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$req = mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM `forum` WHERE `type` = 't' && `close` = '1' order by view desc limit 6 " );
$total = mysql_num_rows ( $req );
if( $total != 0 )
echo '<div class="phdrblack"><b>xem nhiều nhất:</b></div>' ;
while ( $res = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $req )){
echo '<div class="menub"><img src="/img/bv.gif"/><a href="' . $home . '/forum/'.functions :: thai ( $res [ 'text' ]) . '_' . $res [ 'id' ] . '.html">' . $res [ 'text' ] . '</a></div>' ;
++ $i ;
echo '</div>' ;

ai chưa mod Rewrite Url thì sửa lại nha.

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