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Today tuoitreit.vn will instruction you how to disable warning File health check results xenforo 2.x
To disable this warning "Check completed on 3,839 files. The files listed below have contents different from those originally downloaded."
Please do as i say:
Go to /src/addons/XF and open hashes.json
Please see path warning files: ex "install/index.php": "418a3be16814d147a1f1b571f1f00f50ecc4779c41f310d9c986486d05bcf962",
Go to md5file.com/calculator and check SHA-256 and replace it
Please Re-run check
Good luck!
Tut by tuoitreit.vn
To disable this warning "Check completed on 3,839 files. The files listed below have contents different from those originally downloaded."

Please do as i say:
Go to /src/addons/XF and open hashes.json
Please see path warning files: ex "install/index.php": "418a3be16814d147a1f1b571f1f00f50ecc4779c41f310d9c986486d05bcf962",
Go to md5file.com/calculator and check SHA-256 and replace it

Please Re-run check

Good luck!
Tut by tuoitreit.vn