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Release name: vBOptimise.v2.3.0.PHP.NULL-Draxofavalon
Script name: vBOptimise 2.3.0
Release date: 10/05/2010
Nullified by: Draxofavalon
Tested by: Draxofavalon
Protection: Callbacks & Linkbacks
Exclusive release only for: vBTEAM Community (
Release name: vBOptimise.v2.3.0.PHP.NULL-Draxofavalon
Script name: vBOptimise 2.3.0
Release date: 10/05/2010
Nullified by: Draxofavalon
Tested by: Draxofavalon
Protection: Callbacks & Linkbacks
Exclusive release only for: vBTEAM Community (
vB Optimise Pro
What is vB Optimise?
vB Optimise is intended to optimise vBulletin software by integrating several PHP "cachers" and handling data before vBulletin. This works by encountering and handling data prior to vBulletin in order to skip the arbitary execution that would be more server intensive.
vBulletin Versions Supported
* vBulletin 3.8.x (untested on 3.7.x/3.6.x)
* vBulletin 4.0.x
PHP Requirements
If you're running vBulletin 4, there are no requirements. If you're running vBulletin 3, you must have PHP 5.1.6 or greater installer.
* Supported Extensions
o eAccelerator
o Memcache
o XCache
o WinCache
o Filecache
* Style Cacher
Caches style data to globally reduce a query within all vBulletin forum-based pages.
* Template Cacher
Caches template data to globally reduce a query within all vBulletin forum-based pages.
* Datastore Cacher
Forces custom datastore items from modifications (including those from vB's blogs) to use your configured Datastore Cache method instead of being forced into the database. This reduces page queries by where affected.
* Notices Cacher
Caches users dismissed notices to reduce a near-global query within all vBulletin forum-based pages.
* Showgroups Cacher
Caches the showgroups query which becomes more intensive as your user-base grows.
* Forum Display Query Enhancement
Enhances a stock vBulletin query within Forum Display to speed up the page.
* Forum Home WOL Cache
Caches Forum Home "Who's Online" to remove an intensive query and allow larger sites to display this data without impact.
* vB CMS Template Caching
(Automatic) Corrects many uncached templates within vB CMS to reduce upto 20+ queries on CMS pages (number varies based on content).
* vB Cache Override (Feature not available on vBulletin 3)
Ability to override vBulletins new built-in database cacher for the CMS / Forum Sidebar Blocks to remove anything from 1 to 20+ queries based on your content.
* Full Guest Caching
Ability to cache entire pages and serve them saving not only hundreds of queries but upto 90% of CPU processing towards Guests.
* Statistical Resource Savings
Ability to see just exactly how many queries per day vB Optimise has saved your database. You'll be surprised at the numbers.
* Optimal Settings Check
Provides a quick interface to identify possible settings which can be changed on your forum for further optimisation.
* Forum Resource Statistic
Shows off vB Optimise resource saving statistics directly within forumhome statistics.
* Self-System Tester
Provides a relatively straight-forward system check to ensure your vB Optimise installation works fully.
* Automatic Cache Flusher
Automatically flushes cache within the Admin CP based on specific triggers to make sure content does not remain stale on your forum.
* XCache Authentification
Supports XCache Admin Authentification by allowing you specify the username/password in a configuration if needs be.
* ....and more