Well-Known Member
Staff member
1. Upload files and directories inside `upload`to your XenForo root
2. Import the xml file via AdminCP
3. Configure medals in
AdminCP > Applications > Medal System
4. Configure position to show medals (post) in
AdminCP > Home > Options > Messages
5. Import awards from Yet Another Awards System as needed:
import users, threads, etc. as normal, there will be extra steps for you to import awards. Supports XenForo's core importer for vBulletin 3 and the unofficial vBulletin 4 importer.
Medal System 1.3.4.zip.
1. Upload files and directories inside `upload`to your XenForo root
2. Import the xml file via AdminCP
3. Configure medals in
AdminCP > Applications > Medal System
4. Configure position to show medals (post) in
AdminCP > Home > Options > Messages
5. Import awards from Yet Another Awards System as needed:
import users, threads, etc. as normal, there will be extra steps for you to import awards. Supports XenForo's core importer for vBulletin 3 and the unofficial vBulletin 4 importer.
Medal System 1.3.4.zip.