Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm here to share with you an edited version of the Facades product.
The original post is: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=251149
This mod permit you tu use different domains under 1 vB installation and db sharing Users, Rules, and post counter with all domains.
+ My edit is:
+ - added the option to modify the Board Title for any domain.
+ E.G.
+ [domain1.tld]
+ Title: This is the domain1
+ [domain2.tld]
+ Title: This is the domain2
+ [domain3.tld]
+ etc....
I suggest to use CES Cookie Cutter
to share cookie with all your domains and maintain the users logged in also if they switch from one domain to another.
*Next version of my edit will include this function*
- Click installed if you use it
- Thanks for looking this mod
I'm here to share with you an edited version of the Facades product.
The original post is: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=251149
This mod permit you tu use different domains under 1 vB installation and db sharing Users, Rules, and post counter with all domains.
+ My edit is:
+ - added the option to modify the Board Title for any domain.
+ E.G.
+ [domain1.tld]
+ Title: This is the domain1
+ [domain2.tld]
+ Title: This is the domain2
+ [domain3.tld]
+ etc....
I suggest to use CES Cookie Cutter
to share cookie with all your domains and maintain the users logged in also if they switch from one domain to another.
*Next version of my edit will include this function*
Please comment if you tested it saying the vB version used
- Click installed if you use it
- Thanks for looking this mod
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