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$db_host = 'localhost';
$db_name = 'tên mysql';
$db_user = 'tên database';
$db_pass = 'pass database';
tất cả 3 dòg dưới xem trong mysql and database

defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') or die ('Error: restricted access');

$db_host = '????'; ( dien "localhost" doi voi cpanl & mysql@....doi voi host free(vao phpadmin de xem))
$db_name = '????'; (....._name) vd: tuoitrevn_forum
$db_user = '????'; (....._user) vd: tuoitrevn_abc
$db_pass = '????'; (*****)

thank ban truoc nhe! :D
neu ko dc thi pm m hd cho...

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