Well-Known Member
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▄▄▄▄▄████▀█▌ ▄▄▄█
▄██████████▓▓██ ▄▄███░░█
███▀▀ ▄■ ▀▀███▌▄▀▀ █▒▒█
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█ ░ █ ██▀ █ ░ █
█ ▒ █ ▀ █ ▒ █
█ ▓ █ █ ▓ █
▓░ │ ▓█▀█ ▓█▀█ ▓█▀█ ▓█▄▄ ▓█▀█ ▓█▀▄ ▓█▄ ▓█▄▄ │ ░▓
▓░ │ ██▀▀ ██ ██▄▄ ▄▄▄█ ██▄▄ ██ █ ██ ▄▄▄█ │ ░▓
░░▒░ ░▒░░
▒▒░ ░▒▒
▓░ SCRiPT NAME......: vBulletin.v5.0.0.Connect.Beta.17. ░▓
█ █
█ HOMEPAGE.........: http://www.vbulletin.com █
█ PRiCE............: $249.00 █
█ PROTECTiON.......: Removed █
█ SUPPLiER.........: FS FRiEND █
▓░ RELEASE DATE.....: 01/11/12 ░▓
▒▒░ ░▒▒
░░▒░ ░▒░░
▓░ │ ▓█▀█ ▓█▀█ ▓█ ▓█▀█ ▓█▀█ ▓█▄▄ ▓█▀█ ▓█ ▓█▀▄ ▓█▀▀ ▓█▀█ │ ░▓
▓░ │ ██ ██▄▄ ██▄ ██▄▄ ██▀█ ▄▄▄█ ██▄▄ ██ ██ █ ██▀ ██▄█ │ ░▓
░░▒░ ░▒░░
▒▒░ ░▒▒
▓░ vBulletin 5 Connect provides unparalleled capabilities ░▓
█ for building community websites. The software facilitates █
█ increased content creation, more engaging content █
▓░ discovery and simplified site management. ░▓
▒▒░ ░▒▒
░░▒░ ░▒░░
▓░ │ █ ▓█▀▄ ▓█▄▄ ▓█▄ ▓█▀█ ▓█ ▓█ ▓█ ▓█▀▄ ▓█▀▀ ▓█▀█ │ ░▓
▓░ │ ██ ██ █ ▄▄▄█ ██ ██▀█ ██▄ ██▄ ██ ██ █ ██▀ ██▄█ │ ░▓
░░▒░ ░▒░░
▒▒░ ░▒▒
▓░ 1. Upload all files from the "upload" folder ░▓
█ 2. Edit /core/includes/config.php.new and █
█ config.php.bkp and rename both to config.php. █
▓░ 3. Run the installer, configure and enjoy! ░▓
▒▒░ ░▒▒
░░▒░ ░▒░░
▓░ │ ▓█▀ ▓█▀█ ▓█▀▄ ▓█▄ ▓█▀█ ▓█▀ ▓█▄ ▓█ ▓█▀▄ ▓█▀▀ ▓█▀█ │ ░▓
▓░ │ ██▄▄ ██▄█ ██ █ ██ ██▀█ ██▄▄ ██ ██ ██ █ ██▀ ██▄█ │ ░▓
░░▒░ ░▒░░
▒▒░ ForumScriptz.org = vB, IPB and xF Paradise! ░▒▒
▓░ ░▓
█ Homepage...................: http://www.forumscriptz.org █
█ Email......................: Find us on the web site. █
▓░ ░▓
▒▒░ We are currently only available on the web. ░▒▒
░░▒░ ░▒░░
▓░ │ ▓█▀ ▓█▀█ ▓█▀█ ▓█▀█ ▓█▄ ▓█ ▓█▀▄ ▓█▀ ▓█▄▄ │ ░▓
▓░ │ ██▄█ ██ ██▄▄ ██▄▄ ██ ██ ██ █ ██▄█ ▄▄▄█ │ ░▓
░░▒░ ░▒░░
▒▒░ Our greets go to all the good groups in the scene and to ░▒▒
▓░ all of our members, suppliers and supporters! ░▓
▓░ ░▓
▒▒░ We do this for fun, not competition. ░▒▒
░░▒░ ░▒░░
▓░ │ ▓█▀▀ ▓█▄▄ ▓█▀▄ ▓█▀█ ▓█▄ ▓█▀█ ▓█▄▄ │ ░▓
▓░ │ ██▀ ▄▄▄█ ██ █ ██▄█ ██ ██▄▄ ▄▄▄█ │ ░▓
░░▒░ ░▒░░
▒▒░ Would you like to help us? FS needs good members who: ░▒▒
▓░ ░▓
█ [x] Supply retail scripts/mods/styles █
█ [x] Have knowledge about nulling and/or decoding █
█ [x] Post new content on the Forum Scriptz forums █
▓░ ░▓
▒▒░ ░▒▒
░░▒░ Beware of the groups out there who repack our releases! ░▒░░
▓░ │ ░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓██████████████████████████████████████▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░ │ ░▓
Download: fs-vbc500b17.zip