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Lưu lại là xong-Enable This Hack?: dong y
-List of Result Number (separate with commas): 20,30,40,50
-AutoReload Time (in seconds): 10
-Disable AutoReload for Guest?: dong y
-Show Reload Link ?: dong y
-Latest posts for a specific forum:
Thông Báo|2
Đa phương tiện|24,25,26,27
PC - Laptop|29,30,31,32,33
Dịc vụ| 48,49
[trong do: Thông Báo, Wapmaster, Đa phương tiện..la ten cac box
cac so phia sau chinh la id cua forum: muon biet id cua 1 forum thi ghi e re chuot vao link forum do se thay hien dong http://doamin.com/forumdisplay.php?f=id
id luon nam o cuoi cung]
-Default LatestPosts Tab active when homepage was loaded: All forum
-LatestPost Selection Menu Layout: Horizontal Menu
-Position of LatestPosts Box: Right