*LIMITED TIME OFFER. SAVENOW15, SAVENOW20, and SAVENOW25 coupons and offers expire May 15, 2013 at 11:59 p.m.
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SAVENOW20 coupon is good for 20% off all new products and services, but you must spend $40 or more to qualify for discount.
SAVENOW25 coupon is good for 25% off all new products and services, but you must spend $80 or more to qualify for discount. All renewals on products and services after the initial discounted period will be charged at the then current standard list price for the selected period. Coupon is not valid with certain TLDs, renewals, domain transfers, website design services, other coupons, or special pricing.
Pacific. SAVENOW15 coupon is good for 15% off all new products and services with no minimum purchase.
SAVENOW20 coupon is good for 20% off all new products and services, but you must spend $40 or more to qualify for discount.
SAVENOW25 coupon is good for 25% off all new products and services, but you must spend $80 or more to qualify for discount. All renewals on products and services after the initial discounted period will be charged at the then current standard list price for the selected period. Coupon is not valid with certain TLDs, renewals, domain transfers, website design services, other coupons, or special pricing.