Well-Known Member
Staff member
vBTube.com is proud to present vBTube LE (Lite Edition)
vBTube LE Demo
Professional Version Demo
What is vBTube ?
vBTube Media Gallery - Professional Video CMS for your vBulletin4 Community.
vBTube is the ultimate video sharing script for starting your own YouTube
Priority support, Product Demo & Professional Version available at
Embed Videos from:
YouTube, Dailymotion, MetaCafe, Veoh, Google Video, MySpace, MyVideo, Sevenload, Vidmax, Vimeo, Funnyordie.com, Izlesene
Installation / Default
Install Instructions (Comments are stored in a seperate DB Table):
Watch this video installation tutorial:
1. Upload Contents of "Upload to Forums Root" Folder to Forums Root
2. Chmod 777 following Folders
3. Import vBTubePRO_v2.0_LE vBx XML File with Product Manager
4. Enter Forum Path at admincp/vBTubePRO/options -> Forum Path
For Example mine here is : /var/srv/www/httpdocs/forum/
If you don't know your relative path go to:
admincp/maintance/view php info
and ook for:
_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] /var/srv/www/httpdocs/forum
Don't forget to enter the trailling slash!
5. Click vbtube-db-check (admincp/vbtubepro/vbtube-db-check). Be sure all files are uploaded before
6. Set Permission Settings for each Usergroup. Edit the options however you like
7. Now you can add your Categories.
Admincp/vBTubePRO/Add Category
- Category Name
- Display Number (Start with 10, 100, 200, 300, 400...)
Finished: yourdomain.com/vbtube.php
Installation / Comments are mixed up in vBulletin Posts
There are 2 ways to use vBTube.
This instruction will show you how to install vBTubePRO mixing the comments in your forum.
This means exactly: When adding videos, vBTube will create threads. When commenting videos, vBTube will create posts to that video thread.
Install Instructions:
Watch this video installation tutorial:
1. Upload Contents of "Upload to Forums Root" Folder to Forums Root
2. Chmod 777 following Folders
3. Import vBTubePRO_v2.0_LE vBx XML File with Product Manager
4. Enter Forum Path at admincp/vBTubePRO/options -> Forum Path
For Example mine here is : /var/srv/www/httpdocs/forum/
If you don't know your relative path go to:
admincp/maintance/view php info
and ook for:
_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] /var/srv/www/httpdocs/forum
Don't forget to enter the trailling slash!
5. Click vbtube-db-check (admincp/vbtubepro/vbtube-db-check). Be sure all files are uploaded before
6. Now, add a new Forum -> "Forums & Moderators" -> "Add new Forum"
Type "0" for the Display Order. So it is not visible in your forums list.
You got the option to add more Forums for Comments but it's highly recommended to use only 1 Forum for Comments !
We are supporting only the using of 1 ForumID. This means: Add only 1 ForumID to your categories... (You will see this step when adding categories).
7. Now we need the ForumID of the new added Forum for Comments.
Enter the ForumID here:
admincp/vbtubepro/Options/Latest vbTubePRO Postings/Comments ForumID
8. Set Permission Settings for each Usergroup. Edit the options however you like
9. Now you can add your Categories.
Admincp/vBTubePRO/Add Category
- Category Name
- Display Number (Start with 10, 100, 200, 300, 400...)
Finished: yourdomain.com/vbtube.php
LE v2.1
1. vBulletin 4.2.x compatible
2. Navigation Tab added to Navigation Manager
3. Mobile Style Bug
4. Background Color Admin Menu fixed
5. MyISAM Product XML included for newer MySQL Versions
Update Instructions:
1. Upload all Files (Content of Upload to Forums Root) to your Forum Root. Close your Board
2. Import vBTubePRO_v2.x.xml Product with vBulletin's Product Manager - Select Overwrite
3. Run DBCheck : admincp/vbtubepro/vbTubePRO DB-Check
4. Option to set Style for vbtube
5. Open your Board
If you like vBTube please click on installed and donate, Thank you.
[down]vBTubePRO 2.1 LE.zip[/down]
vBTube LE Demo
Professional Version Demo
What is vBTube ?
vBTube Media Gallery - Professional Video CMS for your vBulletin4 Community.
vBTube is the ultimate video sharing script for starting your own YouTube
Priority support, Product Demo & Professional Version available at
Embed Videos from:
YouTube, Dailymotion, MetaCafe, Veoh, Google Video, MySpace, MyVideo, Sevenload, Vidmax, Vimeo, Funnyordie.com, Izlesene
Installation / Default
Install Instructions (Comments are stored in a seperate DB Table):
Watch this video installation tutorial:
1. Upload Contents of "Upload to Forums Root" Folder to Forums Root
2. Chmod 777 following Folders
3. Import vBTubePRO_v2.0_LE vBx XML File with Product Manager
4. Enter Forum Path at admincp/vBTubePRO/options -> Forum Path
For Example mine here is : /var/srv/www/httpdocs/forum/
If you don't know your relative path go to:
admincp/maintance/view php info
and ook for:
_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] /var/srv/www/httpdocs/forum
Don't forget to enter the trailling slash!
5. Click vbtube-db-check (admincp/vbtubepro/vbtube-db-check). Be sure all files are uploaded before
6. Set Permission Settings for each Usergroup. Edit the options however you like
7. Now you can add your Categories.
Admincp/vBTubePRO/Add Category
- Category Name
- Display Number (Start with 10, 100, 200, 300, 400...)
Finished: yourdomain.com/vbtube.php
Installation / Comments are mixed up in vBulletin Posts
There are 2 ways to use vBTube.
This instruction will show you how to install vBTubePRO mixing the comments in your forum.
This means exactly: When adding videos, vBTube will create threads. When commenting videos, vBTube will create posts to that video thread.
Install Instructions:
Watch this video installation tutorial:
1. Upload Contents of "Upload to Forums Root" Folder to Forums Root
2. Chmod 777 following Folders
3. Import vBTubePRO_v2.0_LE vBx XML File with Product Manager
4. Enter Forum Path at admincp/vBTubePRO/options -> Forum Path
For Example mine here is : /var/srv/www/httpdocs/forum/
If you don't know your relative path go to:
admincp/maintance/view php info
and ook for:
_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] /var/srv/www/httpdocs/forum
Don't forget to enter the trailling slash!
5. Click vbtube-db-check (admincp/vbtubepro/vbtube-db-check). Be sure all files are uploaded before
6. Now, add a new Forum -> "Forums & Moderators" -> "Add new Forum"
Type "0" for the Display Order. So it is not visible in your forums list.
You got the option to add more Forums for Comments but it's highly recommended to use only 1 Forum for Comments !
We are supporting only the using of 1 ForumID. This means: Add only 1 ForumID to your categories... (You will see this step when adding categories).
7. Now we need the ForumID of the new added Forum for Comments.
Enter the ForumID here:
admincp/vbtubepro/Options/Latest vbTubePRO Postings/Comments ForumID
8. Set Permission Settings for each Usergroup. Edit the options however you like
9. Now you can add your Categories.
Admincp/vBTubePRO/Add Category
- Category Name
- Display Number (Start with 10, 100, 200, 300, 400...)
Finished: yourdomain.com/vbtube.php
LE v2.1
1. vBulletin 4.2.x compatible
2. Navigation Tab added to Navigation Manager
3. Mobile Style Bug
4. Background Color Admin Menu fixed
5. MyISAM Product XML included for newer MySQL Versions
Update Instructions:
1. Upload all Files (Content of Upload to Forums Root) to your Forum Root. Close your Board
2. Import vBTubePRO_v2.x.xml Product with vBulletin's Product Manager - Select Overwrite
3. Run DBCheck : admincp/vbtubepro/vbTubePRO DB-Check
4. Option to set Style for vbtube
5. Open your Board
If you like vBTube please click on installed and donate, Thank you.
[down]vBTubePRO 2.1 LE.zip[/down]