowType, array $cell, &$rowClass = '')
        $type = isset($cell['_type']) ? $cell['_type'] : 'cell';

        $html = isset($cell['html']) ? $cell['html'] : '';

        $selected = !empty($cell['selected']);

        $class = $this->processAttributeToRaw($cell, 'class', ' %s', true);

        if ($type == 'delete')
            $html = ''; // ignored
        else if ($type == 'toggle')
            $name = $this->processAttributeToRaw($cell, 'name', '', true);
            $inputType = $this->processAttributeToRaw($cell, 'type', '', true);
            $class .= ' dataList-cell--iconic';

            if (!$inputType)
                $inputType = 'checkbox';

            $hiddenHtml = '';

            if (isset($cell['value']))
                $value = $this->processAttributeToRaw($cell, 'value', '', true);
                $value = '1';
                if ($inputType == 'checkbox')
                    $hiddenHtml = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$name}\" value=\"0\" />";

            $checkedHtml = $selected ? ' checked="checked"' : '';

            $disabled = !empty($cell['disabled']);
            $disabledHtml = $disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '';

            $tooltip = $this->processAttributeToRaw($cell, 'tooltip', '', true);
            if ($tooltip)
                $tooltipHtml = " data-xf-init=\"tooltip\" title=\"{$tooltip}\"";
                $tooltipHtml = '';

            $submit = $this->processAttributeToRaw($cell, 'submit', '', true);
            if ($submit)
                $labelClass = 'iconic iconic--toggle';
                $submitHtml = ' data-xf-click="submit"';
                if ($submit != 'true')
                    $submitHtml .= ' data-target="' . $submit . '"';

                if ($inputType == 'checkbox' && !$selected)
                    $rowClass = $rowClass . ' dataList-row--disabled';
                $labelClass = 'iconic';
                $submitHtml = '';

            $html = $hiddenHtml
                . "<label class=\"{$labelClass}\"{$tooltipHtml}{$submitHtml}>"
                . "<input type=\"{$inputType}\" name=\"{$name}\" value=\"{$value}\"{$checkedHtml}{$disabledHtml} /><i aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>"
                . "</label>";
        else if ($type == 'popup')
            $label = (isset($cell['label']) && strlen(trim($cell['label']))) ? $cell['label'] : \XF::phrase('actions');

            $outerHtml = '<a data-xf-click="menu" class="menuTrigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true">' . $label . '</a>'
                . $html;

            $html = $outerHtml;
        else if ($type == 'main')
            $label = (isset($cell['label']) && strlen(trim($cell['label']))) ? $cell['label'] : null;
            if ($label !== null)
                $hint = (isset($cell['hint']) && strlen(trim($cell['hint']))) ? $cell['hint'] : null;
                $explain = (isset($cell['explain']) && strlen(trim($cell['explain']))) ? $cell['explain'] : null;

                if (!empty($cell['dir']))
                    $label = '<span dir="' . htmlspecialchars($cell['dir']) . '">' . $label . '</span>';
                    $explainDirAttr = ' dir="' . htmlspecialchars($cell['dir']) . '"';
                    $explainDirAttr = '';

                $html = '<div class="dataList-mainRow">'
                    . $label
                    . ($hint !== null ? " <span class=\"dataList-hint\" dir=\"auto\">{$hint}</span>" : '') . '</div>'
                    . ($explain !== null ? "\n<div class=\"dataList-subRow\"{$explainDirAttr}>{$explain}</div>" : '');


        if (isset($cell['hash']) && strlen(trim($cell['hash'])))
            $html = '<span class="u-anchorTarget" id="'
                . htmlspecialchars($this->app->getRedirectHash($cell['hash']))
                . '"></span>'
                . $html;

        if (!strlen($html))
            $html = '&nbsp;';

        $isAction = ($type == 'action' || $type == 'delete');
        $href = isset($cell['href']) ? htmlspecialchars($cell['href']) : '';

        if ($href)
            if (!$isAction)
                $class .= ' dataList-cell--link';

            $target = $this->processAttributeToRaw($cell, 'target', '', true);
            if ($target)
                $target = " target=\"{$target}\"";

            if ($type == 'delete')
                $class .= ' dataList-cell--iconic';

                $tooltip = $this->processAttributeToRaw($cell, 'tooltip', '', true);
                if (!$tooltip)
                    $tooltip = \XF::phrase('delete');
                $html = "<a href=\"{$href}\" class=\"dataList-delete\" data-xf-init=\"tooltip\" title=\"{$tooltip}\" data-xf-click=\"overlay\"{$target}></a>";
                $overlay = $this->processAttributeToRaw($cell, 'overlay', '', true);
                if ($overlay)
                    $overlay = " data-xf-click=\"overlay\"";

                    foreach ($this->overlayClickOptions AS $attributeName)
                        if (isset($cell[$attributeName]))
                            $attributeValue = $this->processAttributeToRaw($cell, $attributeName, '', true);
                            $overlay .= " $attributeName=\"{$attributeValue}\"";

                    if (isset($cell['overlaycache']))
                        $overlayCache = $this->processAttributeToRaw($cell, 'overlaycache', '', true);
                        $overlay .= " data-cache=\"{$overlayCache}\"";
                $html = "<a href=\"{$href}\" {$overlay}{$target}>{$html}</a>";

        if ($isAction)
            $class .= ' dataList-cell--action';
        if ($type == 'toggle')
            $class .= ' dataList-cell--link dataList-cell--min dataList-cell--toggle';
        else if ($type == 'popup')
            $class .= ' dataList-cell--alt dataList-cell--link dataList-cell--min';
        else if ($type == 'main')
            $class .= ' dataList-cell--main';

        unset($cell['href'], $cell['label'], $cell['explain'], $cell['hint']);

        $unhandledAttrs = $this->processUnhandledAttributes($cell);

        $tag = ($rowType == 'header' ? 'th' : 'td');

        return "<{$tag} class=\"dataList-cell{$class}\"{$unhandledAttrs}>{$html}</{$tag}>";

    protected function addToClassAttribute(array &$options, $class, $key = 'class')
        if (!isset($options[$key]))
            $options[$key] = '';

        if (strlen($options[$key]))
            $options[$key] .= " $class";
            $options[$key] = $class;

    protected function appendClassList($existingClasses, $classList, $formatter = '')
        if (!$classList)
            return $existingClasses;

        $classList = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9_ -]#i', '', $classList);

        foreach (preg_split('#\s+#', $classList, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) AS $class)
            if ($formatter)
                $class = sprintf($formatter, $class);

            $existingClasses .= ' ' . $class;

        return $existingClasses;

    protected function addElementHandler(array &$attributes, $handler, $classAttr = 'class')
        if (!isset($attributes['data-xf-init']))
            $attributes['data-xf-init'] = '';
        if (!preg_match('/(^|\s)' . $handler . '($|\s)/', $attributes['data-xf-init']))
            if (strlen($attributes['data-xf-init']))
                $attributes['data-xf-init'] .= ' ' . $handler;
                $attributes['data-xf-init'] = $handler;

    protected function getButtonPhraseFromIcon($icon, $fallback = '')
        switch ($icon)
            case 'attach':
            case 'cancel':
            case 'confirm':
            case 'copy':
            case 'delete':
            case 'edit':
            case 'export':
            case 'import':
            case 'login':
            case 'merge':
            case 'move':
            case 'preview':
            case 'purchase':
            case 'save':
            case 'search':
            case 'sort':
            case 'submit':
            case 'translate':
                $phrase = 'button.' . $icon;

                $phrase = $fallback;

        return $phrase ? \XF::phrase($phrase) : '';

    public function renderNavigationClosure(\Closure $navHandler, $selectedNav = '', array $params = [], $addDefaultParams = true)
        if ($addDefaultParams)
            $params = array_merge($this->defaultParams, $params);

        set_error_handler([$this, 'handleTemplateError']);

            $output = $navHandler($this, $selectedNav, $params);
        catch (\Exception $e)
            if (\XF::$debugMode)
                throw $e;

            $this->app->logException($e, false, 'Error rendering navigation: ');
            $output = null;


        return $output;

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