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không làm đc. Up top. Ai giúp vsBạn tìm code giống m4v trên mạng rồi vào đó tách mod ra. Mình cũng làm vay
case "baimoi":
include 'baimoi.php';
case "chudemoi":
include 'chudemoi.php';
echo '<div class="mainblok">';
echo $mp->news;
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="mainblok"><div
class="phdr"><b><a href="forum/">Diễn đàn </a> </b></div><div class="topmenu"><b> Nổi bật </b>';
echo '| <a href="index.php?act=ht"> Huyền thoại</a>';
echo ' | <a href="'.$set['homeurl'].'/index.php?act=baimoi"> Bài mới </a> | <a href="'.$set['homeurl'].'/index.php?act=chudemoi"> Chủ đề mới </a> | <a href="'.$set['homeurl'].'/forum/index.php?act=new"><font color="red"> Chưa đọc </font></a></div>';
$req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forum` WHERE `type` = 't' and kedit='0' AND `kiemduyet`='1' AND `close`!='1' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 12");
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($req)) {
$q3 = mysql_query("select `id`, `refid`, `text` from `forum` where type='r' and id='" . $arr['refid'] . "'");
$razd = mysql_fetch_array($q3);
$q4 = mysql_query("select `id`, `refid`, `text` from `forum` where type='f' and id='" . $razd['refid'] . "'");
$frm = mysql_fetch_array($q4);
$nikuser = mysql_query("SELECT `from`,`id`, `time` FROM `forum` WHERE `type` = 'm' AND `close` != '1' AND `refid` = '" . $arr['id'] . "'ORDER BY time DESC");
$colmes1 = mysql_num_rows($nikuser);
$cpg = ceil($colmes1 / $kmess);
$nam = mysql_fetch_array($nikuser);
$gettop = mysql_fetch_assoc ( mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM `forum` WHERE `type` ='r' and id = '" . $arr [ 'refid' ]. "'" ));
$topic = $gettop [ 'text' ];
$trang4 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forum_thank` WHERE `topic` = '" . ($arr['id'] +1) . "'");
$trang5 = mysql_num_rows($trang4);
if($trang5 >= 0){
echo is_integer($i / 2) ? '<div class="list1">' : '<div class="list2">';
echo '<img src="images/' . ($arr['edit'] == 1 ? 'tz' : 'np') . '.gif" alt=""/>';
if (file_exists(($rootpath.'files/users/avatar/' . $arr['user_id'] . '.png'))) { echo '<img src="../files/users/avatar/' . $arr['user_id'] . '.png" width="15" height="15" alt="' . $arr['from'] . '" border="1" />'; } else { echo '<img src="../images/empty.png" width="15" height="15" alt="' . $arr['from'] . '" border="1" />'; }
$a = array();
$a[] = '<span class="prefix prefixLightGreen">'.$topic.'</span>';
$a[] = '<span class="prefix prefixPrimary">'.$topic.'</span>';
$a[] = '<span class="prefix prefixSecondary">'.$topic.'</span>';
$a[] = '<span class="prefix prefixYellow">'.$topic.'</span>';
$a[] = '<span class="prefix prefixOrange">'.$topic.'</span>';
$a[] = '<span class="prefix prefixRoyalBlue">'.$topic.'</span>';
$a[] = '<span class="prefix prefixSkyBlue">'.$topic.'</span>';
$a[] = '<span class="prefix prefixSilver">'.$topic.'</span>';
$a[] = '<span class="prefix prefixRed">'.$topic.'</span>';
$a[] = '<span class="prefix prefixGreen">'.$topic.'</span>';
$a[] = '<span class="prefix prefixOlive">'.$topic.'</span>';
echo $a[rand(0, count($a)-1)];
if ($arr['realid'] == 1)
echo ' <img src="images/rate.gif" alt="Bình chọn"/>';
/*if ($arr['tiento'] ==1) {
echo'<b><font color="red">[Share]</font></b>';
} elseif ($arr['tiento'] ==2) {
echo'<b><font color="blue">[Giúp]</font></b>';
} elseif ($arr['tiento'] ==3) {
echo'<b><font color="red">[HOT]</font></b>';
} elseif ($arr['tiento'] ==4) {
echo'<b><font color="red">[Thông báo]</font></b>';
} elseif ($arr['tiento'] ==5) {
echo'<b><font color="green">[Thảo luận]</font></b>';
} elseif ($arr['tiento'] ==6) {
echo'<b><font color="blue">[Hướng dẫn]</font></b>';
if ($arr['realid'] == 1)
echo ' <img src="images/rate.gif" alt=""/>';
echo ' <a href="/forum/index.php?id=' . $arr['id'] . ($cpg > 1 && $_SESSION['uppost'] ? '&clip&page=' . $cpg : '') . '">' . $arr['text'] . '</a> [' . $colmes1 . ']';
if ($cpg > 1)
echo ' <a href="forum/index.php?id=' . $arr['id'] . ($_SESSION['uppost'] ? '' : '&clip&page=' . $cpg) . '#' . $nam['id'].'">>></a>';
if (!empty ($nam['from'])) {
echo ' <font style="color:DeepPink;">' . $nam['from'];
echo '<font color="red">[♥' . $trang5. ']</font>';
echo '</font>';
echo '</div>';
$i ;
echo '</div>';