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Staff member
This was inspired by naveeid's Social Bookmarking on Post/Thread for Addthis here
Adds Facebook, Google + and Twitter Buttons that register points for the Punch Tab Rewards Program
We utilize the PunchTab rewards system for contests and rewards for our community and we wanted to offer more options for social interaction with threads.
To utilize this Mod:
Installation is simple:
Edit the facebook_likebutton Template found in the Facebook Templates
Replace the current code with:
The Images shows a regular post and a mod that utilizes the Facebook Like Templates
This mod has been shared as is, without any warranty. Be sure to back up your site before making any modifications.
Adds Facebook, Google + and Twitter Buttons that register points for the Punch Tab Rewards Program
We utilize the PunchTab rewards system for contests and rewards for our community and we wanted to offer more options for social interaction with threads.
To utilize this Mod:
- Set up a free account at Punchtab
- Add Punch Tab to your site according to the directions at PuchTab
- Facebook enable and configure your site in the vbulletin admin panel, settings.
Installation is simple:
Edit the facebook_likebutton Template found in the Facebook Templates
Replace the current code with:
<vb:if condition="$show['loadfbroot']">
<span id="fb-root"></span>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//connect.facebook.net/{vb:rawphrase facebook_language}/all.js#appId={vb:raw appid}&xfbml=1"></script>
<div align="left" >
<div class="pt-social"></div>
The Images shows a regular post and a mod that utilizes the Facebook Like Templates
This mod has been shared as is, without any warranty. Be sure to back up your site before making any modifications.