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What does the bounced email handler do?
It stops sending emails to addresses that are no longer valid. This helps keep your email from being marked as spam, and helps get your legitimate emails through spam filters as a result.
More technically:
Download tuoitreit.vn_vb bounced email handler.zip (6.6 KB)
It stops sending emails to addresses that are no longer valid. This helps keep your email from being marked as spam, and helps get your legitimate emails through spam filters as a result.
More technically:
- It collects emails that "bounce" (are returned to you, the sender),
- Counts them and marks those accounts with lots of bounces.
- It stops sending "new post" notifications to those addresses.
- Set up a separate email address to handle bounces, such as bounce@yourdomain.com.
(Do not use your normal email address. This modification will delete your other emails if you do!) - Upload the PHP file.
- Install this plugin.
- AdminCP > Settings > Options > Email Options: Set "Bounce email address" to the address in step 1.
- AdminCP > Settings > Options > Bounced Email Handler: Fill in your settings
- Test it:
- AdminCP > Scheduled Tasks > bounced_email_handler > Run Now to see if it is working.
- Check the email account to make sure that it is deleting the emails that it has imported.
- Find a way to stop sending other emails that shouldn't be sent such as forum subscription updates and birthday messages.
- Add switch to not send PMs.
- Add option to archive instead of delete emails for Gmail accounts.
Download tuoitreit.vn_vb bounced email handler.zip (6.6 KB)