Well-Known Member
Staff member
The following bbcode will allow your users to embed Party Vibe Radio's player into their forum posts with a choice of the following channels: reggae, ambient, psytrance, techno, breakbeat, drum and bass, dubstep or vfr.
Test the player:
Light http://www.partyviberadio.com/player/static/reggae.html
Dark http://www.partyviberadio.com/player/static-dark/reggae.html
For more information read our FAQ:
Or visit our website: Party Vibe Radio.
Title: Party Vibe Radio
Tag: pvr
- Light theme
- Dark theme
Example: [pvr]reggae[/pvr]
Embed Party Vibe Radio into your forum posts. Options are reggae, ambient, psytrance, techno, breakbeat, drumandbass or vfr.
Use {option} No
Button Image (Optional) or use attached: Below
Remove Tag If Empty: Yes
Disable BB Code Within This BB Code: Yes
Disable Smilies Within This BB Code: Yes
Disable Word Wrapping Within This BB Code: Yes
Disable Automatic Link Parsing Within This BB Code: Yes

Test the player:
Light http://www.partyviberadio.com/player/static/reggae.html
Dark http://www.partyviberadio.com/player/static-dark/reggae.html
For more information read our FAQ:
Or visit our website: Party Vibe Radio.
Title: Party Vibe Radio
Tag: pvr
- Light theme
<iframe src="http://www.partyviberadio.com/player/static/{param}.html" style="border:0px #FFFFFF none;" name="embed-light-auto" scrolling="no" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="45px" width="195px"></iframe>
- Dark theme
<iframe src="http://www.partyviberadio.com/player/static-dark/{param}.html" style="border:0px #FFFFFF none;" name="embed-dark-auto" scrolling="no" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="35px" width="185px"></iframe>
Example: [pvr]reggae[/pvr]
Embed Party Vibe Radio into your forum posts. Options are reggae, ambient, psytrance, techno, breakbeat, drumandbass or vfr.
Use {option} No
Button Image (Optional) or use attached: Below
Remove Tag If Empty: Yes
Disable BB Code Within This BB Code: Yes
Disable Smilies Within This BB Code: Yes
Disable Word Wrapping Within This BB Code: Yes
Disable Automatic Link Parsing Within This BB Code: Yes