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This latest update of vBulletin 5 Connect includes well over 440 bug fixes and enhancements to the product. Most of these fixes and updates focused on:
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- . Performance Optimization – incremental improvements over 5.0 and 5.0.1 in terms of speed and load times. Optimization of slow queries andimproved caching were two of the primary categories that were targeted tobring about these changes. A “Tiger Team” was stood up that focused on decreasing pageload times and optimization of the API, database and javascript to produce an outcome that has proven to be measurably faster than its predecessor.
- . UI/UX Optimization – a more intuitive, responsive interface that is easier to navigate and manage for both experienced andnew users a like. This update included several dozen high priority UI/UX fixes as well as a number of new UI/UX features that were added as a result of customer feedback and aninternal hackathon among vBulletin’s developers.
- . SEO Optimization – continued improvements in the ability of your forum pages to positively affect your search engine rankings. The development team first sought to ensure that the vast majority of URLs used in vBulletin4 carried over to vBulletin 5 in an effort to minimize broken links. The team also addressed duplicate content SEO issues and fixed a number of pages that were returning soft 404’s rather than the proper 404 notice.
Other highlights of v5.0.2 include: - . Upgrade of Content Editor to CKEditor 4.0 (VBV-6284) – enjoy WYSIWYG editing across all major browsers. You can also apply markup such as bold, italics, textcolor and URL linking. The auto saved function from vB4 has returned and the UI it self has been updated to a newer, more neutral style with clean icons. Additionally, Toggling advanced editor, inserting smiley sand attaching files is now mucheasier than before. Smileys are moved to a panel below the editor. File uploads are available for a variety of content types.
- . Google Checkout – now you may integrate your forum with your Google Checkout account, enabling easy payment processing for content and other deliverables that you would like your members topay for. Google Checkout is an easy and secure process that allows your customers to purchase subscriptions
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